
Patch Notes

May 2024 Balance Update

Released on all supported platforms (Steam, PS4/5, Switch, Xbox) on May 28th, 2024. (link)

This update corresponds to the following versions on each platform:

  • Steam: Retail 3.7.10
  • PS4: 1.22
  • Switch: 1.10
  • Xbox:

Misc Changes

  • Valentine's crosses changed to pink 4-pointed stars instead of fushsia crosses.

Gameplay Changes


  • Adjusted stage lighting to fix a bug where characters had defects on the bottom of their rendered art.
  • Fixed a bug where performing a Stunt Double set to a punch normal could be canceled on landing with a well timed dash.
  • Starting a combo against an opponent who already is at max Drama (Undizzy) will now force scaling to 45%, instead of the usual 55% penalty for Max Drama combos.
  • When activating an Infinity Breaker (Burst) from a combo that started at Max Drama, the Infinity Breaker will no longer reset the Drama gauge to zero.
  • Assist characters that Counter Hit the point character will now force damage scaling to 75%, down from 90%. Counter Hits delivered from assist characters against other assist characters continues to force damage scaling to 90%.
  • Reaction Shot (Pushblock):
    • Fixed a bug where attempting to Reaction Shot in between two hits before hitstop ends from the first hit would cause the Reaction Shot to not trigger.
    • Fixed a bug where getting hit on the final frame of Reaction Shot would ignore all chip damage and prevent the hit from registering entirely.
  • Negative Drama (Undizzy) values are now shown on the Drama gauge in a blue color, to better illustrate the mechanic.


  • Increased Annie's hurtbox size during air hitstun to make her easier to combo.
  • Crescent Cut (QCF + P)
    • Crescent Cut will now vanish if Annie is hit while the projectile is appearing.
    • (L) strength is now -1 on block.
    • (M) strength is now +2 on block.
    • (H) strength start up is now 4F slower.
  • Reworked Annie's "Star Power" Blockbuster (Down Down + KK)
    • Now costs and consumes 3 bars of Blockbuster meter.
    • Star Power no longer drains Blockbuster meter over time, it now drains on a timer much like Painwheel's Hatred Install.
      • The thickness of the outline around Annie indicates how much remaining time is left in Star Power.
    • Annie can perform all Blockbusters during Star Power now.
    • Using the (H) version of some Special Moves will perform an enhanced version while removing a chunk of remaining time from Star Power.
      • Crescent Cut (H) will hit 3 times and not vanish when Annie is hit during the start up.
      • Re Entry performs a kick that is an overhead, starts faster, and has a second hit on landing.
      • North Knuckle (H) performs a wall bounce instead of a wall slam.
      • Destruction Pillar can be used in mid air.
    • Stars can only be summoned on (H) strength normals. To summon a star, you must hold the (H) normal button until it appears.
      • Summoning stars removes a chunk of remaining time from Star Power.
      • The properties of stars have been changed.
    • cHK is now always a red bounce during Star Power, and will never shoot stars.
    • Added a new move during Star Power, "Star Cancel"
      • Annie can press LP + LK, or all three P buttons, or all three K buttons, to cancel whatever attack she is doing and instantly return to idle. This can only be done once per Star Power activation.
    • Star Power has less recovery when used as a Blockbuster Ensemble (DHC).
    • Gravity Collapse (Down Down + KK during Star Power) no longer costs meter to use while Annie is the point character.
  • Photo Bop (Lv5)
    • Input changed to Left, Right, Down, Up + PP, and can be performed without being in Star Power.
    • Deals more damage than before.
    • An extra hit has been added to the camera flash.
  • Tweaked palette 7 and 30 rainbow colors to be consistent with all other palettes.
  • Tweaked the color of Annie's stars for all palettes.
  • Increased vulnerable hurtbox on cLP.
  • cHK: Increased recovery on whiff by 7F.
  • jMP: Reduced hitstun against airborne targets by 2F.
  • Destruction Pillar
    • When Destruction Pillar is blocked, Annie's forward momentum is reduced to ensure she lands in front of the opponent more often.
    • Reduced hitbox region after Annie has been airborne for a short while.
  • Damage Tuning
    • (H) Destruction Pillar 1100 → 1000
    • cHP: 1200 → 1000
    • s.F+HP: 1300 → 1200
    • Meteor Strike (QCF + KK): Now scales damage to 50% afterwards, down from 70%.
  • If Annie has used all three of her Re Entry kicks in a combo and is airborne when the combo resets, her next Re Entry kick will be the first one, instead of the worse version that prevents combos.


  • While without his chair, "The Hurting", he no longer takes damage from blocking bursts.
  • cMK: No longer interacts with projectiles - Ms. Fortune's head no longer blocks the body from being grabbed off the ground by this move.
  • Mid-air finishers from Grab Stance no longer apply hitpause to Beowulf when hitting nearby assists. This ensures consistent timing when doing finisher + assist call combos, even if another enemy assist is nearby and struck by a finisher.

Big Band

  • Timpani Drive (QCF + KK)
    • The first active hitbox of Timpani Drive is now much smaller.
    • The two landing frames of Timpani Drive are now in a Counter Hit state and correctly tracked by training mode's Advanced Frame Data.
    • Reduced blockstun of the looping hits before the final one.
    • Added 6 frames of extra recovery when Timpani Drive ends, if the attack was blocked.
  • Noise Cancel (Parry)
    • Tap Noise Cancel window: 17 → 15
    • Tap Noise Cancel window from hitstun, blockstun, and wakeup: 18 → 16
    • Time until Noise Cancel ends early if continuing to hold a direction: 12 → 10
  • Assisting
    • Some assists for Big Band have extended Counter Hit periods during his "Assist Taunt" (the animation that plays when finishing an assist). The first 31 frames of his assist taunt are still considered a Counter Hit state after using the following assist actions:
      • Take The 'A' Train (M) and (H) strength.
      • Beat Extend.
      • Brass Knuckles (H) strength.
        • To reiterate: Big Band does not experience any extra recovery nor does he stay as an assist on-screen any longer when using these assists compared to before, he is just considered to be in the "Counter Hit" state for longer when using them.
    • Beat Extend
      • When Beat Extend hits an assist character, assists drop 4 frames sooner, and faster downwards.

Black Dahlia

  • Adjusted Black Dahlia's position during her trip knockdown frames to make some combos easier to perform on her.
  • Adjusted hurtboxes on air hitstun and tripped hitstuns to make combos easier to perform on her.
  • When the first hit of jHK makes contact with an assist and the point character, the second hit will pull the assist character less far forward towards her to ensure shots from "Order Up!" hit the point character more reliably.
  • Shot Adjustments:
    • Ice Shot:
      • Is now two delayed hits, instead of three hits.
      • Damage and chip damage has been reworked.
      • No longer breaks armor.
    • Rail Shot:
      • Now breaks armor
      • Increased hitstop on hit by 8 frames.
      • Adjusted camera shake.
  • Another Round? (QCB + P)
    • (M) Strength:
      • Shots are now placed in the 2nd slot, instead of the 3rd slot.
    • (H) Strength:
      • Shots are now placed in the 3rd and 5th slot, instead of the 3rd and 6th slot.
  • Empower (QCF + LPLK)
    • No longer can hit enemies that are KO'd
  • cMK
    • The trap now triggers shortly after the point character goes into hitstun.
    • Reduced hitstun by 5 frames.
    • No longer teleports victims to the center of the trap.
    • If the point character enters hitstun before the trap hits them, the trap forces combo scaling of 50%.
    • Fixed a bug where using a Special Move with perfect timing during the recovery could cause Black Dahlia to ignore incoming hits.
  • Fixed a bug where Parting Gift could not be detonated after it fell off assist characters in some situations.


  • Realigned animation (distance from her hurtbox region to her "origin point") when Cerebella is falling down to the floor during her knockdown animation.
  • Fixed a bug where Diamond Reflector would fail to stagger targets that recently absorbed a stagger move (such as sMP) with armor.
  • j.D+MP (Unbreakable Elbow)
    • Fixed a bug where inputting down + MP on the frame Cerebella left the ground would perform jMP instead of j.D+MP
    • Now always starts IPS combo stage at stage 1, even when performed low to the ground or done as a cross up attack.
    • Now has a 5 frame buffer into light normals and dashes after the move completes to help follow-ups be more consistent.
  • When Diamond Dynamo (QCF + PP) is canceled from Cerecopter (DP + HP) after all hits from Cerecopter connect against the point character, she will not change her facing direction when the Blockbuster starts to prevent situations where she turns around accidentally.
  • jHP:
    • Is now an overhead if used after gliding for any duration.
    • Is now an overhead if used while descending.
    • Increased max glide speed.
    • Increased momentum Cerebella keeps after gliding ends without performing an attack.
  • Pummel Horse now leaves the opponent a little bit closer to Cerebella, to improve consistency on some follow-ups.


  • Updated Valentine art with new design.
  • Hornet Bomber (L) Strength
    • Increased physical height to prevent it from going over opponents that are crouching in front of Double.
    • Increased hitbox height to more often hit opponents crouching in front of Double.
  • Luger Replica
    • (L) Strength:
      • Reduced knockback from -12 to -11.
      • Increased knockup from 12 to 12.5
    • (M) Strength:
      • Increased blockstun by 4F.
    • (H) Strength:
      • Decreased blockstun by 2F.
  • Flesh Step
    • Now generates a small amount of meter on whiff, like all other Special Moves.
    • Projectile invincibility starts 3 frames earlier than before.
  • Cattelite Lives (QCF + KK)
    • Reduced knockup against airborne opponents.
    • Increased hitstun by 2F.
  • Fixed a bug where the projectile hit from jHK could set off an Infinite Breaker (Burst) from Drama (Undizzy), if the first hit pushed the opponent into Max Drama and also started a combo chain.


  • Reduced crouching height to match that of Black Dahlia's. Notably, she can now duck under Robo-Fortune's Theonite Beam (H).
  • Sekhmet
    • sH Damage: 1100 → 900
    • Sekhmet no longer regains any life or generates blood when using Crimson Scourge (QCF + KK) against characters that are KO'd.
    • Sekhem Rebound (backflip) can no longer be performed after sH if the point character blocks it. Previously, it could still be performed even if the point character blocked, as long as it hit an assist character.
    • Increase Sekhmet landing recovery by 7F. Does not apply when landing from Sekhmet jH on successful hit.
    • Now takes bonus Counter Hit damage and properties if interrupted mid attack with armor breaking type moves.
  • Throne of Isis is now a red bounce instead of a blue bounce.
  • Taunt (Scarlet Ladies) no longer pulls in nearby blood drops. After taunting, Eliza can use Crimson Scourge (QCF + KK) without being Sekhmet form, allowing it to also be used as a DHC.
  • Fixed a bug where Taunt (Scarlet Ladies) would errantly cancel friendly assist calls with some timing.
  • Osiris Spiral (M) now pulls in nearby blood drops, like her old taunt.


  • Increase Blockbuster Ensemble window when landing from Fenrir Drive (DP + PP) by 3F.
  • Adjusted hit velocity on cMK so that the final hit pulls the victim towards Filia instead of pushing them away.
  • Adjusted "Off The Ground" hurtbox to extend downwards to the floor, preventing some low hitting normals from whiffing.


  • Adjusted "Off The Ground" hurtbox to extend downwards to the floor, preventing some low hitting normals from whiffing.
  • Whiffing Tender Embrace (QCF + LPLK) and Inevitable Snuggle (QCB + LPLK) now build a small amount of meter.
  • Health loss and healing mechanics from Forever a Clone (QCB + K)
    • Holding a Clone with a held K button no longer drains red life.
    • When a Clone successfully hits a character, Fukua will regain all of the life that was drained for holding that Clone.
    • Most healing sources will now cause Fukua to glow briefly.
    • Successful hits from Love Dart (QCF + P) now regain 200 recoverable health from lost life due to holding Clones.
    • Hitting an Outtake or getting hit with an Outtake as a solo will now remove all possible recoverable health from holding Clones.
    • Amount of healing of lost life from holding Clones has increased on the following moves:
      • Taunt: 20% → 50%
      • Inevitable Snuggle: 33% → 75%
      • Twice Shy: 55% → 100%
        • Note that as in previous patches, when healing recoverable life from holding Clones using these moves, all remaining recoverable life is reset. For example, taunting twice does not restore 100% of the recoverable life, it will only restore 50% for the first taunt.


  • Ground Throw now tosses Black Dahlia higher to ensure Marie Go 'Round (QCB + P) connects in the corner without spending OTG.
  • Fixed a bug where Marie was using temporary art when bounced off the ceiling from Black Dahlia's Buck Shot (H).
  • sMP: Improved hitbox to reach lower to the ground.
  • sLK: Improved hitbox by extending it downwards to the floor.
  • Marie Go 'Round (QCB + P):
    • (M) Strength: Reduced start up by 2F.
    • Improved hitbox.
  • A Moment's Time (Taunt):
    • Increased taunt recovery by 10 frames.
    • Summoned dust bunnies from Hop To It (QCF + P) now jump a maximum of three times after taunting, instead of infinitely.
  • Hilgard's Haymaker (L) (QCF + LK)
    • Removed force damage scaling.
    • Reduced damage: 650 → 600.
  • Increased physical collision height during "Off The Ground" bounce frames to prevent opponents from sliding under her unexpectedly.
  • Extended hurtbox region during knockdown frames.
  • jMK
    • Now puts Marie in a Super Jump state, preventing her from calling assists.
  • Hilgard's Haymaker and Hilgard's Howl:
    • Lowered velocity of Marie after the move is over if done during a Super Jump state.
  • Fixed a bug where Hilgard would vanish instantly if Marie died while he was summoned, and she was the last character.

Ms. Fortune

  • Adjusted "Off The Ground" hurtbox to extend downwards to the floor, preventing some low hitting normals from whiffing.
  • sLP
    • Reduced hitbox range
    • Increased hurtbox region around Ms. Fortune's hand
    • Increased recovery by 2F for both hits.
  • Fiber Upper
    • While head on, all versions are now strike invincible instead of fully invincible.
    • While head off, all versions are fully vulnerable instead of throw invulnerable.
    • Strength (M): Increased recovery by 2F.
    • Strength (H): Increased recovery by 4F.
    • Reduced pushback on blocked Fiber Upper hits for the (M) and (H) strengths.
    • On whiff only, Ms. Fortune must wait an additional 4F (H) or 2F (M) to jump away when using Fiber Upper. On contact, this added lockout does not apply.
  • Damage adjustments:
    • Headless sHK: 1050 → 975
    • Decap Attack: 300 → 200
    • Head on sHP: 1000 → 975
    • El Gato (Airborne): 900/1000/1100 → 800/950/1000
    • El Gato (Grounded, from Cat Scratch or Headless): 1100 → 975
    • Final Cat Scratch Hit (L, M, and H strengths respectively): 950/1100/1250 → 800/900/100
  • Head
    • When starting a Decap Attack against her head with a light normal, the hit will launch the opponent less high, and has 2F less hitpause on block and hit.
    • When Ms. Fortune's head is near the edge of the screen, it will have an expanded hurtbox to make it easier to hit it. This only applies when the head is idling, on cooldown, or getting hit.
    • Increased lockout period when getting hit with physical hits from 15 frames to 35 frames.
    • Increased lockout period when using Feline Allergies from 50 frames to 60 frames.
    • If Ms. Fortune enters hitstun, the head now enters hitstun immediately too and will interrupt Decap Attack, Zoom, etc. Feline Allergies will continue even if Ms. Fortune enters hitstun.
    • Can no longer command the head when failing to connect with Feral Edge (QCB +KK) or when the final hits of Cat Scratch Fever (QCF + PP) are blocked by the enemy point character.
  • Head Bowl (QCB + P)
    • Increased invulnerability by 1F to prevent the attack from trading.
    • Lowered height of the hitbox to make it easier to jump.
    • Increased the window for the head to stagger the opponent when it hits them, preventing situations where the first hit would make contact and the second hit would not stagger properly.
    • Now forces damage scaling to 75%.
  • Cat Scratch (Head on):
    • Reduced metergain on whiff: 2.5 → 1
    • Reduced metergain on first, second, and third swipes: 5/5/5 → 3.5/2.5/1.5
    • Reduced metergain on whiff when performing El Gato and Cat Slide from Cat Scratch: 2.5 → 1
    • Reduced metergain on contact when performing El Gato and Cat Slide from Cat Scratch: 5 → 2.5
  • OMNOMNOM now forces a blue bounce on ending that allows an immediate ground tech, instead of a red bounce.
  • Adjusted Ms. Fortune's normal jump animation to have her legs extended downwards for a short period before she tucks herself into a ball.
  • Feral Edge (QCB + KK) now knocks the opponent down and forward when hitting a victim behind her, to prevent her from being punished on successful hit.
  • Air Throw now forces the combo stage to stage 3 when done while her head is removed.
  • jLK:
    • Increase recovery by 4F.
    • Is no longer an overhead (hits mid) while Ms. Fortune is rising.
    • Reduced jLK hitbox size.
    • jLK can no longer hit cross up.


  • Adjusted hitboxes on most of Painwheel's attacks to make them more standardized with recent DLC characters. Many hitboxes are simpler and some have extended range compared to before. Impacted moves:
    • sLP, sLK, cMP, cLK, cLP, cMK, sHK[1], sHP, jMK, Death Crawl
    • s.F.+HK: Each hit has more range the last, to help all blade hits connect
    • sMP: Improved hitbox drastically, and reduced vulnerable hurtboxes before the active frames of the attack.
    • Buer Reaper (L): Extended reach.
    • Buer Reaper (H): Reduced hurtboxes before active making it a better anti-air.
    • All Buer Reaper, increased the hitbox size for the follow-up hit.
    • Buer Thresher (QCF + KK): Increased hitbox size for the very first active frame, making it harder to counter when done next to an opponent.
  • Hatred Guard (Holding P or K during select normals)
    • Extended armor one more frame when fully charging normals to completion, to protect Painwheel from trading blows with the opponent.
  • cMK: Increase forward distance travelled, increasing range.
  • cLK: Start up reduced by 1F.
  • sLK: Start up reduced to 7F.
  • sMP: Start up reduced by 1F.
  • cMP: Pulls opponents downwards on all hits except for the final one.
  • jLP:
    • Start up is reduced by 2F when done from Fly.
    • Increased hitstun and blockstun by 2F.
  • jHP:
    • Reduced knockback on hit against airborne opponents.
    • Increased hitstun on the final hit by 3F.
  • When using Pinion Dash (L) as a Stunt Double, it will knock the opponent down.
  • Gae Bolga Stinger (L) (QCF + P): Reduced start up by 3F.
  • Buer Reaper (QCF + K)
    • (L) strength: Reduced recovery by 5F and increased blockstun by 1F.
    • All other strengths: Reduce recovery by 4F.
    • Painwheel gains an extra 1% meter for each Buer Reaper that connects, when not in Hatred Install.
    • Adjusted air Buer Reaper input to not have more leniency if the input motion ends in an upward input.
    • jLK will never auto-correct even when performed during a super jump. This air normal can now be used to reliably perform Fly when facing away from an opponent without fear of getting an accidental Buer Reaper via hitting jLK in the middle of the input motion.
      • Ex: Down → Down Back → LK (Auto Correct) → Back → Release LK → Buer Reaper Starts
  • Hatred Install
    • Reduced minimum scaling on level 1 Blockbusters during Hatred Install from 45% to 37.5%.
    • Increased damage per hit on Death Crawl during Hatred Install to match that of the non-installed version.
    • When used while Painwheel is the point character, she has an extra 3 seconds in Hatred Install added to her timer, regardless of health. This cannot exceed the old max timer duration of 1300 frames.
    • Buer Reaper (QCF + K) now scales to 50% instead of 70% when used during Hatred Install performed as a DHC.
  • Once per combo, Buer Thresher (QCF + KK) will refresh Painwheel's ability to Fly.
  • Pinion Dash and Buer Overdrive (QCB + PP) no longer end early when hitting the edge of the screen.


