查看“Big Band/Combos”的源代码
Big Band/Combos
Big Band/Combos
{{DISPLAYTITLE:大乐队/连段}}{{PCLinks}} {{连段谱符号| :'''Beat Extend Shake Followup''' = Shake (After 623P, 4~6 xN OR LP~HP xN) }} ==确认== ==民工连== ===初级=== 以扫堂腿收尾,最基础的地面取消链。[https://youtu.be/iXbHSP9Amwo (video)] <!--A basic ground chain ending in a sweep. [https://youtu.be/iXbHSP9Amwo (video)]--> 2LK 2MK 2HK 以必杀技收尾的地面取消链。此连段会让你习惯在连段中蓄力。为了更简单地蓄力,建议在连段中按住下后(即“拉住1”),然后再像接2HP一样去接6HK。[https://youtu.be/XPFSlUsfzrY (video)] <!--A ground chain ending in a special cancel. This combo will get you used to doing charge motions in combos. To make the charge motion easier, hold down back (1 in numpad notation) instead of down during the ground chain, then input 6HK just as 2HP connects. [https://youtu.be/XPFSlUsfzrY (video)]--> 2LK 2MK 2HP [4]6HK 地面取消链接空中取消链,并以超杀收尾。需要在j214LK之后稍微等一下。{{Tooltip|text=SSJ|hovertext=Super-Sonic Jazz,直译:超音速爵士}}(236PP)会将对手打飞至Big Band身后一个屏幕的距离。[https://youtu.be/Q57cey9v3nU (video)] <!--A ground chain into a basic air chain, ending in a super. hold back after the 214LK. SSJ sends them fullscreen, behind Big Band. [https://youtu.be/Q57cey9v3nU (video)]--> 2LK 2MK 5HP jMP jHP j214LK [4]6HK 236PP 一个jHK接Tympani(空中236KK)的连段。[https://youtu.be/jLzGGdlBOvM (video)] <!--A combo with a jHK pickup into Tympani. [https://youtu.be/jLzGGdlBOvM (video)]--> 2LK 2MK 5HP jMP jHP jHK Tech forward 2LK 5MKx1 jLK jMKx2 jHK j236KK [9] ===Intermediate=== Unlike most characters, Big Band usually has three BnBs: one for midscreen, one for close to corner, and one for corner. This is because his midscreen routes rely on jHK wallbounce which doesn't work if you're too close to the corner. He has routes that work everywhere (see the later section on 2LK combos), but the damage is pretty low. {{连段谱表头| {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MK 5HP :jMP jHP jHK :Tech forward OTG 2MPx2 623HP[shake] :jLK jMKx1 :5MKx1 :jLP jLK jMKx1 :2LPx2 2MK 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=8389 | meter=1 | location=版中 (不接近版边) | charspecific=通用 | description= * Standard midscreen BnB. * If you're having trouble hitting the j.LK link, be sure to do j.LK at the apex of your jump. | video=[https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1yk4y1K7fy 视频] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MK 5HP :jMP jHP jHK 236KK[9] :OTG jMKx1 :2LK 2MPx2 5HK 623HP[shake] :jLP jLK jMKx1 :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK | damage=~8300 | meter=1 | location=接近版边 / 版边 | charspecific=通用 | description= * Standard close to corner Tympany combo. * Costs 1 bar up front. * Also works in the corner, but you're better off doing a dedicated corner combo. | video=[https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1yk4y1K7fy?t=43 视频] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MK 5HK [4]6MP :OTG 2MPx2 5HK 623HP[shake] :jLK jMKx1 :5LK 5MKx1 :jLP jLK jMKx1 :2LPx2 5HP :jMP jMKx2 jHK 236KK[9] | damage=8562 | meter=1 | location=版边 | charspecific=通用 | description= * Standard corner BnB ending in a Tympany, which preserves corner. | video=[https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1yk4y1K7fy?t=68 视频] |}} }} ===Conversions=== ==Enders== ==Tips & Tricks== * You can do Brass + assist at the same time by pressing your assist macro button during the hitstop of another move. You won't get an e-brake unless you hold the button for too long. ==Combos By Starter== ''Some videos may show a slightly different combo and/or damage number, due to either old version differences or slight adjustments made by the editor.'' ===2LK=== {{连段谱表头| {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MK 5HP :jMP delay jMKx1 :5LP 5MKx1 :jLK jMKx1 :2LK 5MKx1 :jLP jLK jMKx1 :623HP[shake] :2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=7039 | meter=1 | location=Anywhere | charspecific=Universal | description= * Universal otgless combo. Low damage for a Big Band combo. * This combo saves OTG and corner carries if SSJ isn't used, but at the cost of damage. | video=[https://youtu.be/vz5w4XWd_Ho (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MK 5HP :jMP jMK~jMK(1 hit) jHP :dash jLK jMKx2 :2MPx2 623HP[shake] :2MK 5HP :jLP jMKx2 :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=8096 | meter=1 | location=Anywhere | charspecific=Universal | description= * Optimal universal otgless combo. * Difficult on light characters. | video=[https://streamable.com/uz68c9 (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MK 5HP :jMP jMKx2 jHP :dash jLK jMKx2 :5MKx2 :jLP jMKx2 :2MPx2 5HK 623HP[shake] :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=8174 | meter=1 | location=Anywhere | charspecific=Mediums/Heavies | description= * Optimal mids/heavies OTGless combo. | video=[https://youtu.be/abOxGZ9a_14 (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MK 5HP :jMP jHP jHK :Tech forward OTG 2MPx2 623HP[shake] :jLK jMKx1 :5MKx1 :jLP jLK jMKx1 :2LPx2 2MK 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=8389 | meter=1 | location=Midscreen (not close to corner) | charspecific=Universal | description= * Standard midscreen BnB. * If you're having trouble hitting the j.LK link, be sure to do j.LK at the apex of your jump. | video=[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3tQnQUZRKw (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MK 5HP :jMP jHP jHK :Tech forward OTG 2HK 623HP[shake] :jLP jMKx2 jHP :dash jLK jMKx2 :dash 2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=9116 | meter=1 | location=Midscreen (not close to corner) | charspecific=Universal | description= * More optimal version of the midscreen BnB with more corner carry and damage. * Delay jHK on mids/heavies to be able to connect 2HK and 5LK 2MPx2 instead if it's too hard. * Can swap jLK and jLP + add a dashjump before jLK for even more corner carry. | video= [https://youtu.be/jOe3-GmBjHA (video)] [https://youtu.be/1zbwXEU2InQ?t=57 (dashjump jLK variant)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MK 5HP :jMP jHP jHK 236KK[9] :OTG jMKx1 :2LK 2MPx2 5HK 623HP[shake] :jLP jLK jMKx1 :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK | damage=~8300 | meter=1 | location=Close to corner / corner | charspecific=Universal | description= * Standard close to corner Tympany combo. * Costs 1 bar up front. * Also works in the corner, but you're better off doing a dedicated corner combo. | video=[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4HQ6jXCWaY (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MK 5HP :jMP jHP jHK 236KK[9] :OTG jMKx1 :5LK 623HP[shake] :jLP jMKx2 jHP :jLK jMKx2 :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK | damage=~8800 | meter=1 | location=Close to corner / corner | charspecific=Universal | description= * More advanced close to corner Tympany combo. * Costs 1 bar up front. * Also works in the corner, but you're better off doing a dedicated corner combo. * OTG 5LK can be a little dodgy against Double, consider doing 2LK instead which loses a small amount of damage. | video=[https://youtu.be/1zbwXEU2InQ?t=73 (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MK 5HP :jMP jMK~jMK(1 hit) jHP :[4]6LP 2MPx2 626HP[shake] :jLK jMKx2 :5LK 5MKx2 :jLP jMKx2 :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=8733 | meter=1 | location=Close to corner / corner | charspecific=Universal | description= * Close to corner combo that doesn't cost meter up front for Tympany. * Also works in the corner, but