  • Slightly increased Ground Throw range.
  • Inferno Brigade (QCB + PP) now pulls victims downwards into the center of the bullets.
  • Expanded s.F+LP hitbox upwards.
  • Increase sLP hitstun by 3F for both hits.
  • Egret Dive (M)
    • Moves faster forward when diving.
    • Takes longer to land when diving.
    • Recovers, lands, and salutes faster to enable Parasoul to call another Egret faster than before.
  • Egret Charge (H)
    • Now drives a little bit faster (30 → 31) before grabbing the victim, to ensure he can grab Big Band midscreen in most combos.
    • Period where Egret will cancel the grab after being summoned if Parasoul goes into hitstun: 20 frames → 17 frames
    • Fixed a bug where the grab attack would scale to 50% instead of 55%.


  • Added a new intro animation.
  • Lonesome Lenny (QCF + KK)
    • Damage: 3800 → 2750
    • Chip Damage: 800 → 600
    • No longer deals any bonus damage on Counter Hit.
    • Reduced distance Lenny moves forward towards opponents when hit by friendly projectiles by 15.
    • Peacock builds zero Blockbuster meter while Lenny is out, if Peacock is the point character.
    • Lenny cannot hit assist characters after they have left hitstun while mid air.
    • Lenny will blink red before he is about to explode.
    • Lenny has more start up* before Super Flash starts.
      • * This extra start up is not applied when Peacock cancels into Lonesome Lenny from a successful BANG! (M) against the point character.
  • Shadow of Impending Doom now loses its active hit if Peacock is hit with a physical attack.
  • Victims now gain more meter when blocking or getting hit by Peacock's projectiles. This impacts Shadow of Impending Doom, George, and BANG, BANG, BANG! (H).
  • Argus Agony (QCF + PP): Reduced damage of small bullets (180 → 165). Max damage 1530 → 1440
  • cHK: Reduced blockstun by 3F.
  • BANG! (M)
    • Now has 8F of extra recovery in any situation where it does not hit the enemy point character.
    • Reduced blockstun by 3F.
    • Now pulls the opponent towards Peacock on block.
    • Reduced the horizontal distance of the hitbox.
    • Increased Peacock's hurtbox size during the recovery of the move.
  • George (QCF + K)
    • Strength (L): Reduced blockstun by 2F.
    • If Peacock is hit with a physical hit, all versions of George will begin to blink red and detonate after a short period of time.
      • (L): 50 frames
      • (M): 12 frames.
      • (H): 15 frames.


  • Adjusted "Off The Ground" hurtbox to extend downwards to the floor, preventing some low hitting normals from whiffing.
  • Adjusted Robo-Fortune's normal jump animation to have her legs extended downwards for a short period before she tucks herself into a ball.
  • Fixed a bug where Danger! Rotating Arm Hazard! (QCF + MK) did not stagger if done after landing from an air normal in some situations.
  • Fixed a bug where Catastrophe Cannon (QCF + PP) could not hit Double when she performed Item Crash (M) (QCB + MK).
  • Magnetic Trap (QCF + KK)
    • When Magnetic Trap is used as a Blockbuster Ensemble (DHC) it no longer is unblockable if the opponent is rising.
    • Fixed a bug where it could pull Double's Nightmare Legion (QCB + PP) Blockbuster during unexpected times.
  • Theonite Beam (H) Strength (QCF + HP)
    • Now always does 4 hits regardless of the range (instead of up to 6) to the opponent when used as an assist.
    • Has an extra 26F of recovery when used as an assist.
  • Reduce active frames on cMK by 6 frames.


  • No changes. Hello Squigly!


  • Fixed a bug where Umbrella would continue with Slurp n Slide longer than expected if it made contact with an opponent during the very end of their Reaction Shot (PB) animation.
  • Added a new normal, d.F+MP called "Overbite", that performs quick overhead.
  • Adjusted priority of Taunt (Hug it Out) to be higher than Salt Grinder.
  • Adjusted Salt Grinder active frames by 1, and increased hitbox size.
  • When Starving, Umbrella's red life now drains faster than before.
  • Umbrella can now cancel jMK into any air normal on whiff (if floating) or contact, like Parasoul's jMK.
  • Adjusted hurtboxes while staggered to be closer to her idle animation.
  • Tag in attack is no longer an overhead.
  • Projectiles summoned from Under The Weather are destroyed early if Umbrella is hit with an Outtake (Snapback).
  • Fixed a bug where Umbrella wasn't using proper reversal window timings when exiting blockstun, hitstun, and wake up.
  • Increased hurtbox size during air hitstun and air knockdown states so that she is easier to combo.
  • The second hit of cHP now comes out a bit faster if the first hit whiffs while Satiated.
  • When fighting boss Marie, Salt Grinder and Hungern Rush now have physical hits that will increase Umbrella's Hunger Meter.
  • Bobblin' Bubble now launches heavier characters higher.
  • Taunt:
    • Increased how much Hunger Meter is lost from taunting.
    • Shortened the minimum time that Umbrella must perform her taunt before being able to stop.
    • If used while Starving, Umbrella will feed Hungern a snack to return him to the Satiated state.
  • sHK:
    • Improved hitbox.
    • Increased start up by 2F.
    • Landing recovery on failure is now fully vulnerable.
    • Damage increased: 975 → 1200
    • When performed for the second time in a combo, it will perform a worse version that ends the combo.
  • cLK:
    • Increased hurtbox height.
    • Reduced hitstun.
  • cMP:
    • Reduced hitbox reach in Ravenous.
    • Extended vulnerable hurtboxes.
  • sLK:
    • Now slides Umbrella forward slightly
    • Expanded hitbox
  • cMK:
    • Added vulnerable hurtboxes under her stretching down to the ground.
    • Removed throw invincibility.
  • Air Throw
    • Reduced horizontal hitbox reach.
  • Feeding Time (Lv3)
    • Reduced damage during Starving and Ravenous: 6750 → 6000.
  • Hungern Rush (Down, Up + HP)
    • Reduced start up in Satiated, Ravenous, and Overstuffed states.
    • Now fully invincible (instead of strike invincible) during Ravenous.
    • Is no longer unblockable while rising unless she is in the Ravenous state.
  • jMP:
    • Reduced hitbox size in all states.
    • Increased start up in Ravenous state.
  • Changed inputs of Retina Reflector:
    • Retina Reflector: QCF + KK
    • Retina Reflector - Contact Lens: QCF + PP
  • Hunger States
    • Umbrella's Hunger Meter drains during most actions now instead of freezing momentarily during Special Moves, Normals, etc.
    • Umbrella's Hunger Meter no longer drains faster for landing hits with "punch" (Hungern) normal attacks.
    • Tweaked Hunger Meter loss rate in each Hunger States individually.
    • Hunger Meter drains slower for the remainder of a combo after using an "eating" type move that increases Hunger Meter.
    • Hunger Meter drains slower when Umbrella or her opponent is in hitstun, and no longer drains at all when performing a "Double Snap" or "Assist Kill" combo.
    • Creating Bubbles with Cutie Ptooie, Bobblin' Bubble, Wish Maker, and Under The Weather no longer drains Hunger Meter.
    • Umbrella can now transition from Overstuffed into Satiated during a combo, instead of needing to wait for it to end.
    • Ground Throw and Air Throw no longer adjust Hunger Meter, and instead trap the opponent in a bubble. Ground Throw can no longer chomp for extra damage.
    • Major eating moves (Salt Grinder, Hungern Rush, Tongue Twister, and Feeding Time) all force Umbrella up one single Hunger State on success, regardless of chews, chomps, etc.
    • When using Cutie Ptooie (QCB+LK), the butterfly can no longer be spared or eaten manually by holding LK, and it no longer adjusts Hunger Meter.
  • Tongue Twister
    • Is now only a command grab that must be jumped for a single frame close to Umbrella. After that frame, it becomes a hit throw that can be blocked.
    • As an assist, it is never a command grab and can always be blocked.
    • After victims bounce off the wall, they can be hit off the ground now.
    • Reduced damage and the number of maximum chomps based on Hunger State.
    • Reduced the speed that the tongue retracts, effectively increasing recovery for long range grab attempts.
    • Adjusted hitboxes.
    • If used for the second time in a combo, the opponent will become invincible.
    • Fixed a bug where opponents would receive an extra hit of damage scaling when they bounced off the wall.
    • Now increases Hunger Meter and changes Hunger States even when used as an assist.
    • Fixed a bug where the incorrect amount of Undizzy was added.
  • Slurp n Slide
    • Reduced block advantage on Slurp n Slide to +1 in Satiated.
    • No longer activates if holding down + forward for the final direction. Forward must be explicitly held.
  • Ravenous
    • Bubble creating moves (Cutie Ptooie, Bobblin' Bubble, Wishmaker, and Under The Weather) now perform worse versions compared to Satiated.
    • Umbrella moves much faster (dash, back dash, dash jump) in Ravenous.
  • Overstuffed
    • In Overstuffed, sHP now has armor after a short while.
    • Fixed a bug where the wall bounce hit from sHP would apply an extra hit of damage scaling.
    • In Overstuffed, Salt Grinder performs a physical hit that staggers opponents.
    • In Overstuffed, Tongue Twister trips the opponent in front of Umbrella instead of having Hungern eat them.
    • In Overstuffed, Hungern Rush is now a two hit move that can be cancelled into Blockbusters on success.
    • In Overstuffed, jHP now launches heavier characters higher.
    • Adjusted Overstuffed Normals:
      • Normals are all faster than before, and only two frames slower* than their Satiated versions.
        • * Exceptions exist for sHP and jMP which are still slower than 2F, but faster than previously.
      • Reduced hitstop on all normals to speed up combos and flow.
      • Fixed a bug where s.F+HP was not any slower in Starving or Overstuffed.
      • jMP damage: 950 → 750
      • jHP damage: 1200 → 1000
      • sMP (2nd Hit) damage: 500 → 400
      • cHP (2nd Hit) damage: 750 → 650
      • Bobblin' Bubble damage: 700 → 600
      • jHP now jumps less high and falls faster than before.
  • Damage tuning:
    • Bobblin' Bubble (Satiated): 600 → 650
    • Slurp n Slide (Satiated): 650 → 750
    • Slurp n Slide (Satiated, Puddle Boosted): 750 → 900
    • s.F+HP (Grow): 250x3, 400 → 200x3, 300
    • s.F+HP (Slam): 1100/1400/1700 → 1100/1250/1500
    • Using Tongue Twister or Salt Grinder in a combo where these moves are already used will reduce the damage of them by 20%.


  • Updated art with new design.
  • Vial Hazard Type C (Orange Vial)
    • Reduce input lag values: 4/6/9 → 3/5/7
    • Level 3 version no longer requires Valentine to get hit with a Blockbuster to remove the effect - any hit will work now.
    • Level 1 and 2 versions now go away when Valentine blocks any hit.
  • Fixed a bug where hitting Sekhmet while she was frozen from Acquisitive Prescription would not revert her back to Eliza form.
  • All versions of Savage Bypass now produce a hitbox for at least one frame.
  • cHP
    • Increased physical height of Valentine to prevent her from sliding under opponents as often.
    • Valentine will stop moving forward if the opponent is close to her.
    • Extended hitbox slightly behind her.
  • cLK: Increased hitstun by 1F
  • cMK:
    • Reduced pushback on the first hit.
    • The second hit now pulls victims towards Valentine
  • cMP: Reduced start up by 2F.
  • jLP: When performed from a backdash air dash (BDAD) for an instant overhead, Valentine will stay on the same side she started the attack from instead of sometimes passing over the opponent's head.
  • sMP
    • The first downwards slash now pulls opponents towards the floor.
    • Increased hitstun on the first slash, and the follow-up sawing hits.
  • Added 4F of hitstop to the final hit of EKG Flatliner, to help Blockbuster Ensembles (DHC) stay on the same side she hit from when desired.
  • Extended hitbox of Forbidden Procedure (Lv5) backwards to help make contact with all characters in the corner.

Marie Release Update

Released on all supported platforms (Steam, PS4/5, Switch, Xbox) on March 26th, 2024. (link)

This update corresponds to the following versions on each platform:

  • Steam: Retail 3.6.9
  • PS4: 1.20
  • Switch: 1.09
  • Xbox:

General Changes

Added the following Season One Pass or Umbrella DLC exclusive content:

  • Two new stages: Hilgard's Castle, and Hilgard's Castle (Nightmare)
  • Two new music tracks: “All That Remains” for Hilgard's Castle, “All That Endures” for Hilgard's Castle (Nightmare).
  • Marie Story Mode
  • 29 Marie palettes
  • Marie tutorial and trial modes
  • (PS4/Xbox only) New achievements

Added the following Season One Pass exclusive content:

  • Marie "Goth" voice pack
  • Marie bonus palette (30)

Other Changes


New palettes added (most of these being in Steam retail already in a smaller patch):

  • Shrek Beowulf
  • Father Double
  • HVS and Construct Robo-Fortune
  • Mike/Sully Cerebella
  • Nezuko Squigly
  • Makima and Barbie Parasoul
  • Sonic Filia
  • Rose Quartz Annie
  • Anya Umbrella
  • Juri Fortune
  • Mojo Jojo Peacock
  • Kakashi Valentine


  • To make it easier to scroll through the full stage list, stages that share the same music but with slight visual differences (like NMO Arena) are now selectable by pressing UP or DOWN on the stage selection screen.
  • New NMO Arena variant added (SGCS 2024).
  • The stage "SGCS Arena (2021)" can no longer be rolled when using RANDOM to select a stage. You can still select it manually by going to the NMO Arena Stage and using the new Up/Down buttons.

New announcer

  • As a replacement for a voice pack that was removed last summer, enjoy a brand new “Soviet Announcer” voice pack by none other than the voice of the TF2 Heavy himself - Gary Schwartz!

Soundtrack and Art Compendium

  • Soundtrack has been updated with the “All That Endures”, the new track from Hilgard’s Castle (Nightmare). (Steam store page link)
  • Digital Art Compendium has also been updated with all of Marie’s thousands of animation frames, concept art and other production art. We recently made the Compendium completely free for anyone who owns Skullgirls 2nd Encore on Steam, so download your copy today! (Steam store page link)

Gameplay Changes

  • Added new visual effects to “Push Block Guard Cancels” to indicate when a PBGC window is possible, and when it is successfully activated. Watch out for the green shield flash.
  • Fixed a bug where some characters were not using idle hurtboxes during landing frames. The following characters are impacted: Beowulf, Big Band, Eliza, Annie, and Umbrella.
  • Updated VFX for Valentine's Vial Hazard special move to now use different art for the three debuff types.
  • Adjusted visual effects and lighting when characters are impacted by palette adjusting VFX, such as Parasoul's fire effect, Annie's galaxy space dust effect, Robo-Fortune's electrification effect, Black Dahlia's freeze effect, etc, to no longer be impacted by stage lighting conditions. Flickering lights involved with these effects should be less distracting.
  • Integrated some previously unused voice lines for old characters when fighting against Marie, both for her boss form and her playable form.
  • Fixed a bug where Black Dahlia would not flinch like other characters when being hit during some throw attacks, like Cerebella's Pummel Horse.

Misc Changes

  • Added a new section to the Art Gallery for Marie, with new unlockable art.
  • When declining a match in Quick Match, or recently finishing a match with a player, you will no longer match with that player again for a few minutes.
  • Kicked players can no longer rejoin the lobby that they are kicked from.
  • Adjusted the position of the timer on character select when playing online, to prevent it from covering up Marie's newly added square.

Black Dahlia Release Update

Released on both Steam retail build and PS4 on March 30th, 2023. (link)

General Changes

Added the following Season One Pass or Umbrella DLC exclusive content:

  • Black Dahlia as a playable character
  • Bunny Burrow stage
  • 'Down the Rabbit Hole' music track by Darren Malley and Insaneintherain
  • Black Dahlia story mode
  • Black Dahlia tutorial and trial modes
  • 31 Black Dahlia palettes
  • (PS4 Only) New achievements

Added the following Season One Pass exclusive content:

  • Black Dahlia "Good Granny" voice pack
  • Black Dahlia bonus palette (Utsuho Reiuji)

UI Changes

  • (PC Only) Improved the button display prompt information system. Players can now choose between:
    • Automatic: Skullgirls automatically assigns button display based on the controller that is detected on startup
    • Xbox: Displays the controls as Xbox buttons
    • Playstation: Displays the controls as Playstation buttons
    • Generic: Generic button information (this is the old default configuration for SG2E)
  • PS4 does not have the above options, but features various improvements made to the button configuration screen, including new button icons. Switch launched with all these UI improvements back in January.
  • Fixed stuttering when fast-forwarding credits.
  • Improved transition from Art Gallery to Main Menu.
  • Fixed logo screens not being skippable after a certain point.

Other Changes

  • Numerous improvements to multiplayer functionality, for both quick match and lobby play.
  • New "Master Volume" control that influences all in-game volumes.
  • (PC Only) Temporarily disabled the “-beta” launch code
  • (PC Only) Added a “Mute When Unfocused” option to the sound settings, which will mute Skullgirls 2E if it is not the active window.

Character Changes


  • Fixed a bug that allowed Beowulf to perform hopdash attacks back to back faster than intended.
  • The crowd will now "boo" Beowulf instead of cheering for him if he is fighting Black Dahlia on her own stage.

Ms. Fortune

  • To prevent accidental taunts, Ms. Fortune can no longer perform her taunt for 60 frames after performing jHP or her Air Dash.
  • Added a new palette (palette 29) based on Ms. Fortune’s costume in the Skullgirls comic on Webtoon.


  • Fixed a bug where catching Big Band with Tongue Twister at max distances could cause the camera to pan rapidly in his direction.
  • Fixed a bug where the eyeballs in Umbrella's "Under The Weather" Blockbuster would not rotate when she was Overstuffed.
  • Fixed a bug where Umbrella would sometimes fail to stagger her target with s.F+HP (Cliff Hanger) if she also hit or traded with some projectiles.
  • Fixed a bug where Umbrella could perform a puddle boosted version of Slurp 'n' Slide at a later time without being near a puddle if she previously ended Slurp 'n' Slide near a puddle in the past.
  • Fixed a bug where making two Retina Reflectors collide would cause the IPS stage to not advance.
  • Adjusted palette 30 colors for Umbrella so that Hungern is not impacted by lighting.
  • Fixed a bug where the Skull Heart from Umbrella's 30th palette would follow the enemy around if they defeated her using Umbrella's "Feeding Time" Blockbuster.

Umbrella Release Update

Released on both Steam retail build and PS4 on April 14th, 2022. (link)

General Changes

Added the following Season One Pass or Umbrella DLC exclusive content:

  • Umbrella as a playable character
  • Boardwalk stage
  • 'Ice Cream Headache' music track by Masaru "Raito" Kuba
  • Umbrella story mode
  • Umbrella tutorial and trial modes
  • 29 Umbrella palettes
  • (PS4 Only) New achievements

Added the following Season One Pass exclusive content:

  • Umbrella "Skullgirl" palette
  • Umbrella "Skullgirl" voice pack
  • Using both of the above at the same time will activate special effects

Gameplay Changes

  • When characters are glowing from a hit effect (Parasoul and Squigly's fire, Robo-Fortune's electricity, etc) they emit a glowing light that is visible on nearby objects.