you're better off doing a dedicated corner combo. | video=[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-7ChqH-1DY (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MK 5HK [4]6MP :OTG 2MPx2 5HK 623HP[shake] :jLK jMKx1 :5LK 5MKx1 :jLP jLK jMKx1 :2LPx2 5HP :jMP jMKx2 jHK 236KK[9] | damage=8562 | meter=1 | location=Corner | charspecific=Universal | description= * Standard corner BnB ending in a Tympany, which preserves corner. | video=[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=og6d9RaMuaA (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MK 5HK [4]6MP :OTG 2MPx2 5HK 623HP[shake] :jMKx2 jHP :sj jLP jMKx2 jHP :sj jLK jMKx2 jHP :2LPx2 5LKx2 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=9394 | meter=1 | location=Corner | charspecific=Universal | description= * More advanced but still practical corner combo from 2LK. Does 145 less than the optimal, which is below. | video=[https://youtu.be/1zbwXEU2InQ?t=93 (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MK 5HK [4]6MP :OTG 2MPx2 5HK 623HP[shake] :jMKx2 jHP :jLK jMKx2 jHP (fastfall) :5LKx2 5MKx2 :jMP jMKx2 :2LPx2 5LKx2 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=9539 | meter=1 | location=Corner | charspecific=Universal | description= * Optimal universal corner combo from 2LK. * Taller characters/lights might need small delay on the second press of jMK after the jMP. * jMP can be replaced with jLP to make the combo easier on lights/tall characters if you're having trouble getting all 4 hits of the last jMKx2. | video=[https://youtu.be/JyzUdUg1dtg (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MK 5HK [4]6MP :OTG 2MK 5HP :9jMK jHP :2MPx2 5HK 623HP[shake] :9jLK jMKx2 jHP :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=9599 | meter=1 | location=Corner | charspecific=Universal, but very difficult on lights. | description= * Optimal and consistent on med/heavy characters. * 60 more damage than the universal optimal. * Air string timing varies greatly based on weight, notably Bella, Double, and Band require less delay between jMK jHP in the second string. * 2LPx2 in the end string can be replaced with 5LPx2 if the opponent is too high after jHP. | video=[https://youtu.be/R_f3B8_r6Pw (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MK 5HK [4]6MP :OTG 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK~P :2LK 2MPx2 5HK 623HP[shake] :jMKx2 jHP :jLP jLK jMKx2 j.HP (fastfall) :2LPx2 2LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=9594 | meter=1 | location=Corner | charspecific=Lights/Mediums | description= * Corner lights/mediums only Caio/E-Brake route. * 55 more damage than the universal optimal. | video=[https://youtu.be/9POV5Tp8nfI (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MK 5HK [4]6MP :OTG 2MK 5HK [4]6HK~P :2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK~P :2LK 2MPx2 5HK 623HP[shake] :dash jMKx2 j.HP :2LPx2 2LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=9705 | meter=1 | location=Corner | charspecific=Lights only | description= * Lights only Caio/E-Brake route. * 166 more damage than the universal optimal, making this the highest damage corner route from 2LK known. * Swap M Brass with E-Brake to turn it into an otgless route for 8040 dmg meterless. | video=[https://youtu.be/d3SSK-9L_Qs (video)] |}} }} ===Throw=== Big Band can do an instant ebrake after throw and get an otgless Stage 2 starter afterwards, so you don't need to learn throw-specific combos if you don't want to - you can just ebrake and link 2LK then pretend it's a combo starting from 2LK. If you accidentally backthrow when you meant to forward throw or vice versa, or you just weren't ready to ebrake, you can do 214MK instead then