Character Changes


  • Star Power
    • Now requires Annie to have two bars of Dramatic Tension to activate, even when used as a Blockbuster Sequel. (DHC)
    • On activation, Star Power consumes 1 bar of Dramatic Tension immediately, up from 0.
    • Stars are only created from JHP once per jump.
    • During Star Power, cHK now has a buffer into sLP to make the link more consistent.
    • s.F+MP no longer produces a star, so that the attack causes stagger.
    • Stars created from normal attacks now deal chip damage.
  • North Knuckle
    • Reduced hitstop and blockstun for North Knuckle punches, and follow-up slams. Frame advantage is reduced more when used as an assist.
    • Increased recovery on North Knuckle HP version slam.
    • As an assist, the follow-up slam applies one extra hits' worth of damage scaling.
  • Pillar of Creation
    • Increased start up.
    • Reduced frame advantage on initial hit, when blocked.
    • Increased recovery on Annie if the first hit does not successfully hit the enemy point character.
    • When used as a Blockbuster sequel (DHC), the super freeze before the first hit ends earlier.
    • First hit damage adjusted from 750 to 500. Second hit damage adjusted from 1000 to 1250.
    • The first hit applies 40% forced damage scaling when used as a Blockbuster sequel. (DHC)
    • Reduced first hit active frames.
    • Reduced hitstop and launch height on second hit. Hitstop is reduced further when used as a Blockbuster sequel. (DHC)
  • Reduced blockstop and blockstun on Annie's Destruction Pillar special move when used as an assist.
  • If Sagan Beam is blocked in the air, Annie cannot block while falling until she lands on the ground.
  • Reduced Blockbuster hitpause on Meteor Strike from 6F to 4F.
  • Reduced Meteor Strike damage from 2250 to 2000. Meteor Strike forced damage scaling adjusted to 70%, previously it was 80%.
  • Adjusted cHP damage from 1300 to 1200.
  • Adjusted second hit sHP damage from 700 to 600.
  • Reduced JHP hitbox.
  • Reduced sMP hitbox.
  • JMP recovery increased by 2F.
  • Fixed a bug where Annie could airdash backwards low to the ground through a short crouching opponent.
  • Reduced s.F+HP (Luminous Supergiant) step forward before active frames by ~20%. Adjusted damage from 1500 to 1300.
  • Fixed a bug where Annie couldn't whiff cancel the active frames of cLP into the second hit.


  • When Catellite Lives is used as a Blockbuster Sequel (DHC), it lasts slightly (33F) longer.
    • Unofficial note: since Annie Release Update nerfed this from 375f to ~187f, this change brings it back up to ~220f, or about 40% shorter than the non-DHC length.


  • Updated palette 18 with a new effect.
  • sHK start up reduced by 3F.
  • sHP start up reduced by 3F.
  • cHK armor against projectiles begins 4F earlier.
  • Fixed a bug where Weight of Anubis and Nekhbet Breaker incorrectly scaled the combo damage to 50%, instead of 55%.
  • Throne of Isis (QCF + LK)
    • Hitpause increased by 2F on hit.
    • Reduced knockback by 20%.
    • Reduced extended hurtbox on the chair, making it less likely to be nullified by physical attacks on accident.
  • Sekhmet
    • When recovering from her Blockbusters, Hathor's Return can be input early to return to the anchor as fast as possible. Returning using this method also prevents her life from draining as she returns to Eliza.
    • Extended Blockbuster Sequel (DHC) window on Crimson Scourge.
    • Forced combo damage scaling from Crimson Scourge adjusted from 55% to 45%.
    • If Carpenter's Axe is blocked (ground HP or HK), she cannot perform Sekhem Rebound.


  • Fixed a bug where Filia could airdash backwards low to the ground through a short crouching opponent.

Ms. Fortune

  • Increased vulnerable hurtbox area on JLK.
  • Fixed a bug where "Rekka" style moves (Cat Scratch, El Gato, and Cat Slide) would not turn to face the opponent when used while her head was removed.


  • Increased cooldown on level 2 charged Shadow of Impending Doom items by 20F.
  • Four invincible frames from the start and recovery of all "The Hole Idea" (teleport) versions have been made vulnerable.


  • Systemic Circuit Breaker (Level 3)
    • Increased minimum time before Robo-Fortune can air dash after jumping from 5F to 8F.
    • Reduced bonus recovery speed on the air version of MP Theonite Beam. (8F adjusted to 5F less recovery)
    • Reduced knockback on air and ground MP Theonite Beam.
  • Fixed a bug where Robo-Fortune couldn't perform her "Homing Directory" jump after sHK connected against Ms. Fortune and her detached head at the same time.

Annie Release Update

Released on Steam retail build on July 8th, 2021

Released on PS4 on July 8th, 2021

General Changes

  • Updated the city background at the top of the Medici Tower stage.
  • Updated credits.
  • Updated Steam achievements to be more closely in sync with the available "trophies" on PS4.
  • Numerous localization and translation improvements and fixes for tutorials and trials.
  • Tutorial bug fixes.
  • Updated Eliza, Robo-Fortune, and Beowulf's tutorial to include information about their new changes in this update.
  • Added a "Practicing New Characters!" lobby title for online play.
  • Updated some of the words and phrases in the "Typing Of The Skullgirls" game mode.
  • Adjusted the position of the •LEADER• text that appears over the lifebars to indicate who is in the lead.
  • Minor art fixes and adjustments to the Sonic Fox NPC in Class Notes.
  • Fixed a bug where watching a match end via spectating in a lobby would have the screen flicker.

Annie of the Stars

The Annie DLC includes a TON of Annie-themed content, including:

  • Annie (playable character)
  • Full Annie Story Mode
  • Character Tutorial
  • Character Trials
  • New Stage: Sound Stage 15
  • New Music: The Stars and Stage are Set!
  • 30 New Palettes
  • Tons of behind the scenes images in the Digital Art Compendium

Steam Only

The following changes use Steam's "launch option" system to toggle on a couple tweaks, and are not present on PS4 right now.

  • Added a new "-tourneyHUD" launch option that swaps the location of the •Leader• and online player name text, and hides the number of wins that a player has in a lobby. This is intended for use with custom stream overlays that are displaying the score and player names, without covering up the •Leader• text for spectators.
  • Added a new "-screenCapture" launch option which will hide "Beta" and "Debug Key Slow Mo / Paused" text, and will hide the green playback arrow during Dummy playback.

PS4 Only

  • Fixed a bug where right stick assist macro inputs only registered for 1 frame even if held. The behavior is now the same across both PC and PS4.
    • This change is not officially documented.

Gameplay Changes

Reversal window

  • The reversal buffer after exiting hitstun or waking up from a knockdown has been adjusted:
    • Specials, Blockbusters, and Throws: 3F → 4F
    • Heavy Normals: 0F → 3F*
    • Medium Normals: 0F → 2F*
    • Light Normals: 0F → 1F*
  • The reversal buffer window for exiting blockstun or performing "PBGC" has been adjusted:
    • Specials, Blockbusters, and Throws: 1F → 2F
    • All Normals: 0F → 1F*
* Normal attacks will not be buffered if holding any up direction.


  • Bursts taken 90F after the first burstable hit started (which are always safe) will now keep your Undizzy instead of clearing it. (These are identified with a gold color)

Lenient Button Dashing

  • Added "Lenient Button Dashing" for all characters. When using two punches to dash, you can now press those two punches one frame apart instead of needing to press them on the same frame.

Absolute guard

  • A new effect has been added that appears when activating several defensive mechanics that are otherwise a bit hidden. The regular block effect will turn into a pink shield under the following conditions:
    • You are performing what is known in the community as "absolute guard" (pushblock high, switch guard to low, or vice versa), and use it to protect yourself from a high or low hit.
    • You jump a command grab and are hit with a "unblockable while rising" style attack (Magnetic Trap, A-Train, Excellabella, etc) shortly after, allowing you to block it when you normally can't.
    • You activate high low unblockable protection and are protected from blocking the second hit without needing to switch your guard manually.

Character Changes

Big Band

  • Satchmo Deathblow will only wall bounce assists if one of the punches successfully hits the enemy point character. Point characters are always wall bounced.
  • Tympany Drive has the same on block advantage on the final hit regardless of whether or not he has taunted. This fixes a bug where it was safer than intended on block if he had his taunt boost available.


  • No longer takes chip damage when blocking an Infinity Breaker while without The Hurting.
  • Chip damage while blocking without The Hurting reduced from 50 to 35.
  • Beowulf's taunt, Aroo ready? grants hype in the middle of his howl, rather than the end. Animation length reduced by 10F.
  • Held s.LP hype build slightly increased. (1/40 each frame to → 1/35)
  • Fixed a bug where EX moves that use more than one hype level would display the wrong EX flash color.
  • Entering grab stance in the middle of an ongoing combo will advance the combo stage to at least stage 3 and begin building Drama (Undizzy) if he is not already at combo stage 3.
  • Added a new move, EX Chair Pickup (Down, Down + KK with 3 hype levels), which recalls The Hurting back to Beowulf for 3 hype.
  • The crowd will now cheer for Beowulf during each hit when he starts and performs a "Double Snap" combo (Outtake against two characters) properly.
  • Added a new move, EX Wulf Blitzer, performed by pressing KK with at least one hype level after at least one Wulf Blitzer has been used.
  • Gigantic Arm minimum scaling increased to 45%, from 27.5%.
  • Hype level built from held s.MP (mic drop) increased from 1/4th to 1/3rd.
  • When landing a once per combo s.HK stagger against an opponent, Beowulf now builds 1/3rd hype.
  • "Unblockable while rising" throw protection triggered by Wulf Shoot now persists as Beowulf moves forward, preventing some potential unblockable situations.
  • Hype acquired mid combo from held s.LP, Taunt, or non-EX throw finishers (and any hype acquired in the same combo afterwards), will now make any EX throw finisher it is spent on deal 70% of its original damage. This does not apply to Blockbuster finishers, and it does not reduce Geatish Trepak's damage since it's not boosted during the EX version. TL;DR - Spending hype gained mid combo on EX finishers does less damage.
  • Beowulf's throwable collision box during Hurting Hurl (M + H) has been extended forward to prevent him from stepping backwards out of range when an opponent attempts to throw him out of it.


  • Pummel Horse hitbox has been extended slightly down to hit all characters after her Ground Throw. Valentine and Peacock are thrown slightly closer after Ground Throw to facilitate this conversion.
  • j.HP is now a mid hit, instead of an overhead. Its previously enforced 75% damage scaling has been removed.
  • Fixed a bug where j+d.MP (Unbreakable Elbow) could have 1F of startup if done close to the ground. It must now go through minimum start up before landing.
  • The first follow up punch after j.LP will be performed even if you LP again slightly early.
  • Diamonds Are Forever will clear all hitstop from the opponent if used as a Blockbuster Sequel (DHC), and the opponent is not attacking, blocking, or in hitstun.
  • Fixed a bug where the projectile from Diamond Deflector could pass through the opponent without hitting them.
  • Updated color 21.


  • When used as a Blockbuster Sequel (DHC), Catellite Lives duration is half as long.
  • Slightly reduced the knock up on Luger Replica (L), and slightly increased its knock back distance.
  • Fixed an issue where Double's Outtake would fail to wall bounce the opponent back towards her when hitting a solo character or Sekhmet.
  • Fixed an issue where Double's command list incorrectly suggested you could activate Cilia Slide using Forward + KK.


  • Sekhmet
    • No longer drains meter over time when active. Instead, she drains life over time and loses chunks of life when attacking.
    • Life drain over time speeds up the longer Sekhmet goes without an attack touching the opponent. As an assist, life drain from Sekhmet moves is always at max, and will lock the assist out for longer as if she was hit by an attack.
    • Now reverts to Eliza form when hit with any armor breaking move, like Sweeps or Double's Cilia Slide.
    • Sekhmet attacks involving her blood weapons will spawn blood drops on the floor, which can be collected in Eliza form to heal health.
    • Added a new super, Crimson Scourge (QCF + KK), which bites the opponent to heal for a portion of the damage dealt and creates blood to be collected. It will also reposition Eliza's anchor directly behind Sekhmet to allow her to follow up easier.
    • Added a new move, Sekhem Rebound, performed by inputting back, back quickly or back + PP after making contact with any Sekhmet move. This move has Sekhmet quickly retreat backwards out of harm's way at the cost of health.
  • Eliza's taunt, Scarlet Ladies, now pulls all nearby blood drops closer towards her for easy collection. All other taunt benefits removed.
  • s.MK's second hit now pulls the opponent down and leaves them standing, instead of knocking down. Damage adjusted to 225, 225, 225, 325.
  • Improved Dramatic Tension (meter) build on Osiris Spiral (M).
  • c.MP first hit recovery reduced by 4F.


  • Fixed a bug where Twice Shy dealt non recoverable damage.
  • Forever A Clone (M) slows down slightly less before attempting its grab if the opponent is in hitstun.

Ms. Fortune

  • When performing a Double Jump within two frames after a jump, all air normals will be mid instead of overhead.
  • Slightly extended Fiber Uppercut (L) hitbox horizontally to prevent whiffs on standing Annie and Cerebella.
  • Fixed a bug where Ms. Fortune had one extra frame of recovery on Cat Scratch, headless s.HK, and Cat Call after she returned to idle.


  • When performing Unfly (two punches while flying, to cancel), the two punches can now be pressed one frame apart instead of requiring a same frame press.
  • Added a visual blood effect whenever Unfly reduces blockstun.
  • Hatred Guard
    • Armor now persists through the first active frame of every normal if it is fully charged, to prevent trades.
    • Armor persists through all active frames for s.MP only.
    • Bonus return damage is now dealt to both assists and the point character if they are hit at the same time, instead of previously only affecting the assist.
  • Fixed a bug where j.HK would start up quicker if used from a forward jump.
  • Buer Overdrive
    • Reduced recovery by 4F on success.
    • Fixed a bug where Painwheel could do the incorrect special move (Fly vs Buer) if done with perfect timing as the move ended.
    • Added a buffer when ending to help with combos on heavy characters when hitting near the corner.


  • After forward dashing, Egret Call, Dive, and Sacrifice, and Napalm Shot must end their inputs in a strict forward input to be activated. Dashing into c.LK and holding down forward will not activate these charge inputs.
  • Fixed a bug where Parasoul was unable to summon an Egret while Napalm Shot was travelling on screen.
  • Updated color 25.


  • Fixed a bug where Peacock's bombs would not be destroyed if they were hit by projectiles, and would only explode if the bombs themselves touched something. This fixes an issue where a single projectile (such as Robo-Fortune's Theonite Beam) could not destroy more than one bomb at a time.
  • Bang! (MP)
    • Knock back on block reduced.
    • Blockstun reduced and recovery increased. It is now -16 on block.
    • Hitbox lowered closer to the ground directly in front of Peacock.
  • George's day out
    • Loses its long horizontal hitbox that hits far behind it one frame after it is spawned, unless the opponent is in hitstun.
    • Is thrown in a more shallow arc that does not anti-air as well, if the opponent is not in hitstun.
    • When used as an Ensemble Attack (assist), Peacock arrives in front of the point character before throwing George instead of landing far behind them.
    • Fixed a bug where the assist version built Dramatic Tension (meter) even if George was already out and could not be thrown again.
  • Lonesome Lenny
    • Hitstop does not carry over to the next character when using a Blockbuster Sequel (DHC), allowing the next Blockbuster hit to be blockable after the cinematic flash and pause, like most Blockbusters.
    • While Lenny is active and Peacock is the point character, Dramatic Tension (meter) gain is reduced to 33% of its normal values.
  • Shadow of Impending Doom now scales combo damage to 60%, down from 80%.
  • Normal damage adjustments:
    • c.HP: 800 → 650
    • c.MK: 550 → 525
    • c.MP: 525 → 500
    • j.HK: 800 → 600
      • Avery: 400 → 250 (x2)
    • j.HP: 1050 → 950
    • j.LK: 225 → 190 (x3)
    • s.HK: 950 → 775
    • s.HP 700 → 600
    • s.MP 500 → 525
  • Air Throw leaves the opponent slightly closer to Peacock.
  • Fixed a bug where Peacock's ant spawned from c.MK would vanish before it was fully off screen.
  • Updated color 25.


  • All hits from Danger! Head Swap Action! (QCF+LK) now cause knockdown, instead of only the final hit being a knockdown.
  • c.MP can now destroy the ant spawned from Peacock's c.MK.
  • Systemic Circuit Breaker has received the following changes:
    • Now has a visible timer above Robo-Fortune's head to count down to her explosion.
    • Each second is now 90 in-game frames, up from 70.
    • Infinite Prevention System tracking and Damage Scaling are now reset when Robo-Fortune explodes. Drama (undizzy) is still frozen.
    • The ending explosion now pulls the opponent towards Robo-Fortune on hit.
    • While active, Robo-Fortune loses access to her Double Jump, but she can Air Dash.
    • While active, Theonite Beam (L and M, and air L and M) have less recovery, and the laser hits have special properties that will activate once per combo instead of always putting the opponent into a sliding hard knockdown. Damage on these beam hits has been increased to 1000.
    • The timer now pauses during 1v1 downs.
  • Added a new move, Warranty Extension (QCB+P) that can only be activated during Systemic Circuit Breaker. This move consumes one Headrone to extend the duration of Systemic Circuit Breaker by 5 seconds, while dealing 300 damage to herself. Each consecutive Headrone consumed deals an extra 100 damage to Robo-Fortune, up to 1000 damage max. The timer cannot exceed 20 seconds.
    • Each consumed Headrone removes 15% of the 66% Dramatic Tension (meter) reduction she receives while Systemic Circuit Breaker is active.
  • Magnetic Claw
    • Does not always cause Robo-Fortune to explode if Systemic Circuit Breaker is active, she can now hold any K during the leap portion to force the explosion.
    • Once per combo, Magnetic Claw will bounce the opponent upwards for a combo opportunity if she has activated Systemic Circuit Breaker.
    • Now has hitstop from the cinematic pause until the first active frame, preventing the opponent from performing an action before it has a chance to hit.
  • Danger! Flailing Arm Hazard! (QCF+MK)
    • Will now stagger the opponent once per combo if it is used without cancelling from a normal attack.
    • Increased hitstun against assists to combo them (even without stagger) into Catastrophe Cannon reliably.
    • Blockstun reduced. Now -17 on block, down from -12.
  • When performing a Double Jump within two frames after a jump, all air normals will be mid instead of overhead.
  • Added a new move, Homing Directory, performed by pressing up or up forward after s.HK splats the opponent into a wall while Robo-Fortune has at least one Headrone. This will have Robo-Fortune chase after the opponent, homing in on them and allowing for a follow-up combo.
  • Tuned s.HK blockstun and recovery, making it -13 on block (originally -26).
    • This change is documented in the "Beta Mode Update [2021-04-23]" patch notes, but didn't make it into the final patch summary.


  • c.HP middle hits have increased hitstun (+2) to always combo into Silver Chord with any special cancel timing.
  • Daisy Pusher correctly scales to 55% instead of 50%.
  • When cancelling Air Throw into Fallen Woman (Dive kick), it will ignore assists and always go for the point character to allow for consistent combos afterwards.
  • Fixed an issue where Squigly couldn't cancel Air Throw into Fallen Woman if she was too low to the ground.
  • Squigly can no longer hold Dragon's Breath or Serpent's Tail during 1v1 downs.
  • Fixed a bug where Squigly's level 5, Rage of the Dragon, required both charges instead of just one (the amount on point) if being activated as a Blockbuster Sequel (DHC).


  • If Vial Hazard is prepared, Valentine can use Countervenom as a Blockbuster Sequel (DHC). This version has reduced damage, is unsafe on block, and always applies the level 1 version of a given Vial Hazard status effect.
  • Vial Hazard Type C (orange vial) no longer drains at half speed while Valentine is in hitstun.
  • Fixed an issue where the grounded version of Savage Bypass would sometimes fail to produce a hit against characters in the corner if she attacked under them in some instances.

Combo Breaker 2020 Update

Released on Steam May 22nd, 2020

Released on PS4 July 8th, 2021

General Changes
  • New intro animations for Beowulf, Double, and Squigly, courtesy of Skullgirls Mobile!
  • A SonicFox NPC and associated update for the Class Notes variation!
  • KO screams for all characters when they're KO'd in the air!
  • Rebuilt character art with those all-important extra pixels!
Added to the 2nd Encore Upgrade Steam DLC
  • Two new colors per character from Skullgirls Switch, courtesy of Skybound Games!
  • Even more extra colors for various characters, also courtesy of Skullgirls Mobile!
  • A new stage, No Man's Land, also-also courtesy of Skullgirls Mobile!
  • Several more revived, previously-removed colors for various characters. (We did what we could, but much has been lost to time...)
Gameplay Changes
  • Removed the cap of 3 wins in Quick Match - now you can rematch forever!
  • The first hit of Beowulf's snapback no longer wrongly breaks all hyper armor. It still correctly breaks Sekhmet.
  • Beowulf's Geatish Trepak correctly deals only recoverable damage.
  • Cerebella's Grab Bag now properly scales followups to 55%, if you somehow manage to follow up.
  • Fixed the frame of Grab Bag recovery where Cerebella would not go into hitstun if she got hit.
  • Double's airthrow correctly deals only recoverable damage.
  • Added half-circle-forward (41236) overrides to Double's Lugers, so dashing forward and performing a half-circle using an assist input correctly gives Luger instead of Hornet Bomber.
  • Increased the size of the hitboxes on snapbacks for Filia, Fukua, Painwheel, Parasoul, and Peacock, in order to better match the animation and/or be able to properly OTG opponents during certain frames.
  • Remove the last possibility of a Happy Holidays after hitting Fukua's air Drill of my Dreams.
  • Fixed the bug where Painwheel's Hatred Install would not end after a properly-timed sliding knockdown.
  • The last hit of Peacock's Lv3 correctly deals only recoverable damage.
  • Peacock's Lonesome Lenny can no longer be lifted off the ground by certain attacks, e.g. Big Band's Cymbal Clash.
  • Robo's Magnetic Trap no longer affects opponents after a snapback, removing a timeout exploit.
  • Removed extraneous DP (623) motions for Robo's Danger specials and Magnetic Trap, they are now properly QCT (236) only.
  • Added electric palette effect on opponents hit by Robo's s.HK because it looks cool.
  • Reduced the duration of Robo's taunt by 20f to bring it more in line with other taunts. Even with the reduction, it is still the longest taunt in the game.
  • Squigly can now cancel held stances between Downs in a 1v1 fight.
  • Squigly's Seria Sing->SBO now properly activates air-unblockable protection on the opponent, removing the unblockable Seria Sing setups using the choice of Daisy Pusher or SBO+(antiair grab).
  • Solo Squigly's Inferno of Leviathan properly disappears if she is snapped by a duo or trio.
  • Reduced the duration of Squigly's taunt by 15f to bring it more in line with other taunts.
  • Added ground-tech voice lines for Double.
  • Headless Fortune properly plays tag in/out voice lines.
  • Fixed the button functions in Replay Theater to match the rest of the game.
  • Fixed a bug where Cilia Slide, Updo, Fiber Uppercut. and Countervenom could become airborne under extremely specific circumstances.
  • Fixed a rare bug where characters who were KO'd, hit a wall, and then got revived were no longer able to be juggled the next time they were KO'd.

Steam announcement

2020 Patchnotes

2nd Encore+

Released on Steam and PS4 in US and EU on April 1st, 2017
Released on PS3 and PS Vita in US and EU May 29th, 2017

General Changes

  • Japanese combat voices are now added, free, for everyone! Change between JP/EN per character in the Options menu under Voice Settings.
  • Japanese story dialog is added to the 2nd Encore Upgrade DLC pack, so now you can choose between JP/EN for your story modes!
  • Added the -disablelighting Launch Option. Does what it says, disables 99% of in-game lighting. Enabling this will make the game run better on bad computers, but it will look much worse.

Bug Fixes

  • Added "None" as a Dummy Action choice in Training Mode, on PC/Mac/Linux only. If you have the bug where one controller controls both characters in Training Mode, this is the "fix". Sigh. (=.=)
  • Fixed kicking people from lobbies on consoles.
  • Fix the Demon Lobbies bug where lobbies would occasionally repeatedly set ready/unready.
  • Fixed multiple bugs with midstage double snaps. Assists now must always reach the stage edge to stay in, unless Center Stage is active. A bunch of weird cases are now taken care of. (thanks Age!)
  • Bursting the end of A-Train, Pummel Horse, and Canis Major Press can now hit the attacker, and so can Burst->alpha counter. Be careful!
  • Gigantic Arm, 3 Wolf Moonsault, Diamonds Are Forever, Tricobezoar, Twice Shy, Head Over Heels, Fifth of Dismember, Lonesome Lenny, Acquisitive Prescription/Countervenom, and Rebirth Ex Machina all now properly grant the opponent a real amount of meter, as opposed to giving them the minimum meter possible from an attack or none at all. Silent Scope and Inferno Brigade were not adjusted, they are supposed to grant very little meter and were already set up to do that.
  • Increased the size of the dead zone for legacy USB devices on PS4. Forgot to do this when I did it for DS4s! (thanks AlcoholicRobot)
  • Fixed burstable-hitspark sound occasionally being weird. (also thanks AlcoholicRobot)
  • Undizzy counts down on all frames, not just non-skipped frames. Fixes a possible desync online!
  • Being kicked from a lobby no longer locks you out of all other game modes until the game is restarted. :^P
  • (Linux) SDL has been updated to version 2.0.5, which should fix the framerate issues on certain systems that have weird DBUS configurations.
  • (MacOS X) Added the -nohidpi option to manually resolve crashes on certain Macs that have extremely recent updates that made the game crash.
  • (MacOS X) Beowulf's move list now includes the EX Wulf Press Slam command. Oops. :^P

Gameplay Changes

  • ALL damage when above 240 undizzy is simply scaled by an extra 45% (to 55%, 1000 -> 550), with the same minimums as normal.
  • When Undizzy is at 240+, the bar waits for 4f after recovery from hitstun before starting to decrease, so that resets must give the defender a larger window before no longer being penalized. Below 240, the bar still decreases instantly, and there is no delay when recovering from blockstun (unless a previous delay from hitstun has not yet finished).
  • Snapping out a character on a trio now locks out both assists, not just the one you snapped out. This also locks out DHCs to both characters, and in general makes playing a trio riskier. Technically this qualifies as a bug fix, but since it changes that dynamic I have listed it as a Change.
  • When Undizzy is at 240+, the attacker always gets the minimum damage-scaled metergain and the victim always gets the maximum.

Character Changes

Big Band

  • All versions of A-Train are now IPS tracked, and can grant Undizzy or IPS bursts if not chained into. (For IPS it counts as a separate special move from Brass Knuckles.)
  • He now can’t use taunted supers during the same combo that he gained the taunt.
  • Taunted Super Sonic Jazz -190 damage. At full scaling having a taunt gives almost exactly one extra super’s worth of damage now, instead of more than that.


  • s.MP -> Pipe Bomb will no longer wrongly trigger Undizzy from the mic drop if the first hit of s.MP both wasn't chained into and also brings Undizzy over 240 on the first hit.
  • Two chairless j.HPs that would trade with each other, will now tech each other. This requires both attacks to be active! If only one is active then it will grab as normal.
  • Removed leftover buggy script from armor reactions. (thanks EU SG!)
  • Added missing physical extent box on frame 4 of air knockup hitstun.
  • Non-super versions of Canis Major Press are now IPS tracked, and can grant IPS and Undizzy bursts if the grab-mode starting attack wasn't chained into.


  • Enemies held by Excellebella are always considered to be very far in front of her, because on the frames during the settling after being grabbed where that was not the case. This should fix randomly getting attacks facing the wrong way or backward motions during the first part of Excellebella assist grabs.
  • Pummel Horse is now IPS tracked, and can grant Undizzy or IPS bursts if not chained into. (For IPS it now counts as Excellebella, because they are both comboable grabs.)
  • The last hit of Excellebella assist only and all followup damage is force-scaled to 33% maximum. (Raw assist 1650 dmg to 1047 dmg.)
  • j.HP scales damage to 75%, to give her slightly less reward for how much blockstun and priority it has.


  • The middle hits of j.HP now have the same momentum fix as the last hit does. This may not change very much, it is more for consistency.


  • Sekhmet doesn't turn around when hit from the back by certain moves like Zoom!


  • Instant-air beams are now always possible with assist commands (D,DF,F,UF/U+P+K). Previously this was glitched during jump-rise unless the Kick button was pressed before the Punch button.
  • All allied sprites will never blow up Headrone Impact mines. (This was a few bugs combined.)
  • Removed leftover buggy script from armor reactions. (thanks EU SG!)
  • Headrone Salvo missiles (“Kitten Moussles”, free unused pun to good home) now properly display IPS and Undizzy sparks when they hit, if those conditions are active.
  • Lv1 and Lv3 Catastrophe Cannons now pull the opponent downward more, hitstop on each Cannon hit increased by 4f, and lowered the launch height of the individual hits, to help make many DHCs from Cannon not randomly miss half the time.


  • Countervenom and Acquisitive Prescription properly set the DHC number, so the correct DHCs are always available no matter which supers Valentine has done previously. (thanks amabane!)
  • Purple poison decides whether it will be max-undizzy-scaled or not when the syringe hits, and doesn't change any time after that.

2nd Encore+ (before undizzy changes)

Released on Steam and US PS4/PS Vita January 23rd, 2017
Released on PS3 in US and EU January 27th, 2017
Released on PS4 and PS Vita in EU February 1st, 2017

General Changes

  • Added 8-player Lobby functionality
  • Added new tutorials for Stunt Doubles, PBGC, and Double Snaps! (Thanks, render!)
  • New intro animations added for Big Band, Peacock, Parasoul, Painwheel, Eliza, Valentine, Filia, and Cerebella. You can choose your intro pose by holding a button when the round starts. This is thanks to the upcoming Skullgirls mobile version!
  • Title screen updated to “2nd Encore+”. This is to help owners know that they have the latest and final version of the game. (Thanks, Brady!)
  • All character tutorials have been updated to reflect any new mechanics.
  • Added the ability to save four more Entourages (saved teams), for a total of six! Now you can save and load teams with Up, Down, or Neutral on either Macro 1 or Macro 2. (Thanks, cuteZ!)
  • You can now load an Entourage for the CPU team in CPU Quick Match.
  • Updated the dead zones for the analog sticks on PS4 to be a teeny bit larger.
  • Increased the size of the dead zones for Up and Down on the Vita analog nubs.
  • Online matches now properly reflect each player’s voice choices, so you can have English vs Japanese of the same character, or voice pack on one side vs EN/JP on the other, or whatever. (* Japanese voices are currently only available on the Japanese PS4/PS Vita versions, but will be released in North America and Europe for PS4/PS Vita/Steam soon.)
  • Because of the change for English vs Japanese voices online, the online opponent character voice enable/disable option now defaults to Yes. (* Japanese voices are currently only available on the Japanese PS4/PS Vita versions, but will be released in North America and Europe for PS4/PS Vita/Steam soon.)
  • If playing another match on the same stage without going to character/stage select, the music will play continuously without restarting. (Thanks, Bang Camaro!)
  • Made various changes to Training Mode:
    • Hitstun bar now displays up to 100f of hitstun using multiple bars, instead of just up to 20f.
    • Added “Superjump” as a possible training mode dummy action.
    • Added “Parry (Big Band)” options, and marked the state after a successful parry as able to play training dummy “As Reversal” recordings.
    • Attack Data now shows the last hit’s damage scaling, and the last combo’s accumulated Drama value.
    • Attack data box size increased by 10%, and increased by 33% on Vita.
    • “Counterhit” option now supports: Never, First Hit Only, Always, After First Hit, and Random. (Thanks, SonicFox!)
    • Added parry timer and cooldown display to Big Band’s Training Mode Advanced display. (Thanks, goldriver38!)
    • Added display of armor, projectile armor, Hatred Guard, and Hyper Armor to the Training Mode Advanced frame data display at the top. Armor is grey, projectile armor has a hole in it, Hatred Guard has a purple center, and Hyper Armor has a yellow center.
    • Changed the color of Filia 300% in Fukua’s story mode, to signify she’s harder.
    • Improved Class Notes a bit. (Thanks, Willy!)
    • Updated the look of the timer and the Drama/undizzy bar when it’s full, so that people can tell which version of the game they’re looking at! (Thanks, Brady!)
    • (P1)/(P2) offscreen character position markers appear earlier, without requiring the character to be as far below the screen as they did before. Sekhmet now counts as half Eliza’s height, so Sekhmet’s marker shows up at the proper time too!
    • On all platforms except the PS Vita, made the “Leader / ## Wins” text smaller, and moved it down further, to try to give space above it for stream overlays. (Thanks, Broken Loose!)
    • (Steam version only) Replays on PC properly preserve EN and JP voices! (* The Replays feature requires the launch option “-enablereplays”)
    • (Steam version only) Replays now save and display online player names! (* The Replays feature requires the launch option “-enablereplays”)
    • (Steam version only) Moved the replay data folder to MyDocuments/Skullgirls[_Beta]/Replays_SG2EPlus/ so the new format doesn’t interfere with original Skullgirls 2nd Encore replays, since the original Skullgirls 2nd Encore retail build will be archived and it’d be nice not to have those replays break. (* The Replays feature requires the launch option “-enablereplays”)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the random number sequence was not being updated between online games in Ranked or in 2-player lobbies with no spectators. (Thanks, AdenPhoenix!)
  • Fixed a number of Vita-specific issues:
    • Right-hand speaker volume being too low
    • Skullgirls theme music not playing during a double snap
  • Fixed some tutorial bugs, including all bugs where Beowulf’s Canis Major Press wouldn’t land. (Thanks to everyone who reported them!)
  • Fixed an issue where character names underneath in-game portraits were off-center
  • Fixed various bugs related to Story Mode:
    • Final Parasoul Story Mode movie playback not working properly
    • Cerebella reading the same line twice during Eliza’s Story Mode (Japanese only)
    • Story Mode-related Trophies not registering, despite meeting conditions
    • Increased online username text size (Vita only)
    • Brain Drain’s portrait overlapping in Big Band’s Story Mode (Vita only)
  • Fixed various bugs in Training Mode:
    • Fixed implementation of Drama setting so that 5 Drama is not mistakenly added as soon as the opponent is hit. (Thanks, Worldjem!)
    • If Health is not set to Normal or Infinite, assists do not reset their health during double snaps or any other time the point character is in hitstun, even if the assist recovers from hitstun.
    • Training dummy will now properly ground-tech after Beowulf’s grab finishers when they are done after he’s already used an OTG, and in other situations where it failed to properly tech. It still won’t tech if that input would trigger a burst.
    • Block Type “Random” will now correctly block all hits high and low after being touched the first time, rather than randomly choosing per hit. (Thanks, Pickles!)
  • Fixed a bug where a dead snapped-out character would come in after the round was over if you killed the assist off that doublesnap. (Thanks, ShadeMoneh!)
  • Projectile assists now always correctly add undizzy at Combo Stage 3+, just like physical-hit assists do. Previously, projectile assists could only add undizzy after that character was DHC’d out, whereas physical-hit assists would always add it.
  • Fukua’s held Clones draining her life or Big Band taking damage from parrying no longer costs that team their Perfect. An opponent hitting Ms. Fortune’s head still does.
  • Fixed a bug where you could be put in hitstop without being put in blockstun if you landed on the same frame you air-blocked an attack.
  • Fixed bugs in Cerebella’s and Double’s air knockup animations that made it more difficult to hit just those two characters with certain moves while they were falling.
  • A Solo snapping out an assist, while the point character blocks the snapback, now correctly awards the health regen for snapping out an assist. (Thanks, Magma442!)
  • Fixed more strange interactions with Parasoul’s tears and other attacks like Gigantic Arm.
  • Fixed universal bug where being hit the frame after any armor ended would not put the character into hitstun OR do damage! (Thanks, amabane!)
  • Fixed getting backward inputs as a reversal after ground techs occasionally! Now, if you do the move the way your character will be facing, it will correctly come out.
  • Shortcut snapbacks, executed as ↓↘+buttons, now properly count as part of your chain rather than always being burstable even if chained into. (Thanks, Yomabuddy!)
  • Shuffled around lobby names so that if the bug where all lobbies appear as the first name happens, now it’ll be “Unnamed Lobby” instead of “Casual Matches – Beginner”. (Thanks, Liam!)
  • With online opponent voices off, the character select screen no longer shows when online opponents have picked a voicepack. It used to, even though the in-game voice would be normal. (Thanks, Rabbleflaggers!)
  • The unending black screen after lobby countdown now returns you to the lobby in 9 seconds if no connection is established. (Increased from 5 sec to possibly help long distance connections.)
  • In lobbies you can no longer Set Ready/Not Ready after the 7 second mark. This is to curtail the issue of broken lobbies when someone chooses Set Ready right at 05.
  • Challenge menu now uses the same button assignments as the rest of the game.
  • Fixed problems with seeing characters on character select in Quick Match rematches. The first game is still blind pick, everything after that should be normally viewable.
  • P1/P2 offscreen indicator now doesn’t wrongly display for the invisible point character during double-snaps.
  • Fixed floating trees on Nightmare Crest. (Thanks, Willy!)
  • (Steam version only) Fixed an issue with replays where usernames using a number in them wouldn’t show up properly. (* The Replays feature requires the launch option “-enablereplays”)
  • (Steam version only) Replays record the correct character order if you switch it before the start of a game (by holding assist inputs during loading/Play Again, in an offline match). (* The Replays feature requires the launch option “-enablereplays”)
  • (Steam version only) Fixed weird bugs on startup with 2+ controllers plugged in. (* The Replays feature requires the launch option “-enablereplays”)

Gameplay Changes

  • Over-max-undizzy burstable hits (green hitsparks) now are scaled by an extra 50%, and this can go below the minimum scaling. Attempting to fix the “do a long combo ending with one final large hit that would be burstable, except it kills them” thing. Now maybe it won’t kill them. This does not apply to Infinite Prevention System burstable hits (red hitsparks), which still do normal damage because you’ve not yet reached the maximum damage for the combo. (Green-vs-red distinction thanks to Fowz!)
  • Color #10 is now unlocked for every character the player owns, both in savedata and in data permissions without needing to input a code. (People being able to use the color they want is the most important thing!
  • High-low unblockable protection improvement, final version:
    • Any blocked high or low hit sets up the protection for 7f including hitstop. The protection is not extended by being touched by other mid hits, but the time is restarted from any new high or low hit. Sequences that are within 7f and ONLY involve hits from the point character still must be blocked properly. tl;dr Sequences of hits from different sprites that are within 7f of each other are protected from being high/low mixups no matter what hit types are involved, but if they are farther apart than that they must be blocked properly. Fixes certain types of delayed setups that are humanly unblockable (Peacock okizeme meaty slide + L George + Lv3 item drop, for example).
  • Game speed has been slightly increased. Previous frameskip: 6. New frameskip: 5.
  • Getting crumpled in the corner no longer pulls certain characters out of the corner.
  • Bursting from a snapback hit is always a gold burst (always safe) even if it wouldn’t have been otherwise.
  • →→ then jumping on the very next frame (or ←←~jump) will no longer give a dashjump followed by an unintended airdash. ↗→+PP / ↗+PP and all the other things that are actually inputting an airdash will still give you one. (Thanks, CaioLugon!)
  • Any snapback during which bursts are allowed can now be bursted for the first few frames after the hit, before the character leaves the stage.
  • Allowed everyone to negative-edge snapbacks! (Thanks, ShadowFury333!)
  • Hitting an assist with the point character dead now grants 100% of the on-hit meter to the victim, and no meter to the attacker. (Thanks, Liam!)
  • Added back-of-the-head vulnerable boxes to crouching Cerebella, Filia/Fukua, Valentine, and Fortune in hitstun/blockstun/idle, and increased their height when necessary so that test-case moves all hit in the corner.
  • Assists that are reset outside doublesnaps with the point alive, if below 75% damage scaling, only go up to 75% scaling, instead of 100%. Unbirthdays are still useful but no longer quite as easy kills.
  • Make buttons also count for shaking out of Staggers, in addition to shaking the joystick! (Thanks, Liam!)
  • Make Big Band's and Eliza's staggers the same length as everyone else’s! (Thanks, mcpeanuts for the reminder!)
  • Counterhitting with a hit that is not supposed to kill (first part of Fenrir Drive, Beowulf’s Three Wulf Moonsault uppercuts, etc.) will now indeed not kill, even with the increased counterhit damage. (Thanks, Liam!)
  • Increased the height of Parasoul, Fortune, Robo-Fortune, Squigly, Peacock, Filia/Fukua, and other applicable characters’ on-the-ground hitboxes so that things which OTG most characters will also OTG those characters (Cerebella c.MP, etc) reliably, even when they are OTG’d while flat on the floor before bouncing up.