pretend it's a 214MK starter. This is easier but lower damage. The combos listed below take into consideration the scaling from throw, prioritising early multihits, so they do a bit more damage. {{连段谱表头| {{连段谱 | notation= :throw 214MK :2MK 5HP :jMP jHP jHK :OTG 5LK 5MK :jLK jMKx1 :2LPx2 5MK :jLP jLK jMKx2 jHK 236KK[9] | damage=~5662 | meter=1 | location=Midscreen | charspecific=Universal | description= | video=[https://youtu.be/Hnmhb5lug5s (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :Throw [4]6HK~P :5LPx2 2LK 2MPx2 623HP[shake] :jMK~MK jHP :dash jLP jMK~MK jHP (fastfall) :5MKx2 :jLK jMK~MK jHP (fastfall) :2MPx2 5HP :jMP jMK~MK jHP (fastfall) :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=7263 | meter=1 | location=Midscreen | charspecific=Universal | description= | video=[https://youtu.be/_wcJqEMU-LE?t=52s (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :Throw [4]6HK~P :5LPx2 2LK 2MPx2 5HK 623HP[shake] :jMK~MK jHP :dash jump jLP jMK~MK jHP (fastfall) :5MKx2 :jLK jMK~MK jHP (fastfall) :2MPx2 5HP :jMP jMK~MK jHP (fastfall) :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=7487 | meter=1 | location=Corner | charspecific=Universal | description= | video=[https://youtu.be/_wcJqEMU-LE?t=1m14s (video)] |}} }} ===Air throw=== {{连段谱表头| {{连段谱 | notation= :Air throw :OTG jMK :5MP 623HP (shake) :jLK jMK :5MK :jLP jLK jMK :2LK 2MK 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=5230 | meter=1 | location=Anywhere | charspecific=Universal | description= * Easy and reliable air throw combo that works anywhere. | video=[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1bjzbfab-g (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :Air throw :OTG jMK :5MP 623HP (shake) :jLK jMK :5MK :jLP jLK jMK :2LK 2MK 5HP :jMP jMKx2 jHP 236KK (hold upforward) | damage=5450 | meter=1 | location=Anywhere | charspecific=Universal | description= * Tympany ender variation on the above that does a little more damage and has better corner carry, but will be more awkward to DHC out of. * Damage is approximate based on number of Tympany hits. | video=[https://youtu.be/T1bjzbfab-g?t=15 (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :Air throw :OTG jMK :2MK 623HP[shake] :jMKx2 jHP :dashjump jLP jMKx2 :5LK 5MKx1 :jLK jMKx2 :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=6404 | meter=1 | location=Anywhere | charspecific=Universal | description= * More advanced but practical route that works anywhere. | video=[https://youtu.be/1zbwXEU2InQ?t=274 (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :Air throw :OTG jMK :2MK 5HP :jMP jMK~MK jHP :dash jump jLP jMK~MK jHP (fastfall) :2MPx2 623HP[shake] :jLK jMK~MK jHP (fastfall) :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=6924 | meter=1 | location=Anywhere | charspecific=Universal | description= * Optimal but difficult route that works anywhere. * Especially difficult on light characters. | video=[https://youtu.be/_wcJqEMU-LE?t=1m37s (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :Air throw :OTG jMK :2LK 2MPx2 5HK 623HP[shake] :jMKx2 jHP :sj jLP jMKx2 jHP :sj jLK jMKx2 :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=6878 | meter=1 | location=Corner | charspecific=Universal | description= * More advanced but practical corner conversion. | video=[https://youtu.be/1zbwXEU2InQ?t=292 (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :Air throw :OTG jMK :2MPx2 5HP :jMK~MK jHP :sj jLP jMK~MK jHP :sj jLK jMK~MK :5LK 623HP[shake] :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=6986 | meter=1 | location=Corner | charspecific=Universal | description= * High damage but difficult corner conversion. * Hard on light characters, but not so bad on mediums and heavies. | video=[https://youtu.be/_wcJqEMU-LE?t=1m59s (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :Air throw :OTG jMK~MK jHP :sj jLP jMK~MK jHP :sj jLK jMK~MK jHP (fastfall) :5MKx2 :jMP jMK~MK jHP (fastfall) :2MPx2 5HK 623HP[shake] :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=7139 | meter=1 | location=Corner | charspecific=Universal | description= * Optimal and very difficult corner conversion. * Especially difficult on small characters. Can be practical on larger characters like Big Band. | video=[https://youtu.be/_wcJqEMU-LE?t=2m20s (video)] |}} }} ===2HP=== {{连段谱表头| {{连段谱 | notation= :2HP [4]6HK~P :5LPx1 2MK 5HP :jMP jMK~MK(1) jHP :dash jump jLK jMK~MK jHP (fastfall) :2LK 5MKx1 :jLP jLK :2MP 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=7191 | meter=1 | location=Midscreen | charspecific= | description= | video=[https://youtu.be/UrWuaIi3HMk (video)] |}} }} ===H Giant Step=== {{连段谱表头| {{连段谱 | notation= :214HK :2MK 5HP :jMP jMK~MK(1) jHP :dash jump jLP jMK~MK jHP (fastfall) :5LK 5MKx1 :jLK jMK~MK jHP (fastfall) :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK | damage=7796 | meter=1 | location=Midscreen | charspecific= | description= * Close range * Also works from other strengths of Giant Step. | video=[https://youtu.be/_wcJqEMU-LE?t=1s (video)] |}} }} ===Beat Extend=== {{连段谱表头| {{连段谱 | notation= :623P[no shake] :5MP 5HP :jMP jHP jHK :Tech Forward OTG 5MKx2 :jLK jMP :dash jLP jLK jMK :2LK 2MK 5HK [4]6HK | damage=6506 | meter=0 | location=Midscreen | charspecific= | description= * Easy dp route. | video=[https://youtu.be/a-_qEOovz7U (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :623P[no shake] :2MK 5HP :jMP jMK~MK(1) jHP :dash jump jLP jMK~MK jHP (fastfall) :5LK 5MKx1 :jLK jMK~MK :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK | damage=6139 | meter=0 | location=Midscreen | charspecific= | description= * OTGless route. | video=[https://youtu.be/_wcJqEMU-LE?t=16s (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :623P[no shake] :2MK 5HP :jHP jHK :Tech forward OTG 5LK 5MK :jMK~MK jHP :dash jLK jMKx2 :dash 2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK | damage=6955 | meter=0 | location=Midscreen | charspecific= Lights only | description= * Optimal lights route. | video=[https://youtu.be/NzjFPJG8VnI (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :623P[no shake] :2MK 5HP :jMP jHK :Tech forward OTG 5LK 5MKx2 :jLP jMKx2 jHP :dash jLK jMK~MK :dash 2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK | damage=6988 | meter=0 | location=Midscreen | charspecific= Mediums/Heavies | description= * Optimal mediums/Double route which also works on Big Band | video=[https://youtu.be/NzjFPJG8VnI?t=15 (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :623P[no shake] :2MPx2 5HP :jMP jHP jHK :Tech forward OTG 5MKx2 :jMKx2 jHP :dash jLK jMKx2 :dash 2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK | damage=7207 | meter=0 | location=Midscreen | charspecific= Big Band only | description= * Optimal Big Band route. | video=[https://youtu.be/NzjFPJG8VnI?t=31 (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :623P[no shake] :2MK 5HP :8jMP dl jHK :Tech forward OTG 2LK 5MK :jLP dl jMKx2 dl jHP :(CH only: 2MPx2 5HP) :9jLK jMKx2 (optional jHP fastfall) :2LPx2 etc | damage=~6700, ~7300 (CH) | meter=0 | location=Back to corner | charspecific=Mediums/Heavies | description= * Back-to-corner start that reclaims corner quickly. * Exact damage depends on strength of BE used. | video=[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9wnEqlkClQ (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :623P[no shake] :2MK 5HP :9jMP jHK :Tech forward OTG 2LK 5MK :jLP dl jMKx2 dl jHP :9jLK jMKx2 (optional jHP fastfall) :(CH only: 2MPx2 5HK ebrake) :2LPx2 etc | damage=~6700, ~7300 (CH) | meter=0 | location=Back to corner | charspecific=Lights | description= * Lights-specific version of the above. * Technically works on mediums but there's no reason to do it. | video=[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9wnEqlkClQ&?t=39 (video)] |}} }} ===Cymbals=== {{连段谱表头| {{连段谱 | notation= :j214K :dash 2MK 5HP :jMK~MK jHP :dash jump jLP jMK~MK jHP (fastfall) :5MKx2 :jLK jMK~MK jHP (fastfall) :2MPx2 5HP :jMP jMK~MK jHP (fastfall) :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK | damage=6834 | meter=0 | location=Midscreen | charspecific= | description= | video=[https://youtu.be/_wcJqEMU-LE?t=33s (video)] |}} }} ===Counter Hit Punishes=== {{连段谱表头| {{连段谱 | notation= :CH 2MK 5HP :jMP jHP jHK :OTG 2HK 623HP[shake] :jMKx2 jHP :dash jLK jMKx2 jHP(fastfall) :5LK 5MK :jLP jMKx2 :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=10180 | meter=1 | location=Midscreen | charspecific= | description= * On lights, dash jumping after beat extend makes the confirm into jMKx2 easier | video=[https://youtu.be/9NKh69CikXg (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :CH 2LK 2MK 5HP :jMP jHP jHK :OTG 2MPx2 623HP[shake] :jMKx2 jHP :dash jLK jMKx2 jHP(fastfall) :5MK :jLP jMKx2 :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=9547 | meter=1 | location=Midscreen | charspecific= | description= * On lights, dash jumping after beat extend makes the confirm into jMKx2 easier | video=[https://youtu.be/2yCE26qNgv8 (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :CH 5HP :jMP jHP jHK tech forward :OTG 2HK 623HP[shake] :jMKx2 jHP :dash jLP jMKx2 :5LK 5MK :jLK jMKx2 :2MPx2 5HK ebrake :2LPx2 2LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=9423 | meter=0 | location=Midscreen | charspecific=Lights/mediums | description= * Midscreen HCH on lights/mediums. * You can get 130 more damage by doing 5MKx2 in place of 5MK, but it's less consistent. * You can swap jLP and jLK according to preference. | video=[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMnr00VVtuo (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :CH 2MK 5HK [4]6MP :2MPx2 5HK 623HP[shake] :jMKx2 jHP :jLP jMKx2 jHP (fastfall) :5MKx2 :jMP jMKx2 :5LK 5MKx2 :jLK jMKx2 :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=10656 | meter=1 | location=Corner | charspecific= | description= | video=[https://youtu.be/a0FBifczRlk (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :CH 2MK 5HK [4]6MP :2MK 5HK [4]6HK~P :2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK~P :2LK 2MPx2 5HK 623HP[shake] :jLP jMKx2 jHP :jLK jMKx2 jHP (fastfall) :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=10842 | meter=1 | location=Corner | charspecific= Lights only | description= | video=[https://youtu.be/oRVEhCdcgys (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :CH 2MK 5HK [4]6MP :2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK~P :2LK 2MPx2 5HK 623HP[shake] :jMKx2 jHP :jLK jMKx2 jHP (fastfall) :5MKx2 :jMP jMKx2 :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=10723 | meter=1 | location=Corner | charspecific= Lights and mediums only | description= | video=[https://youtu.be/4IxgjLjcklw (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :CH 2MK 5HK [4]6MP :2MK 5HP :jMP jHP :jMK jHP :2MPx2 5HK 623HP[shake] :jLP jMKx2 jHP :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=10726 | meter=1 | location=Corner | charspecific= Mediums and heavies only | description= | video=[https://youtu.be/0SsL2e1q_Lc (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :CH 5HK [4]6MP :OTG 2MK 5HK [4]6HK~P :2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK~P :2LK 2MPX2 