Character Changes


  • Adjusted the knockback on the last hit of j.HP vs air to launch the opponent lower, with some additional downward Y-boost if Double is falling. Makes confirms vs air into ground strings easier, somewhat balancing out the nerfed vulnerable boxes, and makes crossing under afterward much harder.
  • j.HP, c.LK, c.MP, and Hornet Bomber are no longer disjoint hitboxes. They still have non-vulnerable tips, and the hitboxes are not changed, but they can be out-poked more often now. j.LK has been left moderately disjoint, and the tip of c.LK still has no vulnerable area.
  • All Luger shots scale to 75%, because of the amazing utility they have at neutral and the fact they are a single hit.
  • Reduce blockstun from j.HK first hit, to prevent [j.HK]xN blockstring.
  • Improve ability to armor cancel and pushblock between hits of j.HP.
  • Increase blockstun of Fridge by exactly 1f. (related to Beast of Gehenna changes below)
  • Megalith Array (Lv5):
    • If the timer expires she just goes back to normal without exploding. Lenny detonation can still be done any time with ↓↙← + PP or ↓↙← + KK.
    • Chip damage on projectiles reduced by 50.
    • All projectiles disappear when the mode ends, not just bombs. It is now possible to punish a Megalith Array without having slow walking bombs or rings ruin your punish, but you have to contend with her being able to detonate instead.
    • Reduce damage so that it is more in line with other Lv5s at 1.0 damage, rather than able to kill in a 3v2 scenario. (Sage/Fox/Liam/etc, basically everyone)
    • Marked it as counterhit! No more teching throws from it. (Thanks, Liam for the reminder!)
    • Add a 4f buffer period on punch buttons ring-spit inputs, because kick buttons had one. Easier to catch the initial hit now.
    • Standardize invincibility time, it is always 20f regardless of what she does or where the super is activated.
  • Beast of Gehenna:
    • Reduced the post-superflash DHC window on Beast of Gehenna from flash+13f to flash+6f to allow more consistent punishes.
    • The puddle now won't attempt grab enemies that are being thrown, so it won't ruin Valentine's Lv3 when DHC'd into up close.
    • The puddle won't expire during the last part of Cerebella's Ultimate Showstopper or the last part of Valentine's Lv3, to not ruin DHCs that worked previously.
    • Increase recovery time of Beast of Gehenna summon animation by 5f.
    • The activation of it will not grab if Double is hit/thrown before it makes contact.
    • Increase the startup of the activation by 1f.
    • Puddle time before disappearance 9 sec→8 sec.
    • Puddle counts down to disappear 1.5x fast when Double is not the point character. (Lasts for 2/3 the time it lasts while she is on point.)
    • Bite damage 1750→1500.
  • Double-specific bug fixes:
    • Double's Lv5 detonation no longer costs her a Perfect.
    • c.MP is now unable to cross up enemies that are not already in hitstun, just like Fukua's j.HK, because there was a frame-perfect unblockable using it that way.
    • c.HP always has the same amount of blockstop vs air opponents, rather than randomly subtracting anywhere from 1-5f.
    • She now moves forward on frame 3 of c.LK instead of frame 4, because the art expected her to move forward on frame 3.
    • Remove the ability for her airthrow to hit assists.
    • Fix j.LK to allow armor cancels and pushblocks more consistently. (Thanks, dragonos451!)
    • You can now trigger the explosion from her Lv5 during the intermission between Downs, rather than sitting around vulnerable at the start of the next round.


  • Any of her own life drained by holding Clones now goes into a reserve, and Fukua is able to heal portions of that self-inflicted damage in three ways: Taunting recovers 20% of the total shadow-hold drained life; hitting with Inevitable Snuggle recovers 33%; and hitting with Twice Shy recovers 55% but the recovery is damage-scaled by the current combo's damage scaling. Recovering any of the drained life zeroes out the amount of reserve life (e.g. you can't taunt twice in a row to get back 20%x2). Healing by any OTHER method, such as being tagged out or landing a snapback as the point character, removes 2 points of reserve life for every 1 point of other healing. Healing in those 3 ways can heal her above her current red life, if she has taken a significant amount of self-inflicted damage by holding shadows. She cannot heal more than 55% of her self-inflicted damage by any means.
  • Added a 4f buffer window for normal attacks after j.HK, on hit only, to help with some of her more difficult combo routes.
  • s.MK forward movement is now 95% of what it originally was.
  • Reduced the size of the vulnerable boxes on the extra extended-out startup frame of j.HK somewhat.
  • Forward-moving air fireballs now do not slow down below regular forward-jump velocity. You can still cross up with an L air fireball but it's much more obvious when you will do so, and slightly harder to do weird ambiguous things with it or convert off poorly-spaced L air fireballs.
  • j.HK vulnerable boxes extend to the full length 1f sooner than before. Visual timing adjusted so she's visually got something in the area you can hit for 2 frames before you can hit it.
  • j.HK, j.HK > HP, and s.HK all have less blockstop on the opponent, and additional blockstun to compensate. Total time before the opponent recovers (blockstop+blockstun) is unchanged, but actions such as pushblock and land-canceling can happen earlier after Fukua makes contact. (j.HK -4f blockstop, j.HK > HP -2f, s.HK -4f.)
  • j.HK +2f opponent blockstop; j.HP +1f opponent blockstop.
  • Blown Kiss chip damage 920→820.
  • c.MP now has a vulnerable box on the bottom half of Fukua's head on frame 5, to prevent a poorly timed too-early c.MP from beating, rather than trading with, multiple standing ranged pokes, while still leaving it as good an antiair as possible. Late c.MP still dodges and punishes everything it did before, including those pokes, because the startup frame vulnerable areas are still the same.
  • If she throws a fireball that doesn't hit anything, she now gets a teensy little bit of meter when it returns, as opposed to getting none. (Thanks, MegamanDS #top300Fukua!)
  • Ground Drill of my Dreams damage 3281 → 3012. Updated air Drill with the same damage values.
  • Reduced the range of her Lv3 a bit.
  • Lv3 damage 5100→4900.
  • Command grabs quality of life improvements:
    • Added some more audio oomph.
    • Added a small pause on the last slam for even more oomph.
    • Added a 10f buffer for supercancels on the last slam, to make it harder to miss your cancel.
  • Forever a Clone:
    • Because they can be held and can hit high or low, hitting with any Clone now scales followup damage, but they scale damage less based on what number Clone they were, when summoned in a combo. First Clone is now 25% scaling (scaled to 75%), second is 35%, and third is the same as before, 45%. If she continues to hold the Clone, it retains that damage scaling, so doing a combo with two Clones and summoning a third, then resetting into the held Clone, will still scale to 55% as before. But starting a combo into M Clone now scales to 75% instead of 55%, so her non-Clone-reset combo damage is increased.
    • Life drain for holding the 1st and 2nd Clones in a combo reduced even further.
    • Life drain while holding a Clone reduced, but increases the more Clones you've used in the current combo. Much less for simply holding one in neutral now, but doing a high/low reset with a Clone, into M Clone into setting up another gets the very high drain rate.
    • Life drain for holding Clones adjusted to be more of a factor: Maximum drain amount doubled, full drain is about 9.5% of a lifebar; the drain now has exponential falloff, meaning it drains much more life at the beginning and much less near the end; it also removes some red life, but at a lower rate than being hit does. If you’re gonna set up some mixup, better make it worth the life lost!
    • Add 7f(!) dash buffer period after Forever A Clone, to help with combos off held clone summons.
    • To help with followup timing, Fukua now stays the Clone color until she's within 3f of recovering from the Clone summon. It makes a fairly large difference.
    • M Clone now allows a different Clone to be summoned as soon as it successfully grabs, rather than locking all summons until after it entirely disappears.
    • Clones can't be hit by physical attacks when used as assists, rather than on point.
    • Clones do not disappear if they are hit by a burst, because the burst also doesn't count as "having hit" if it touched a Clone.
    • L Clone never breaks point character armor, but it always breaks assist armor, whether Fukua is an assist or not.
    • M Clone bounce height returned to normal; after-slam disappearance sped up to let her summon other shadows earlier.
    • Held Clones are now pulled by the screen edges like Fortune's head.
    • M Clone is now a hitgrab (not a throw; blockable, can combo into it) single slam version of Fukua's command throw. It combos after s.HK, and because it is a hitgrab it breaks armor.
      • No longer occasionally makes the opponent vanish forever!
      • No longer goes fullscreen sometimes; still moves faster (but doesn't go much farther) if the opponent is in hitstun, if the Clone was not held and if Fukua is not an assist.
      • Now bounces them higher.
      • Never slams the opponent forward, only behind the clone. Still can juggle easily if the clone was behind the opponent.
    • Held Clones automatically attack when they time out, rather than disappearing.
    • You can switch between holding different Kick buttons and still hold the Clone. For example, holding an M Clone → hold HK → release MK = still holding Clone until ALL Kick buttons are released.
    • Damage 750→600
    • Allow her to delay the Clone for a maximum of 5 seconds (300f) by continuing to hold down any kick button. Still may only have one out at a time. Overhead and low properties unchanged. Because this separates Fukua's two souls (or something lore lore lore), holding a Clone drains Fukua's life (total 9.5% if held for the entire 5 seconds), but will not kill her.
    • Improve Clone coloring so they are more visible.
    • Clones now disappear if Fukua is hit, thrown, or blocks an attack.
    • Clones can now be erased by physical attacks, but not by projectiles, the same as Parasoul's Egret Charge.
    • Put properly-sized vulnerable boxes on Clones.
    • Clones now make a sound while they are out to indicate their position, like her fireball.
  • Best Friends Forever:
    • 2nd hit scales any followups by 50% if not DHC'd into and 33% if DHC'd into.
    • The super is now blockable post-flash if you were not attacking/dashing/etc at the super flash, just like Arm or SBO.
  • Blown Kiss is now ~8f more negative when pushblocked by ~8f. Still +/-0 on regular block.
  • Reduce damage by ~100 on many moves, 200 on c.HP, and 300 on command grabs, to lower combo damage slightly.
  • Reduce hitstun from assist H Drill by 5f.
  • Reduce blockstun of Heartseeker, j.RH→j.Fierce +20 on block → +9 on block. Hitstun unchanged. (Sonic/Sage combined basis)
  • Fukua-specific bug fixes:
    • M Clone now always counts the enemy's position as "in front of the clone's position", like Egret Charge does, to prevent some situations during the throw where Fukua would briefly turn around and get a drill instead of another Clone summon. (Thanks, Fosh!)
    • Fixed a massive bug in her fireball that led to it producing hitstun of 60+ frames on certain trades. (Thanks, Sonicfox and Cloudking)
    • Improved M Clone picking up after s.HK from far distances. There are still some distances where it doesn't work, but it works much more often than before.
    • Armor on Inevitable Snuggle extended through the first active frame, as opposed to stopping the frame before that. Fixed situations where she can be hit on the frame she would have grabbed and not armor it. (Thanks, MegamanDS)
    • Extend the farther hitboxes on her snapback downward, to allow OTGs from farther out.
    • Aesthetically improved the ending of air Drill of my Dreams slightly on whiff.
    • M Clone correctly sets the combo stage to 3 in all cases, including after an airthrow.
    • Redrew the hitboxes on the active frame of s.LK so that it more reliably hits standing Painwheel and Ms. Fortune.
    • Fixed the M Forever A Clone section of her tutorial.
    • Remove extra post-superflash delay when Fukua's Lv5 is done after a PBGC.
    • Added opponent "ouch" VO on command throws and M Clone throw.
    • Fukua's held Clones now are always drawn in front of assist characters.
    • Fix a bug with j.HK landing on the same frame it made contact. Maximum advantage on hit is now correctly +27, on block +14. (thanks SonicFox)
    • Adjust hitbox shape on c.HP so that c.MP > c.HP hits Squigly from point-blank range midstage.
    • Fixed the end of air Drill of My Dreams not having DHC-out transitions. No more “Merry Christmas”. (Thanks, Fosh for finding it, and Liam for the reminder!)
    • j.HK can no longer hit backward as a crossup. (Thanks, dekillsage and SonicFox!)
    • Extend the hitboxes on their snapback downward to the floor so it doesn't miss herself during floorbounce frames. (Also fixed for Filia)
    • Lv5's 2nd hit doesn't fail when used after an OTG has already been used, no longer counts as using up her OTG, and doesn't knock the opponent back as far for easier followups.


  • Added a 5f buffer window for all L attacks after s.MP and s.MK, so that her links after those attacks are not 1-2f.
  • s.HP startup 19f→17f, hitstun +3f to ensure there are no dead frames when comboing to new Headrone Impact on standing.
  • Various frame data adjustments:
    • Headrone Impact block advantage +29 → +17.
    • c.HP block advantage -11 → -12.
    • c.LK block advantage +3 → +1.
    • s.LK block advantage +0 → +2.
    • s.LP-LP block advantage +3 +3 → +2 +0.
    • c.LP and c.LP-LP block advantage +3 → +0.
    • s.MK -1f startup, +3f recovery.
    • s.MP +1f startup; unheld s.MP block advantage now +2; s.MP hold block advantage +0.
  • s.HP last hit also pulls in, even on block; add 7f recovery so that it is not +6 on hit and right next to the opponent. Damage redistributed, now 1003 instead of 1089, and ~50 less damage than before when fully scaled.
  • Dash velocity 24px/frame → 23px/frame; during Lv3, 28px → 27px.
  • After a doublejump-cancel from an air attack, all jumping attacks until landing are not overhead. Regular doublejumps without cancelling from an attack works as normal.
  • Damage reduced by 75 on many normals.
  • Added a small buffer window for double-jumps after air beams. Landing still takes priority.
  • c.MK only pulls the opponent toward Robo if they are far away. Should prevent rare cases of Robo crossing underneath and whiffing with the followup c.HP vs really close opponents.
  • s.HP pulls in on hit (and ground block), and reduced the knockback on the final hit, to make it easier to connect H Danger afterward from any distance.
  • Remove vulnerable box on c.LP’s ears during the active frames to make it a better antiair.
  • c.MK knocks opponent slightly toward Robo on hit , now combos into c.HP from max range on everyone, instead of having the c.HP whiff. (Thanks, Stuff!)
  • Increase the visual “tell” on s.HK by retiming the beginning. Frame data unchanged, but it now reaches unique frames sooner. (Thanks, Liam!)
  • Properly arrange IPS display pips in Training Mode, and remove unused ones!
  • Decrease damage on all normals to lower her combo damage a decent amount. Her zoning is getting a huge boost, reducing her actually-pretty-high damage to low-average is basically required.
  • Increase the size of the vulnerable boxes, and slightly decrease the size of the hitbox, on j.HK to make it easier to contest. (Thanks, Liam!)
  • Magnetic Trap:
    • Magnet minimum damage is now 1000, down from 1237.
    • Now puts opponents all the way in the corner, instead of allowing corner crossups afterward.
    • Causes untechable knockdown. Does not leave the opponent grounded long enough to cross up, only long enough to retreat.
    • Is now strike invincible before the superflash, rather than throw invincible. Still fully invincible after the flash until the first active frame. This gives her a safe DHC out.
  • Theonite Beam:
    • L and M beam meter gain decreased.
    • Opponent’s meter gain for being touched by all beams increased; it is now roughly half of what Robo gets, both on hit and on block.
    • L and M beam damage 650 and chip damage to 375.
    • Beams do not receive any counterhit damage bonus. They still subtract undizzy on counterhit, but there’s no extra damage.
    • Make L/M beams reach fullscreen on the first active frame, instead of half that, so they instantly hit everything in the way.
    • Decrease recovery on L/M ground beams by 5f.
    • Decrease recovery on H ground beam by 7f.
    • Increased hitstun/blockstun/knockback on j.L beam a bit.
    • Beam impacts now correctly show IPS sparks.
    • Double-jumping grants another air Beam use if one was already used. (Thanks, MegamanDS!)
  • Headrone RAM:
    • Improve vertical tracking speed a bit.
    • Chip damage 150 → 300.
  • Headrone Impact:
    • Explosion always scales damage to 50%, but Robo can now combo after the explosion even if the mine traded with the opponent.
    • Decrease time between a head detecting the opponent and it finally exploding to 1f from 6f.
    • Heads that make contact during the airborne dive portion will always explode on landing instead of waiting (or disappearing if Robo is in hitstun).
    • Increase hitstun on air portion by 5f to help ensure it always combos into the detonation.
  • Headrone Salvo:
    • Salvo assist now summons up to 3 heads per call when she doesn't already have 3 heads, with one head rotation between summons. A second call is still required to fire them.
    • Only the first Salvo assist c.HK (with no heads summoned) counts as "using your assist". This way if you call her in the middle of a combo it will lock your assist, but if you start a combo after she’s summoned the first head then you can call another assist.
    • The three heads summoned by this assist now do not hit on the way up after being summoned.
    • Calling this assist to summon the three heads now counts as "using your assist during this combo" even though it does not hit, just like Center Stage.
    • When done as the point character, Lv2 Salvo +10f recovery and Lv3 +20f.
    • Duration of Robo's animation during Salvo assist extended. Now she is still on the screen when the missiles hit, so that you can’t call her before they hit and start summoning more heads during the missile rain.
    • Missiles knock airborne opponents downward rather than upward.
    • Number of missiles increased: 1 head = 3→4, 2 heads = 6→8, 3 heads = 9→12, 3 heads + taunt = 21.
    • Increase hitstun 22f→32f, blockstun unchanged.
  • Head stuff:
    • All versions of ↓↙←+K activate heads earlier in the animation, at 6f instead of 14f.
    • Heads respond to activation call 10f faster, and begin their action 3f faster after responding.
    • Reduced the recovery of all versions by 3f.
    • Reduce recovery of c.HK by 2f.
  • L Danger:
    • Invincible from the knees up, rather than the waist up, through the active frames.
    • Hitbox slightly bigger.
    • Startup 11f→10f.
    • Pulls opponent in on hit so all hits connect from any distance.
    • Knocks away higher and farther to aid zoning if she chooses not to supercancel.
    • Recovery increased, now -20 on block.
  • Reduced opponent meter build on hit for all versions of Catastrophe Cannon.
  • Systemic Circuit Breaker (Lv3):
    • L and M beams during Lv3 knock up higher, knock back further, and are supercancellable throughout the entire animation for ease of picking up with Magnet.
    • Explosion hitstop per hit 8f→12f, and added a 10f buffer to input attacks when Robo lands, so that explode → Cannon is possible on every character.
    • After activation, Robo has up to 12f of invincibility if she doesn’t do anything, a-la Tanden Renki.
    • When Robo is not the point character, explosion timer is always set to 40% remaining. Setting it to "a while left" prevents snapping her in for a free kill.
    • Alpha counter explosion gives 7f more time before Robo explodes. It is now 2f slower than as Alpha counter → SSJ, which is the fastest thing that can be done after an alpha counter.
    • Tagging in Robo also makes the detmode timer set to explode immediately.
    • Fixed various audio bugs when Robo was not the point character.
    • During Lv3, L/M beams cause untechable sliding knockdown, similar to Fukua’s airthrow.
    • Explosion does not push airblocking opponents backward and release them from it.
    • Explosion now keeps the opponent in hitstop so they cannot PBGC during it. Using the bug for good, for once!
    • Exploding does not clear Robo Fortune’s undizzy or reset damage scaling until she fully completes the recovery (i.e. the recovery counts as still-in-hitstun); the opponent does get a CH which subtracts some undizzy, but they do not get a full new HCH combo with reset IPS.
    • Landing recovery increased after explosion.
    • Timer counts down 5x as fast during a successful Magnetic Trap, meaning she should always explode after it slams.
    • Add flames (visual effect) when she is close to detonating to distinguish from flashing without sound. (Thanks, Liam!)
  • Robo-Fortune bug fixes:
    • Robo’s Lv3 explosion’s self-inflicted damage no longer costs her a perfect.
    • Reduced the DHC window on Lv3 by one frame to prevent a bug where she could DHC and end up doing a reversal special move instead of leaving.
    • Headrone Impact is no longer triggered by Parasoul’s tossed tears. Still set off by an opponent’s M Napalm Shot. (Thanks, zeknife!)
    • Beams don’t erroneously produce IPS sparks on assists.
    • The Lv1 and Lv3 Catastrophe Cannons no longer pull an opposing Lenny toward Robo. (Thanks, PME!)
    • Moved the back edge of the hitboxes for all levels of Catastrophe Cannon forward by 50 pixels, so it is easier to hit Robo from behind without being hit.
    • All levels of Catastrophe Cannon now drag high up opponents downward on hit, which should lessen the occurrence of odd situations where someone bounces above it and is only hit very few times.
    • Ground pushblocking again H Beam doesn’t move the opponent forward.
    • Fixed a bug with Mine not knocking down vs air or on trade. Now always knocks down.
    • Last hit of H Danger +4f hitstop on heavy and medium-weight assists, to allow OTGless Cannon afterward against all assists. (Thanks, Liam!)
    • c.LK→s.MK is now a blockstring. Block advantage of c.LK unchanged.
    • DHCs to Lv1 or Lv3 Cannon are always blockable after the superflash unless you are attacking, no matter how quickly the DHC is done. Lv5 can still be made unblockable with a perfect DHC from certain supers.
    • Fixed a frame-perfect unblockable when DHCing into Magnetic Trap vs an opponent that would be pulled upward directly after the superflash, on their last frame of blockstun. (Thanks, Pickles!)
    • Fixed scripting bug where Headrone RAM never determined which way to fly. Now chooses on the first frame of the takeoff animation. (Thanks, Customer Service Heropon!)
    • Double jump point falling through the floor shouldn't count as "landing" to set off IPS.
    • Allow her to negative-edge all specials including Danger. She previously couldn’t.
    • Remove the shadow from Robo-Fortune's electricity on her burst. (Thanks, Liam!)
    • Fix Robo-Fortune’s Lv5 using the wrong (Lv3) voice clip and background color when DHC’d into.
    • Magnet super: Pause timer/prevent time-out while opponent is grabbed.
    • L/M/H beams are now all the same IPS category. Air and ground are different categories.


  • Added a 4f reversal window for dashes/normals/specials after M and H chair tosses, to help him take better advantage of H toss being +1 on block, since he’s getting rid of the chair for it.
  • Wulf Shoot is now throw invincible from the first frame, instead of just during the movement, however, it will not beat Daisy Pusher if done after the superflash.
  • During Wulfamania, he can do multiple EX Wulf Press Slams and EX Diving Wulfdogs, as long as any hype is left.
  • Improved the timing for Beowulf's animation after regular Canis Major Press so he gets up with timing visually similar to the opponent’s.
  • M chair toss improvements: Falling hit no longer knocks down airborne opponents, to improve comboability from a successful mixup. Hitstun vs air is 20f. Falling hit scales damage to 85% due to mixups now being much easier to continue from vs jump-out attempts.
  • Added a 7f buffer window after Canis Major Press for all normals, specials, supers, dash, backdash, and throw.
  • Regular and EX Geatish Trepak now build Beowulf a pretty good amount of meter, even when fully scaled.
  • (air)↓+HK now jumps forward off the chair, giving him a strange new air mobility option. It is an overhead, but cannot be done from a ground dash.
  • Referee pin: Pin will happen on the last remaining character, from any EX Canis Major Press where [current hype level + hype spent in the combo ≥ 3 levels] and [the opponent’s life is below 1550 * Beowulf’s damage multiplier]. So if you start off with 3 levels and spend them all, you can still do the pin. (Thanks, Daxam!)
  • The last Headbutt doesn’t knock the opponent away as far, to make followups slightly easier.
  • Added a little somethin' somethin' if a ground Da Grendel Killa is used as the 3rd hype-spending move in a combo (or a regular ground Killa is used after all hype has been spent in a combo).
  • When chairless, he only takes the 50 extra chip damage from blocking physical attacks now, not from blocking projectiles.
  • s.LK recovery -3, now is +/-0 on hit and -1 on block instead of -3 on hit and -4 on block.
  • The automatic "time's up" ending for grounded grabs during supers is now Grendel Killa instead of Wulf Press Slam.
  • Cerebella can’t reflect the Hurting Hurl when Beowulf is the point character, because he only gets one chance to toss it before he has to get it back. Assist Hurl is still reflectable.
  • Hype building improvements:
    • Landing on the chair with a normal Killa/Wulfdog/Press gives 1 level of hype, even during supers, as long as you have not spent any hype previously during the combo.
    • Taunt grants all 3 levels.
    • s.LP hold grants one level in 45f instead of 95f.
    • All non-EX grab finishers grant 1 level of hype if he is below 1 level, even if he does not land on the chair.
  • The goal is to make Hype is much more central to his gameplan, so now, Beowulf can spend Hype on lots of things! Use PP or KK to spend Hype:
    • Regular Canis Major Press causes hard knockdown again, but the opponent is left much farther away and Beowulf is +3, so it’s a guess situation instead of giving okizeme. EX version is now equalized to be +34 on everyone, as well.
    • Regular Canis Major Press now does 1000 damage instead of 1250 for the EX version.
    • Canis Major Press always gives the higher advantage version if done during a super, even if you don’t EX it. Not EXing it still does the lower damage.
    • EX Canis Major Press picks up the chair if you slam them on it, because Beo is generally not continuing combos off it.
    • You can now spend 2 levels of hype to pick up after Three Wulf Moonsault, with ↓+PP! Since hype can be used during it, Moonsault now shows hype level during the superflash like Airwulf and Wulfamania.
    • EX grab finishers remove a portion of red life, like regular hits.
    • Landing a finisher on the chair only builds 1 level of hype.
    • Landing a finisher on the chair after doing any EX finisher in the same combo will not build any hype, but you still get the damage bonus.
    • Doing the normal version of a finisher anytime after the EX version in the same combo will do 50% of the damage. Doing a different finisher is not affected.
    • You cannot build more hype by landing on the chair after you have used an EX finisher during the current combo.
    • All grab enders, not including middle headbutts/knees, apply one hit of damage scaling. (This is applied BEFORE the damage scaling is capped at 55%, so doing it at above 55% results in 55%, not something lower.)
    • Double-hit headbutt total damage 650→550.
    • Killa, Wulfdog, and Wulf Press Slam damage reduced by 200-300.
    • EX Killa damage reduced to 1700, which is only weaker than EX chair dance.
    • The pyrotechnics during EX grab finishers now indicate how many levels Beowulf has left (so 2-1-none) but the flashes on Beowulf himself still indicate the levels he had when he did the EX (so 3-2-1).
    • He can now cancel chairless armored normals (c.HP or c.HK) into chair pickup for 1 level of Hype.
    • EX Da Grendel Killa floor bounces and allows combos afterward.
    • EX Diving Wulfdog regrabs the opponent.
    • EX Wulf Press Slam regrabs the opponent.
    • EX Canis Major Press causes the old hard knockdown; and yes, that means that normal Canis Major Press knockdown is now ground-techable.
    • EX Geatish Trepak now causes wall stick; regular Geatish Trepak now knocks the opponent across the screen.
    • All EX grab finishers scale the combo to 55% like regular command grabs, and the re-grab ones apply a hit of damage scaling. All EX finishers cannot land on the chair.
    • You can’t repeat the same EX finisher during a combo, but you can do different ones.
  • Wulfamania improvements:
    • Extended the grab range by a bit.
    • Fixed the active frames to work more like Ultimate Showstopper.
    • Completely redid the the catch animation.
    • Upon grabbing them, Beowulf is automatically granted maximum hype (3 levels).
    • No more special properties on grabs during it, but now since he has EX grabs you can use 3 of those.
  • Damage reductions, because his damage potential went up:
    • All M and H normals, and Wulf Blitzer, -25 damage per hit.
    • Chairless c.HK -100 damage.
    • Gigantic Arm -250 damage.
    • This all affects his standard combos by around -150 to -250 damage.
  • Added palette effects to indicate which Hype level he has; removed confetti on some moves and replaced it with the palette effect.
  • Canis Major Press attempts to not allow corner crossups afterward, from ranges where it would look ambiguous.
  • Added extra hitstop to L chair toss on hit so that juggling with dash MP is possible on all characters at point-blank range: +1f on medium weights (Cerebella, Parasoul, Eliza, Robo-Fortune & Beowulf) and +4f on heavyweights (Big Band & Double).
  • Beowulf-specific bug fixes:
    • Wulfamania now allows multiple air Diving Wulfdogs, in addition to ground ones. (Thanks, Rabbleflaggers!)
    • Fixed a bug with Canis Major Press > Pin where it would deal large fatal damage to the opponent from a normal Canis Major Press, without triggering the pin. It will now properly not apply the extra Pin damage unless it is an EX Press that actually leads to a Pin.
    • In double-snap or dead-point-character situations, chairless c.HP now acts as a launcher on assists rather than a knockdown, because chairless Beowulf was the only character who didn’t have any sort of uncombo on assists, let alone any kill loop that wasn’t *extremely* difficult.
    • Moved assist taunt VO to the right spot in the animation, rather than it being on the last frame for some reason; added a few extra reused lines so he isn’t solely saying “Get hype!”
    • Added an unused victory quote to victories over some characters.
    • Fix belt occasionally appearing in the wrong place on the first frame of blocking animations. (Thanks, Poccola, for the reminder!)
    • Improved the trajectory of assists hit by EX Killa.
    • The attached chair now displays Beowulf's palette effects for hype/death/etc, except being lit on fire and things by being hit.
    • Moonsault grab pickup always gives the correct number of actions (3 linkers+a final one) afterward.
    • ↓↘→+KK~P or PP~K now will not accidentally spend hype on a trashcan snapback. (Thanks, Daxam!)
    • Non-EX chair dance always has the correct recovery. (Thanks, Caio!)
    • Regular Wulf Press Slam and Diving Wulfdog can correctly kill even during supers. (Thanks, AlcoholicRobot!)
    • Corrected the position of Cerebella when hit by the last Headbutt or Knee, there was an error in her thrown frames. (Thanks, AlcoholicRobot!)
    • Can now determine the direction of Wulf Press Slam by pressing F/B all the way up until the frame he would turn around, instead of only at the same time as the initial input.
    • Inputting an EX Wulf Press Slam on the same frame as grab mode expires will now properly re-grab the opponent instead of spending the hype but releasing them anyway. (Thanks, Broken Loose!)
    • Fixed lots of sound effects bugs in crowd noise and announcers related to the new hype changes.
    • You can now tech his airthrow while holding Down! (Thanks, Huffy!)
    • Snapback now properly wallbounces Sekhmet, rather than the second hit snapping out Eliza.
    • Wulf Shoot is now throw-invincible from the start of his forward movement through the end of the active frames. This was an oversight, as all other command throws are throw-invincible while active.
    • Armor-got-touched effect on chairless c.HP/c.HK is now the regular armor effect, not the Hatred Guard effect.
    • s.HK can now stagger assists.
    • H chair toss now does not get hit by Big Band’s H Giant Step quake. (Thanks, Bang Camaro!)

Big Band

  • Instant j.LK is no longer overhead if done within the first 6f of his jump. (Instant j.MK is now his fastest jumping overhead.)
  • j.LK +3f recovery, just to prevent rising j.LK > falling j.LK frametraps.
  • j.MK +1f recovery, just to prevent rising j.MK > falling j.LK from being a possible 1-frame-link combo.
  • LK A-Train now starts followups at Combo Stage 3, to limit his followup damage at max Undizzy.
  • Brass Knuckles (assist versions only):
    • M and H versions add an extra hit of damage scaling (damage * 0.875). Leaves the damage and armor the same but pretty drastically reduces any followup damage off an assist call combo start, and makes them much less useful as lockdown assists.
    • All versions blockstun and hitstun equalized to total 25f, down from 33f on H Brass and 29f on M Brass.
  • Beat Extend (assist versions only):
    • L and M versions +2 vulnerable frames at the startup: L 1f→3f vulnerable startup, and M 0f→2f vulnerable startup. Leaves the range the same, makes them both slightly less useful as invincible assists, since this vulnerable time is in addition to the 3f vulnerable startup all assists always have.
    • If Big Band hits two characters, all Beat Extend assists release the opponent’s assist 12f earlier than they release point character. Since this assist scoops up everything, this makes double snaps and late crossunders on two characters a bit more difficult.
    • Blockstun on L, M, and H Beat Extend as ASSIST ONLY decreased by 5-7f. On crouch block, M Extend blockstun is now equal to Napalm Pillar and Updo, and L Extend blockstun is 2f shorter than those. Blockstun on point unchanged.
  • Cannot parry point character projectiles with Down while on the ground. (Can still parry assist projectiles any direction because he can parry assists any direction.)
  • All strengths of Cymbal Clash are now not overhead.
  • j.HP damage is now 1000 (up from 900)
  • Changes to 2nd part of j.MK:
    • Hitstop 7-7-7-7f → 3-3-3-7f, so that the whole thing ends sooner but the timing for comboing after the last hit is the same.
    • Improve opponent’s movement on gravity-scaled (3rd+) j.MK-MK.
    • Damage 350×4 → 220-220-220-240.
    • With each successive use of j.MK 2nd part in a combo, Big Band falls faster.
  • Changes to Giant Step:
    • L/M/H startup 18/21/24f → 18/20/22f.
    • Recovery on H version -4f, disadvantage on block unchanged.
    • Somewhat increased the vacuum effect for far opponents of L Giant Step on ground hit, and drastically increased the vacuum effect of M Giant Step in the same situation.
  • j.HK has 8f less landing recovery any time it is not chained into and doesn’t make contact with anything before landing.
  • M A-Train armor hits 1 → 2; H A-Train armor hits 2 → 3.
  • A bunch of parry improvements:
    • When parrying any projectile, Big Band moves forward and carries over some forward velocity. He moves forward less if he parries projectiles created by supers.
    • Inputting a ↓ parry during the cooldown from an → parry, or a → parry during the cooldown of a ↓ parry, resets the cooldown of the opposite parry. In other words, → parry > ↓ parry = both recover at the same time, instead of → recovering earlier. Fixes →,↓,→,↓,→,↓… against projectiles.
    • Time before joystick must be released or parry is invalid 7f→12f.
    • Pressing other directions during a successful parry animation will not invalidate any existing parry inputs.
    • Can now parry ALL projectiles AND assist with either → or ↓ on the ground AND in the air. (Still must parry the point correctly with → or ↓ on the ground, and → in the air.)
    • Can now dash during the recovery of a successful parry, after the hitstop.
    • Adjust Big Band’s movement after air parry to not hop upward quite as much.
  • Reduced recovery of successful L A-Train enough to allow meterless followups in the corner. Decreased startup by 5f, decrease corner pushback on successful grab. (Thanks, SonicFox!)
  • Change opponent trajectory after taunted Tympany Drive to allow followups midscreen. (Thanks, SonicFox!)
  • Decreased the startup of his tag-in.
  • You can now hold any P during the Super Sonic Jazz superflash to force a non-taunted version even with a taunt. Added a visual indication (musical notes) after the superflash of which version is happening. (Thanks, Liam!)
  • You can now hold any K during the last hit of Tympany Drive to force a non-taunted version even with a taunt. (Thanks, Liam!)
  • Improved the opponent’s position during taunted SSJ rush and punch loop.
  • Increased invincibility on Strike Up the Band (Lv3) by 6f (1 more podium appearance) to help it not trade with close-range projectiles.
  • Improvements to Satchmo Death Blow (Lv5) (Thanks, Liam!)
    • Now has Hyper Armor!
    • Now breaks all regular armor, but not Hyper Armor.
    • Increased the advantage on hit by +2f to make OTGs on Double more consistent.
    • Now vacuums on hit. (Thanks, FukuaTwerkTeam!)
  • Big Band-specific bug fixes:
    • If you Pushblock Guard Cancel and actually parry within the 5f “PBGC” window immediately after recovering, Big Band will now properly flash green. (Thanks, Warped!)
    • The end of a Lv5 if you just let time run out is now +1 instead of -12, and Big Band is still invincible while putting away the trumpet.
    • Trading with the launch hit of Beat Extend no longer sends the opponent flying ridiculously high up/far away.
    • No longer wrongly gets the short recovery from j.HK when landing on the same frame it makes contact.
    • Air parry frame vulnerable boxes now extend all the way down to where his feet would be, so parrying multiple hits in the air is more consistent.
    • Made taunted SSJ punches not push the opponent quite so far back.
    • Fixed landing parry bug. (Thanks, Jim Groovester!)
    • Parrying Val’s poison does not poison the character! (Thanks, Liam!)