5HK 632HP[shake] :jMKx2 jHP :sj jLP jMKx2 jHP :sj jLK jMKx2 :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=11225 | meter=1 | location=Corner | charspecific= Lights Only | description= | video=[https://youtu.be/FOJguKP2VRo (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :CH 5HK [4]6MP :2MK 5HP :jMP jHP :jMK jHP :2MPx2 5HK 623HP[shake] :jLK jMKx2 jHP :sj jLP jLK jMKx2 :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=11159 | meter=1 | location=Corner | charspecific= Mediums and heavies only | description= | video=[https://youtu.be/QCbQBert_y8 (video)] |}} }} ===Double Snap=== {{连段谱表头| {{连段谱 | notation= :Snapback :OTG 2LK 2MK 5HP :(5LP 2MK 5HP) :repeat | damage=N/A | meter=1 | location=Corner | charspecific= Universal | description= Easy universal snap combo, takes longer to kill but virtually impossible to drop. | video=[https://youtu.be/SYA0pZdevdE (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :Snapback :OTG 2LK 2MK 5HP :(M Brass 2MK 5HP) :repeat | damage=N/A | meter=1 | location=Corner | charspecific= Universal | description= Kills faster than the easy snap combo, while building a pinch of meter. | video=[ (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :Snapback :OTG 2MK 5HP :(jLP jMP jHP) :repeat | damage=N/A | meter=1 | location=Corner | charspecific= Universal | description= The Dhoppler Kills the fastest out of the three. | video=[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OV0IxDcjnvQ (video)] |}} }} ==Damage/Undizzy Ratios== {| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center; margin:auto" ! Move ! Damage/undizzy ! Damage (max scaling) ! Undizzy |- |623HP (shake) |33.5 |670 |20 |- |623MP (shake) |27 |540 |20 |- |[4]6HK |26.75 |535 |20 |- |[4]6HP |24.05 |481 |20 |- |[4]6MK |21.75 |435 |20 |- |623LP (shake) |20.5 |410 |20 |- |[4]6MP |17.85 |357 |20 |- |j.MK |13 |260 |20 |- |2MP |12.5 |250 |20 |- |5MK |12.5 |250 |20 |- |623HP |12.5 |250 |20 |- |j.214HK |12 |240 |20 |- |2HK |11 |330 |30 |- |j.HK |11 |330 |30 |- |2LP |10 |150 |15 |- |214HK |9.5 |190 |20 |- |2HP |9.166666667 |275 |30 |- |j.HP |9.166666667 |275 |30 |- |623MP |9 |180 |20 |- |[4]6LP |9 |180 |20 |- |j.214MK |9 |180 |20 |- |5LP |8 |120 |15 |- |5LK |8 |120 |15 |- |214MK |8 |160 |20 |- |j.LK |8 |120 |15 |- |2MK |7.5 |150 |20 |- |5MP |7 |140 |20 |- |623LP |7 |140 |20 |- |j.214LK |7 |140 |20 |- |214LK |6.5 |130 |20 |- |j.MP |6.5 |130 |20 |- |5HP |6.333333333 |190 |30 |- |5HK |6.333333333 |190 |30 |- |j.LP |5.333333333 |80 |15 |- |2LK |4.333333333 |65 |15 |} ==Undizzy Breakpoints after Heavy Beat Extend== * Heavy Beat Extend is essential to Big Band's combo routes and his optimal use of soundstun * Nearly all of his routes lead into HBE at some point, and he has a lot of freedom for how much undizzy he can spend afterwards * This section serves as a quick reference when constructing your own combos, or some ideas of routes to have on deck to use on-the-fly ===OTGless anywhere routes=== {{UDComboHeader-SG|collapsed=yes|}} {{UDCombo-SG | undizzy=235 | notation= :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=2237 | notes= | video=[video)] |}} {{UDCombo-SG | undizzy=205 | notation= :jLP jLK :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=2437 | notes= | video=[video)] |}} {{UDCombo-SG | undizzy=200 | notation= :jLK jMKx2 :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=2617 | notes= | video=[video)] |}} {{UDCombo-SG | undizzy=185 | notation= :jLP jLK jMKx2 :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=2697 | notes= | video=[video)] |}} {{UDCombo-SG | undizzy=150 | notation= :jMKx2 jHP :dash jLK jMKx2 :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=3152 | notes= | video=[video)] |}} {{UDCombo-SG | undizzy=145 | notation= :jMKx2 jHP :dash jMP jMKx2 :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=3162 | notes= | video=[video)] |}} {{UDCombo-SG | undizzy=135 | notation= :jLP jMKx2 jHP :dash jLK jMKx2 :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=3232 | notes= | video=[video)] |}} {{UDCombo-SG | undizzy=130 | notation= :jMP jMKx2 jHP :dash jLK jMKx2 :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=3282 | notes= | video=[video)] |}} {{UDCombo-SG | undizzy=115 | notation= :jMKx2 jHP :dash jLP jMKx2 :jLK jMKx2 :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=3444 | notes= | video=[video)] |}} {{UDCombo-SG | undizzy=110 | notation= :jMKx2 jHP :dash jMP jMKx2 :jLK jMKx2 :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=3494 | notes= | video=[video)] |}} {{UDCombo-SG | undizzy=95 | notation= :jMKx2 jHP :dash jLK jMKx2 :5MKx2 :jLP jMKx2 :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=3742 | notes= | video=[video)] |}} {{UDCombo-SG | undizzy=90 | notation= :jMKx2 jHP :dash jLK jMKx2 :5MKx2 :jMP jMKx2 :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=3792 | notes= | video=[video)] |}} {{UDCombo-SG | undizzy=80 | notation= :jMKx2 jHP :dash jLK jMKx2 :5LK 5MKx2 :jLP jMKx2 :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=3862 | notes= | video=[video)] |}} {{UDCombo-SG | undizzy=75 | notation= :jMKx2 jHP :dash jLK jMKx2 :5LK 5MKx2 :jMP jMKx2 :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=3912 | notes= | video=[video)] |}} {{UDCombo-SG | undizzy=65 | notation= :jMKx2 jHP :dash jLK jMKx2 :2MPx2 5HP :jLP jMKx2 :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=3932 | notes= | video=[video)] |}} {{UDCombo-SG | undizzy=60 | notation= :jLP jMKx2 jHP :dash jLK jMKx2 :5LK 5MKx2 :jMP jMKx2 :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=3992 | notes= | video=[video)] |}} {{UDCombo-SG | undizzy=45 | notation= :jLP jMKx2 jHP :dash jLK jMKx2 :2MPx2 5HP :jMP jMKx2 :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=4062 | notes= | video=[video)] |}} {{UDCombo-SG | undizzy=20 | notation= :jMKx2 jHP :dash jLK jMKx2 :5MKx2 :jLP jMKx2 :5LK 5MKx2 :jMP jMKx2 :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=4502 | notes= | video=[video)] |}} {{UDCombo-SG | undizzy=5 | notation= :jMKx2 jHP :dash jLK jMKx2 :5MKx2 :jLP jMKx2 :2MPx2 5HP :jMP jMKx2 :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=4572 | notes= | video=[video)] |}} {{UDCombo-SG | undizzy=+10 | notation= :jMKx2 jHP :dash jLK jMKx2 :5LK 5MKx2 :jLP jMKx2 :2MPx2 5HP :jMP jMKx2 :2LPx2 5LK 2MPx2 5HK [4]6HK 236PP | damage=4692 | notes= | video=[video)] |}} |} ==Combo Trials== Trial 1 demonstrates that M Step vacuums and is very plus on hit, meaning you can confirm max range 2MP pokes into full combos. Good to know, but keep in mind that this will not work if 2MP hits them in the air, since M Step will knock down. Some other options are 2HP ebrake into stuff, M Brass when near the corner, or 2HP H Train to claim a hard knockdown. Trial 2 is a good midscreen beginner combo that does a solid chunk of damage and uses the optimal starter. Worth learning, and you can add the H Beat extension later. Trial 3 is an extension on Trial 2 into a Tympany ender, but you should just learn the 2MPx2 H Beat route instead. An advantage of the Tympany ender is that it keeps the corner while SSJ does not, but there's nothing stopping you from doing a Tympany ender from the 2MPx2 H Beat route if you want. Trial 4 shows a decent midscreen Beat Extend starter combo. However, you should be using 2MK instead of 5MK(1) in the ender string, as it does more damage. {{角色导航栏}} [[分类:Big Band]]
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Big Band/Combos