  • Changes to Excellebella:
    • Meter gain reduced a bit, from 24 to 21.
    • The 2nd Excellebella used in a combo, or any Excellebella assist, grants greatly reduced meter, comparable to other special attacks.
    • Excellebella damage 1850→1650 (at maximum damage scaling reduced by ~120)
    • Using Excellebella as an assist, thus receiving the smaller amount of meter, does not result in reduced meter gain if used again when she is the point character later in the same combo. (Thanks, dekillsage!)
  • Cerecopter damage reduced by ~100, to ~1875 (at maximum damage scaling reduced by ~40).
  • (air)↓+MP now waits to start until she has been in the air for at least 2 frames, just like airdashes wait a certain number of frames after jumping.
  • Better sound for the hat spin in her intro. (Thanks, Vince!)
  • Expanded the hitboxes for Kanchou so that it combos on more characters at more heights, rather than whiffing.
  • The first hit of Diamond Dynamo will no longer hit as a crossup if the opponent is not in hitstun. This makes it much less useful as a catch-all antiair but doesn’t change it as a combo tool.
  • Lv3 damage 5500→5200, all from the first hit so counterhit damage is lessened also.
  • Grab Bag startup and fall is now throw-invincible until Cerebella lands. (Thanks, Zidiane!)
  • Increased Grab Bag’s throw tech window by 2f.
  • Cerebella-specific bug fixes:
    • c.MP is now unable to cross up enemies that are not already in hitstun, just like Fukua’s j.HK, because there was a frame-perfect unblockable using it that way.
    • The first 3 hits of Diamond Dynamo prevent dead opponents from becoming invincible once they reach a wall. The prevents a situation where Cerebella would kill a character with Dynamo, have most of it whiff, and be punishable on incoming with no option to save herself.
    • Fixed a bug where comboing hits vs her Lv3 would mistakenly allow bursts if she was above 240 Drama. (Thanks, Lawnba!)
    • Filled in hurtboxes “where they should be” during the recovery of Ultimate Showstopper on whiff. (Thanks, Wingzero and tossle!)
    • Removed extra post-superflash delay when Cerebella’s Ultimate Showstopper is done after a PBGC.
    • Kanchou now determines whether to wallbounce or not directly as it hits; doing a frame-perfect reset into a Kanchou will now get you the wallbounce instead of the failed version.
    • The Kanchou slide is now projectile-invincible from frame 3 (when the non-cancellable period begins) instead of frame 8.
    • Added small (~3f) buffer period for attacks after Dynamo, because there are 1f links to F+HP on some characters.
    • Fixed a bug where if she were hit by an armor-breaking move on the very last armored frame of a Lock’n’Load, she would go into the regular move ending instead of hitstun. (Thanks, FukuaTwerkTeam!)
    • Make the 2nd+ Kanchous in a combo deal the regular 1000 dmg, instead of the previous-version’s 1400.
    • Remove the ability to use Diamond Deflector on the earthquake from Big Band’s H Giant Step. (Thanks, lots of people!)
    • Reflecting Val’s poison does not poison the character! (Thanks, Liam!)


  • s.HP 2nd hit pulls the opponent in just a bit on hit, to help with confirms. Still pushes away on block.
  • Lady of Slaughter startup 20f→17f. Still not invincible.
  • P>K input priority, →↓↘→+P+K now gives DP instead of a servant summon.
  • Weight of Anubis improvements/fixes:
    • Albus will no longer throw the opponent backward past Eliza if they are close to her, as long as she is on the ground.
    • Albus’ startup time after appearing reduced; startup of the entire move is now 37f (down from 47f); it is no longer possible to simply walk backward out of his grab range by attempting to stand-block if you think Eliza’s doing a Dive of Horus.
    • Eliza’s recovery +6f, to make it slightly riskier to miss.
    • As the only two moves in the game to put you directly into sliding knockdown with no chance of hitting the victim out of the air first, Eliza’s Weight of Anubis assist and Peacock’s normal throw assist cause twice as much sliding time before the opponent is allowed to tech.
    • Grab now causes sliding knockdown to give less weird results that don’t depend on stage position and to make pickups easier, even though it uses up her OTG.
    • Still does no damage.
  • Khepri Sun (Lv3):
    • Standardized the last hit’s air time on everyone, slightly reduced the distance the opponent travels. [something]→H DP conversions should now be possible midstage on the entire cast, with [something] depending on the character. (Thanks, Calexe!)
    • Now does about 400 less damage unscaled, about 575 less damage fully scaled.
  • Eliza-specific bug fixes:
    • When L or M Upper Khat are blocked, then Eliza chains into H Upper Khat which misses the still-blocking point character but hits something else (assist, Fortune’s head, etc), Eliza is no longer able to jump-cancel, because the DP was correctly blocked. However, if the L or M Upper Khat are blocked but the H part successfully hits the point character, Eliza can still jump cancel.
    • Lady of Slaughter’s middle hits properly pay attention to the additional damage scaling if another sprite hits the enemy between Sekhmet’s hits. This prevents several cases where Lady of Slaughter would unscale multihit assists, such as Cerecopter, incorrectly resulting in 1.5-2.5k additional damage.
    • Adjusted the knockback on L and M parts of Upper Khat, so that very very close opponents in certain cases (like Painwheel’s forward dash) will more likely make it to the H part more often. Also adjusted airborne opponent juggle height so that all 3 parts will juggle more consistently. (Thanks, Satan!)
    • Extended Albus’ grab box back toward his body a bit to prevent it whiffing on Squigly in some instances where she was moving forward but not dashing. (Thanks, Donovan!)
    • Added VO for Sekhmet’s startup on Lady of Slaughter, after having taunted. (Thanks, havic!)
    • Fixed bug with Lady of Slaughter when DHC’d into from Robo’s Magnetic Trap. (Thanks, Broken Loose!)
    • Weight of Anubis now properly protects characters that jump to dodge it from being hit by air-unblockable moves for 35f, like all other untechable grabs. (Thanks, havick9!)
    • s.HPx3 (non-knockdown version) 3rd hit now has the same hitstun as the 2nd hit, not less, to allow Dive and things to combo after it on everyone.
    • Fixed same frame get-hit-and-armor-cancel bug on c.HK. (Thanks, Hamadori!)
    • Add masks to Albus’ frames in his grab so that the correct parts of him are behind the victim. This is a strictly visual fix.
    • Fixed position of Eliza’s on-back OTG frames relative to other characters; fixes Beowulf air Killa+Brass, among other things. (Thanks, Bang Camaro!)


  • Allow dash-cancelling Airball on block.
  • Airball advantage on block -2f, dash-cancel is now +6 and the move overall is -12. Ground Hairball unchanged (still -15). HK Airball dash-cancel s.LP is no longer a blockstring.
  • Filia-specific bug fixes:
    • Extended the farther hitboxes on her snapback downward, to allow OTGs from farther out.
    • Redrew the hitboxes on the active frame of s.LK so that it more reliably hits standing Painwheel and Ms. Fortune.
    • Doing Gregor Samson after the last hit of H Airball will drag the opponent downward slightly so Gregor connects on the characters she could miss before.
    • Increased the hitstun of the middle hits of Filia’s Hairball/Airball so that it is not possible to cancel to a Lv3 and have it not combo. (Thanks, SonicFox!)
    • Ground Hairball now causes facedown knockdown instead of faceup, which makes all 3 supers connect off it on the entire cast. (Thanks, Wingzero!)
    • Fixed her position at the end of Gregor Samson, so the recovery of the ground version is now ground-throwable. (Thanks, Liam!)
    • Extended the hitboxes on their snapback downward to the floor so it doesn’t miss herself during floorbounce frames. (Also fixed for Fukua)

Ms. Fortune

  • All normal attacks except s./c./j.HP, as well as Fiber Uppercut, are scaled by 10% (to 90% damage) when she has her head on
  • After H El Gato has been used once in a combo, further uses cause regular knockdown vs grounded opponents rather than floor bounce.
  • Headless improvements:
    • Headbutt is returned to Neutral+[release HP], and Zoom! is returned to any ←/→+[release HP], but releasing HP while holding straight Down only will not do any attack.
    • Headbutt +3f hitstun, 2f blockstun; Can now cancel the recovery after bouncing off into either Feline Allergies or OMNOMNOMNOM.
    • The head’s damage taken is now affected by Fortune’s damage scaling. Single hits do the same amount, even when they hit the head and body, but combos on the pair together do less than before. Ex: taunted SSJ in corner 5286 normally, 8474 on both before → 7383 now; Copter+Dynamo in corner 3267 normally, 5183 on both before → 4056 now; Death Crawl in corner 2367 normally, 3915 on both before → 3298 now.
    • Added a 5f input buffer on Headbutt/Zoom/Nom, and a 10f buffer on Sneeze. Now you can reversal with head attacks!
    • By holding HP and pressing Left or Right, the head will walk around. Can’t be done during supers/etc.
    • Sneeze:
      • Trajectory is still more vertical and higher, but slightly more horizontal than previously.
      • Opponent movement returned to closer to how it was before.
      • Cooldown -25f (now same as Zoom) because of the extra travel time for the head.
      • The head is now invincible all the way through the end of the active frames.
      • Hitstun +5f, blockstop +4f.
      • Feral Edge version unchanged.
  • Help her IAD j.LK hit (VA/FI/MF/CE/PE) in the corner. Actually was helped by hitbox changes! (Thanks, Stuff!)
  • Reduce height of hitbox on certain dash frames so she is consistently below Napalm Shot rather than being one-pixel-too-high during certain frames. (Thanks, Stuff and Liam!)
  • Ms. Fortune-specific bug fixes:
    • Landing frames of Rekka > El Gato is now properly counterhit state, and properly leads to grounded hit reactions instead of air reactions. (Thanks, McPeanuts!)
    • Performing a kara-throw from the backward-moving startup of s.LK will now move her forward to her original spot, to prevent throws that would normally connect from whiffing if LK is pressed before LP. (Thanks, Worldjem!)
    • L Fiber Uppercut -2f hitstop on the opponent when blocked, M Fiber Uppercut -1f hitstop on the opponent when blocked. Not because they needed to be any more negative, but because the timing for when to press the button to punish her after blocking these was just a smidge too late, which caused people to miss the punish window often.
    • Extended the front hitbox of ground El Gato downward to better make contact with the head in the corner; air version unchanged.
    • Improved her taunt VO, removed the VO files taunt now uses from c.LP choices. (Thanks, Stuff!)
    • Headless Cat Scratch Fever’s ending drill hits now don’t whiff on any crouch-blocking characters.
    • c.LK > s.MP and c.LK > s.MK are now blockstrings. Block advantage of c.LK is unchanged.
    • During double-snaps where Fortune is the assist, the head is invincible when it is not in hitstun. (Thanks, Daemyx!)


  • Grounded ↓↘→+P+K now gives Buer Reaper instead of Gae Bolga Stinger.
  • s.LP damage 325→200 to give you a reason to choose c.LP, which has slower startup but is otherwise functionally the same, instead.
  • Armor-cancelling j.HP into Buer Thresher (absorbing a hit and then doing the super) now locks the opponent out from DHCing before or after the superflash, until after the first hit of Thresher is active.
  • Flight changes:
    • Ground regular Flight startup 15f → 12f (Flight > j.LP = 20f).
    • Stinger-cancel (↓↘→MP/HP > ↓↙←K) Flight is now the SAME SPEED as regular ground Flight, not any faster. Hitstun from s.HP and ground bounce from c.HP adjusted a tiny bit so that s.HP > fly > j.MK won’t combo, and c.HP > fly > j.MK always hits OTG. s.HP still combos into everything it used to.
  • Hatred Guard armor improvements!
    • On all armored normals, if the button is held for at least 7f of armor, the armor will continue up to just before the first active frame even if the button is released for a not-fully-charged attack. If the button is not held through at least 7f of armor, the armor disappears when the button is released, as it did before. (j.HP armor, if extended, continues during the first active frame, as it already did.)
    • Armor startup changes on normal attacks:
      • s.LP 3f → 3f (no change)
      • c.LP 3f → 4f
      • s.MP 5f → 4f
      • c.MP 7f → 5f
      • s.MK 7f → 5f
      • s.HP 7f → 6f
      • c.HP 9f → 7f
      • c.HK 4f → 5f
      • j.HP 2f (no change)
  • Hated Install changes:
    • All Buer Reapers scale to 70% while Installed, instead of the usual 50%.
    • Hatred Install will not expire during a combo while Painwheel is the point character, it will remain at 1f left until the combo is finished! (Timer returned to normal, 660f at full health and 1300f at 1HP.)
    • DHCing into Hatred Install gives 1/3 the regular time. It is still a safe DHC, and since the timer won’t expire during your combo, DHCing in on hit is better than before, but now it isn’t as much of a threat when used as a safe DHC on block.
    • During Hatred Install, Death Crawl and Buer Thresher are now damage-scaled as Lv3s and Buer Overdrive is scaled as a Lv5. Damage for all supers during Install has been adjusted, as well.
    • However, if you DHC into Hatred Install, the timer is now half as long as it would be normally.
    • Armor for all normal attacks begins on the first frame during Install.
    • Install activation +4f advantage if the opponent is in hitstun.
    • During Hatred Install, once per combo you get one of each: s.L Buer staggers, s.M Buer / s.H Buer / j.L Buer cause wall-stick, j.M Buer still causes sliding, and j.H Buer causes floorbounce. After the special reaction is used, that version of Buer returns to the normal behavior for the rest of the combo.
  • Painwheel-specific bug fixes:
    • Fixed her intro VO for P2 Valleywheel in her new intros: if she would’ve responded to P1 with a growl or comment, she won’t interrupt herself anymore. (Thanks, various foxes!)
    • She now moves forward on frame 3 of c.LK instead of frame 4, because the art expected her to move forward on frame 3.
    • Redrew the hitboxes on her snapback to get rid of the tiny boxes at the end that could miss as an OTG hit. (Thanks, Stuff!)
    • Actually fixed Thresher being able to physically hit the point character without grabbing them, now each hit either grabs or will not make contact with the point.
    • Fixed a bug where releasing the button for armor the frame AFTER Painwheel is touched would result in going into hitstun instead of armoring the attack.
    • Extended the hitbox of all M and H Buer Reapers back toward Painwheel so that they don’t whiff up close. (Thanks, WarpedEcho and acfan!)
    • Increased the size of the hitbox for the second hit of Painwheel’s air M Buer Reaper, to prevent a rare miss against Squigly.
    • Lv3 now gets +1 hit of armor while Installed, just like all her other armored moves. (Thanks, JSlayerXero!)
    • Changed the opponent’s movement after Installed throw so their arc/airtime more closely matches her un-Installed throw, instead of landing 7-8f sooner and farther away. (Thanks, WarpedEcho!)
    • Adjusted the end of Buer Thresher so that the opponent is knocked ever so slightly farther away; prevents Painwheel from crossing up Filia occasionally leading to weird behavior. To combo afterward now, fly DF+MK should always work. (Thanks, Daemyx for the reminder!)
    • Fixed M Buer Reaper > Death Crawl on Double by increasing the hitstop of Death Crawl to 4f on OTG hit only. Death Crawl’s hits are floor bounces, so this only happens on the first hit if it happens at all. (Thanks, Daemyx!)
    • Improved ability to armor cancel and pushblock between hits of j.MP.


  • Motor Brigade changes:
    • Bikes are now faster than before so they juggle off Napalm Pillar anywhere on everyone. Advantage on block is therefore less than before, and it is possible to pushblock and punish with a Light/Medium/super, but you can’t jump out after blocking Napalm Pillar > Motor Brigade midscreen so no more jumping Hard Counterhit punishes. Advantage on hit +2f, still possible to juggle after.
    • Opponent reaction changed to facedown knockdown for easier juggles.
    • Chip damage 450→600.
    • Last 4 bikes won’t hit opponents who were tossed by Egret Charge, unless there were hit by a previous bike; the upshot of this is that cancelling Egret Charge into Motor Brigade (where the Motor Brigade picks up into the grab) will not ruin the wallbounce anymore.
  • Tiger-Kneed Tears now produce the regular small tear explosion when ignited by Parasoul's attacks, instead of a teeny-tiny version of the large explosion. The two explosions are basically equivalent anyway, but this is more consistent. Like before, they still produce large tear explosions when ignited by other tears.
  • Inferno Brigade Egrets now continue shooting if Parasoul DHC's out. They still stop if she tags out, though.
  • Egret Charge: the sad Egret (when Parasoul is hit out of her startup) drives faster so the cooldown is shorter, and is visually dimmed so he looks less like one that can hit.
  • For s.HPx2, both hits pull downward on hit vs airborne opponents.
  • Egret Dive:
    • Salute time (recovery) +10f.
    • Meter gain for absorbing projectiles, first hit 8 → 7, subsequent hits 1/2 → 1/3.
    • If a projectile makes contact with Egret Dive, the point character is completely protected as long as they are behind the Egret. This includes beams. The Egret can also be hit by multiple projectiles in the same frame, which means he now entirely stops Parasoul’s Lv3, Valentine’s scalpels, etc., although you will only get meter for stopping one projectile per frame.
  • Tears that are set in a combo and detonated by j.LP in the same combo will still be the regular explosion, not the smaller one; this way the below change doesn’t ruin combos. (If you drop the combo and start a new one, or set the tear at neutral then start a combo and detonate it with j.LP, it will still be the smaller explosion.)
  • Igniting a tear with j.LP produces the small “tear expired” explosion. The practical difference is ~15f less hitstun on TK tear → j.LP, so it can still be used to keep people out but doesn’t give you forever to confirm and dash in.
  • Added a 4f buffer period on normal attacks after L Napalm Shot, for linking followups. She can now buffer a button or stick dash as well as normals/specials/supers, to prevent missed dashes becoming normal attacks (instead of nothing) when you hit a button too early.
  • Fix Spiral Flare ((air)←+LK) to allow armor cancels and pushblocks more consistently. (Thanks, dragonos451!)
  • s.LPx2 now hits crouching Double with both strikes, except at the very tip.
  • Parasoul-specific bug fixes:
    • Cancelling from c.HP to superjump startup to Napalm Pillar, instead of c.HP cancelling directly to Napalm Pillar, now counts as the same chain, rather than counting Napalm Pillar as the start of a new chain. No more accidental bursts because you were 1f too late!
    • Fixed vulnerable boxes on front fall hitstun to more closely match other characters, since Parasoul is not at the same angle as most of them.
    • Extended her OTG frame vulnerable boxes downward as far as other cast members, to prevent moves from whiffing underneath her when she is OTG’d.
    • Fixed a MOST IMPORTANT bug with the Salty Parasoul voice pack. She is now at least 1% more insulting at the proper time.
    • Tear explosions now properly interact with other projectiles, rather than being ignored by them. (Thanks, NCV!)
    • Fixed a bug where tear explosions got moved around by Beowulf’s Lv3, among other hits.
    • Fixed a bug with her Lv3. (Thanks, DoubleOrNothing!)
    • Made it easier to pushblock Motor Brigade, reduced blockstop + increase blockstun by same amount. (Thanks, Liam!)
    • s.HP on hit -7 → -2, s.HPx2 on hit -5 → -2. Block disadvantage unchanged. (Thanks, SonicFox!)
    • Increased minimum scaled damage on Motor Brigade from ~500 to ~1000.


  • In addition to cancelling a bomb toss into another bomb toss, she can now cancel the first bomb toss into an L teleport only, by inputting ↓↙←+LK/↓↘→+LK.
  • Goodfellows causes sliding knockdown, and puts the opponent at fullscreen.
  • Shadow of Impending Doom scales followups to 80% (up from previous values), except if it is Tenrai Ha.
  • You can now DHC into Goodfellows with ↓↙←+PP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The DHC’d version is a hit instead of a throw, and it is scaled to always do just a teeny bit more damage than Lonesome Lenny > Argus Agony would do (on average). Peacock’s recovery on whiff is very long, around 60f, so don’t miss or get blocked. You cannot do this version as a point character.
  • Road Roller:
    • Improved the opponent’s movement afterward, followup combos are now possible with H Teleport -> OTG c.LP, like other Lv3 items.
    • New VO from Avery when it is dropped.
    • Improved the camera shake and timing, and made the beatdown portion cut out the stage music for better dramatic effect.
  • L Teleport moves her backward, slightly less distance than a backdash.
  • L Teleport is not fake even while holding a punch button – M and H Teleports still are.
  • BANG!
    • Active frames 2 → 4, to help it be just slightly more useful.
    • Increased knockback on hit and block.
  • j.LP 9f → 8f. Size of hitbox increased. No longer hits overhead if done before an airdash would have come out during a jump, like Eliza’s j.LK.
  • M and H Georges (bombs) startup now 15f (down from 18 and 20).
  • c.MP +2f hitstun so s.HK combos off it; pulls in very slightly on hit, and pulls down very slightly on air hit.
  • Increased the range of s.LK, but the entire extended eyeball is vulnerable now.
  • Lonesome Lenny:
    • No longer stops any hits or projectiles from his ally team; every hitbox pushes him like before, but passes through and can still hit other things.
    • Attacks that touch him still make hitsparks, but remain active. Opposing team’s attacks are still stopped when they hit him, like before.
    • Allies can’t chain off hitting him now, however – it’s the same as hitting Egret Charge.
  • Lowered the vulnerable boxes on c.LK, to help it be a slightly better antiair.
  • P > K input priority for special moves: ↓↙←+P+K now gives Item Drop, ↓↘→+P+K now gives Bang.
  • Small damage reductions on some normals: c.HP 900 → 800; j.HK first hit 900 → 800, Avery hits 450 → 400; j.HP 1200 → 1050; s.HK 1000 → 950.
  • As the only two moves in the game to put you directly into sliding knockdown with no chance of hitting the victim out of the air first, Eliza’s Weight of Anubis assist and Peacock’s normal throw assist cause twice as much sliding time before the opponent is allowed to tech.
  • Airthrow leaves the opponent JUST SLIGHTLY closer.
  • Little Argus lasers now correctly create IPS/Undizzy sparks.
  • Peacock-specific bug fixes:
    • Spiked balls dropped during a Tenrai Ha don’t add any Undizzy, instead of possibly adding up to 100 extra undizzy for hitting with all of them. They can still trigger an Undizzy burst if they make contact at over maximum. Regular Lv2 spiked balls still work normally, and the Tenrai Ha weight itself still adds the regular amount of Undizzy. (Thanks, Lawnba!)
    • Shortened George at the Airshow’s kara-snapback window from 5f to 2f, the same window as most other specials, to help prevent accidental snapbacks when releasing H SoID at the same time as tossing a plane.
    • Argus Agony’s little lasers don’t erroneously produce IPS sparks on assists.
    • Bang! now knocks down with no OTG allowed vs air, and the same thing if it is used again when stagger has already been used in a combo. It is no longer -12 on hit in those situations. (Thanks, Psychopath!)
    • Shortened the recovery of Goodfellows by 5f so that Peacock is not negative on hit if you’ve already used your OTG during the combo before landing it.
    • Corrected the voice clips for j.LK, which has been wrong since the beginning of time! (Thanks, Donovan!)
    • Fix the end of her ground throw to not get sometimes get caught on the victim when they are released. (Thanks, Catfish!)
    • She can now jump-cancel her backdash.
    • The first 3f of Teleport (before she is invincible) is now correctly super-cancellable.
    • Improved the opponent’s movement during the “little laser” part of Argus Agony so many more of them hit, on average. Reduced the damage of the little lasers from 200 per hit to 180; over 50 uses, the average damage of the super remained exactly the same as it was before. Though the potential maximum damage is now lower, the likely minimum damage is higher.
    • Enlarged the hitbox on her tag in, and made the hit slightly more impactful.
    • Widened the hitbox of BANG! a bit near Peacock’s body, so that it doesn’t miss certain crouching attacks or hitstuns up close. (Thanks, amabane!)
    • Make Peacock’s SoiD properly disappear when she is thrown immediately after blocking while holding a Shadow that has been RELEASED during blockstun. (Psychopath)
    • Made Peacock’s air knockdown fall loop also have consistent hitboxes through the whole animation, rather than only boxes rotating with her. Extended her boxes upward so that she is relatively the same as other characters.


  • c.HP and →+HP final hits no longer knock down vs airborne opponents.
  • c.HP damage reduced by 93. Still more than s.HP and →+HP at full damage and when fully scaled, but reduced a teensy bit.
  • Inferno of Leviathan (Lv3) changes:
    • Recovery is 8f faster.
    • Damage per hit 550 → 675.
    • The flame ball goes away if Squigly is hit by a snapback. She still has safe setups for it, but it is no longer completely 100% free offense.
  • H Fallen Woman works as OTG.
  • Can now hold or cancel any Whip Stance or Dragon Stance assist, except Draugen Punch, when used as a Stunt Double (alpha counter). Draugen Punch is the exception because only the uncancellable H Seria version is invincible during startup.
  • Lv5 minimum damage is now 5000.
  • Lv5 now requires either Seria charge + taunt, not both charges.
  • P > K input priority for stances, so now she can reversal →↓↘ + assist.
  • You can now call assists during stances! This means ↓↘→+assist gives you assist plus the stance attack, and if your inputs are good, while holding a stance you can call assists. All other cancels still work the same way.
  • Stance-attack assists no longer autocorrect twice, once on landing and once on the move startup. Now they only do it on landing, like all other assists.
  • Decreased the startup of her tag-in, correct the hit direction when the opponent is behind her, and made it knock the opponent farther so it works better in midstage.
  • Squigly-specific bug fixes:
    • Lv3 fireball’s movement between fast hits greatly reduced, and the opponent is knocked upward less by all middle hits, to make it hit more fully against oddly-positioned airborne opponents and close-up standing opponents.
    • Fixed j.MP pseudo-unblockable, while maintaining the same basic movement arc for the move. (Thanks, Datagram!)
    • H Fallen Woman no longer triggers the extremely long second hit if it makes contact with armor without breaking the armor. Still properly happens if she breaks the armor.
    • Fixed bad visual interactions between Center Stage and Leviathan in Rage of the Dragon.
    • Restored very old voice lines for Liver Mortis assist, but still left “MORTIS!” VO for Seria version when Squigly is the point character. (Thanks, Cheesedragon!)
    • Assist calls are now correctly disabled during the invincible startup of H Seria Draugen Punch. You can still do →↓↘+P+K as normal, but you can’t call them during the animation. (Thanks, Huffy!)
    • Lv5 now properly protects characters that jump to dodge it from being hit by air-unblockable moves for 35f, like all other untechable grabs. (Thanks, havick9!)
    • Fixed two bugs introduced by allowing her to call assists during stances: ↓↘→+LP+LK not being a stancel, and holding a button during hitstop while doing the opposite button’s stance not being a stancel.
    • Seria Center Stage’s superflash now properly drags in the opponent even when Squigly is in the corner! You will not get the wallbounce if you threw them out of the corner and cancelled to Seria Center Stage, but at least you can get SBO etc. Uncharged Center Stage is unchanged.


  • Lv3 startup is no longer super-able after the flash if you were within half a screen of her and committed to an attack/dash/etc. It is still blockable at any distance, if you were not doing anything.
  • Framed the camera better after Lv3.
  • Countervenom now brings very high airborne opponents down closer to Val on hit, to make more consistent followups possible. (Quality of life change; further improved their position.)
  • Fixed up purple poison a bit more, redid the way it calculates applied damage. At 1.0x the Lv1→Lv2 upgrade now adds +665 damage, and Lv2→Lv3 adds +775. (Compared to before where Lv1→Lv2 was +953 and Lv2→Lv3 was +487, this is preferable since the Lv3 upgrade is actually worth using instead of using 2x Lv2s. The total bonus for Lv1→Lv3 is the same, but the bonus for Lv1→Lv2 is 288 less than before.)
  • Purple poison’s damage is now based on Val’s own solo/duo/trio damage multiplier, not the opponent’s max heath. They now do more damage when Val herself does more, rather than doing more damage against more powerful opponents. (This is much more consistent with everything else in the game, and fixes solo-vs-trio poison doing way too little and trio-vs-solo poison doing way too much.)
  • Updated special move priority: ↓↘→+P+K = Dead Cross on the ground, but Savage Bypass in the air.
  • Level 1/2/3 green poison adds 20/30/40 frames of hitstop to OTG hits. (The same number of frames as it extends non-knockdown hitstun.)
  • Countering bursts with Acquisitive Prescription now gives proper undizzy bonus on the next hit. Damage still scaled to 50%.
  • Added a 10f buffer window for doublejump or airdash after a successful air Savage Bypass.
  • Vial Hazard assist:
    • Automatically throws a syringe if called when she has any poison loaded.
    • As an assist, loading poison counts as using your assist for the current combo.
    • As an assist, the loading pose is always the same length, which is 11f longer than a Lv3 load on point.
  • Extended the hitbox on j.LP back toward her body so that not-quite-fastest backdash-airdash-LP hits everyone crouching in the corner. Fastest-possible version already hit everyone. (Thanks, hilaryyy!)
  • Increased the hitstop on the kick from her airthrow by 1f, and added hitstop on the preflash portion of Checkmate Incision or EKG Flatliner when done immediately after a successful airthrow, to make OTGless 1-bar conversions more consistent.
  • Gave backdash > airdash a shortcut of just →, not requiring →→.
  • Now that backdash > airdash is much easier, moved the earliest airdash-cancel time in backdash to 4f later, so that backdash > airdash j.LP is the same speed as Filia IAD j.LK AND so that all jumping attacks reach active frames when done as fast as possible.
  • Valentine-specific bug fixes:
    • She can now jump-cancel ALL the grounded frames of her backdash.
    • After Acquisitive Prescription, s.LK/s.MP[1]/s.MP-MP[1]/s.MK[1] all properly combo into s.HP, rather than not comboing by 1f.
    • DHCing out of Countervenom during the hitstop no longer keeps your Lv3 poison.
    • Acquisitive Prescription > launch > air combo is now properly IPS stage 3. (Thanks, Lex and Fedora Ninja!)
    • Mortuary Drop is no longer wrongly supercancellable on the frame she touches the ground for the slam, before she releases the opponent.
    • Mortuary Drop assist attempts not to slide past the opponent if they are thrown.
    • Fukua’s shadows properly disappear if Valentine counters Fukua with Acquisitive Prescription.
    • Countering a Countervenom with Acquisitive Prescription or Countervenom now gets rid of the poison. (She’s still visually poison-colored during the superflash, but she’s not really poisoned.)
    • If the opponent is doing an armored attack, Acquisitive Prescription (counter super with no poison loaded) now removes the opponent’s armor while they are frozen – except against Sekhmet, because Sekhmet has no throw with which to bait the counter.
    • Uncombo’d teleport-grab hit of Lv3 is now -3 on hit, though she’s invincible until she recovers. (Thanks, gllt!)
    • Extended the hitbox on her snapback down to the floor close to her; fixes OTG snapback on some characters. (Thanks, Lex!)
    • Fixed horizontal position of Beowulf when released by Valentine’s airthrow so he doesn’t end up behind her for a frame if he hits the floor. (Thanks, Datagram!)
    • Fix airthrow release position for Parasoul and Valentine, it was MUCH too high.
    • Increased the buffer period from backdash to airdash so there are not dead frames.


  • Marie bug fixes:
    • Fixed an infinite loop in her hard hitstun.
    • Previously, “should Marie get stunned” points were added based on the raw damage of each hit, so a solo added more points than a character on a team, and thus could stun her faster. Now all characters add points at the same rate, which is the rate that a 2-character team added points before.
    • Fixed an issue where hitting Marie just as her “get stunned” timer ran out would not put her into a new hit reaction, even though she would remain in her current hit reaction and could go into a new reaction the next time she was hit. These missed hits would also not deal any damage or grant any meter. Now they do.
    • Fixed an issue where occasionally Marie’s undizzy bar would show up full for a few frames.

2nd Encore (Robo-Fortune patch)

Released on Steam and US PS3/PS4 July 7th, 2015, EU PSN July 22nd, 2015, and XBLA ????

  • Xbox? Never?

General Changes

  • Robo-Fortune added to the roster as the fifth and final DLC character.
    • Purchase her from the store FREE for first 3 months!
    • She’s included in 2nd Encore on PS4 (and PS Vita when it becomes available) with no DLC required!
    • Robo-Fortune's Story added to Story Mode.
    • Robo-Fortune's Tutorial added to Tutorials.
  • New stage added: Meridian Area Rapid Transit, featuring the "Going Nowhere Fast" background theme by Michiru Yamane.
  • The new PS4 and PSVita versions of 2nd Encore come with the following exclusive enhancements:
    • Story modes are now fully voiced. In addition to the playable cast, the entire supporting cast now has unique voices! Over 35 characters!
    • Added Challenges and Trials! Try them in the Training menu if you think you're Skullgirl enough...
    • Original set of Skullgirls trophies have been updated to be a full Platinum trophy set. Some have been updated, and some are entirely new!
    • All Playstation versions have online crossplay. Fight the entire community of PS4, PS3, and PS Vita players!
    • The PS4 version comes with the Lab Zero legacy controller driver - use most PS3 fightsticks and 3rd-party controllers in PS4 Skullgirls! No need to pair your fightstick with a DualShock 4; versus play is possible with one DualShock 4 and one legacy controller, or two legacy controllers alone.
  • Added alternate voice packs for select characters! Choose them by holding down the buttons when selecting a color with a button combination shortcut, or by pressing ↑ or ↓ while manually choosing your color after pressing Start on a character. The voice pack selection will save with Entourages, too.
    • Anime Peacock by Sarah Williams. Hey, this ain't the convention hall!
    • Salty Parasoul by Erin Fitzgerald. You will refer to me only as "Your Highness!"
    • Valley Girl Painwheel by Danielle McRae. My dad is, like, a total space cadet!
    • Politician Double by Kaiji Tang. If you can’t pay taxes, you're better off dead!
    • Saxploitation Big Band by Rich Brown. Brass to the face puts a fool in their place!
  • Added two more alternate announcers! Select them in the Help & Options > Settings > Voice Settings menu, or just keep it on Real Soviet Announcer forever. :^)
    • Female Announcer by Christina Vee. Try to keep it cute, hunh?
    • Dazed Announcer by Joshua Tomar. Hit 'em with the punches and kicks!
  • The Use Opponent Voice Settings Online option has been added. If an online opponent selects an alternate VO pack, changing it from the default of "No" will let alternate voices play during matches.
  • Added tutorials for the Infinite Prevention System (IPS), Drama, and Combo Stages.
  • Added CPU Quickmatch to Single Player menu: fight the CPU team of your choice.
  • Fixes and improvements to existing stages:
    • Adjusted the volume for Under the Bridge's music.
    • Fixed some arena effects in NMO Arena.
  • Fixes and improvements to Training Mode:
    • Added vertical dividers on 5f increments for Advanced Attack Data’s frame data display, as well as improving the scrolling for the bar. Thanks to CaioLugon and others.
    • Fixed the dummy input playback interfering with the frame data display. Thanks to CaioLugon.
    • Fixed the !! effect appearing when the tutorial dummy gets hit by mid attacks. Thanks to Ryin.
    • Fixed a bug that was giving the training dummy 1 extra vulnerable frame after a push block before taking any action.
    • Attempting to record or erase a dummy recording now displays a red X if the Recording Number is set to "Sequential" or "Random", rather than giving no indication of the problem.
  • Fixes and improvements for UI:
    • Updated the "Perfect!" animation to make it a bit more apparent.
    • In Tutorial Mode, the right-side text for objectives is now drawn in front of the characters.
  • In Story Mode only, Marie is now 2 difficulty levels easier than the setting chosen by the player.
  • Added loading screen for Marie, instead of having them be blank.
  • The AI no longer breaks when you run underneath them and keep running.
  • Fixed some longstanding issues with the combo counter vocabulary: 100 is now "Centennial", 101/110/111 are now "Binary", 102-109 are now "Courageous", and 112-120 are now "Legendary". Previously, "Binary" was used for non-1/0 words between 100 and 110.

Gameplay Changes

  • Added Taunts for all characters that did not previously have them. See the character’s section or the in-game movelist for their inputs.
  • All standing and crouching light attacks that were over +6f block advantage have been scaled back by reducing block stun. This affects Filia, Fukua, Peacock, Squigly, and Valentine.
  • Blockbuster throws now give the appropriate amount of meter to the opponent relative to damage, hits, and scaling for the combo. Thanks to Izzmo.
  • Corrected the reference point on thrown frames 4 and 10 for Ms. Fortune and Eliza. As a result, Blockbuster Sequels after Cerebella's Ultimate Showstopper now face the correct direction vs them.
  • Standardized the position of the attack boxes on every character's Infinity Breaker relative to the character’s reference point. This change affects Cerebella, Filia, Fukua, Painwheel, Parasoul, and Peacock. Big Band's is now centered, but is still bigger than everyone else. Thanks to Stuff!
  • Certain attacks that chain into themselves, such as Parasoul's s.LP/s.LK, Double's s.LP/ c.LP, and Valentine's s.LP, will now autocorrect to face the opponent like all other light normals. Thanks to Skarmand.
  • Game-wide improvements to special move inputs:
    • Dragon punch motions can now never include a ← input; including a ← input will always read as a quarter circle. ↙ is still allowed, for slightly sloppy inputs. Thanks to IsaVulpes.
    • ← (charge) → moves can no longer end with an ↗ input, separating special moves from a command to jump forward with a normal.
  • Reduced post-KO playaround time from 5 sec to 3 sec.
  • Ensemble deaths during a fight now have a shorter screen flash and no slowdown. During a Double Take combo, the Ensemble death has normal slowdown and screen flash. Thanks to Skarmand, Yaya, and Huffy.
  • Fixes for various bugs and glitches.
    • Drama no longer starts counting back to 0 during the impact frame from it hit; it now properly starts on the frame immediately after impact. This change fixed an issue when using Valentine's Flew Shot to apply Type B poison as the first hit of a combo. Thanks to worldjem.
    • Fixed an error in Ms. Fortune's tutorial.
    • Fixed an Art Gallery bug where environment art would not be unlocked by completing story modes for Squigly, Big Band, Eliza, or Beowulf. Thanks to Calandril.
    • Fixed a major bug in UI memory management on PC.
    • The training dummy now jumps for Painwheel's ground HK Buer Reaper in her tutorial. Thank to Ryin.
    • Fixed an issue with with low velocity sliding knockdowns from Ensemble Attacks. Thanks to Zevak.
    • Music will no longer restart if the game is already playing a song and attempts to start the same song. This specifically affects the Art Gallery. Thanks to Eric.
    • Removed the erroneous dots that were left after the curtain came down when choosing "Play Again" on consoles.
    • Ensemble Attacks now come out on the "correct" side when the attacking point character has crossed up the defending character by more than 200 pixels (px), regardless of which way the characters are facing. Cross under Ensemble Attack calls are still possible inside the 200px distance.
    • Fixed the "ghost shield" blocking effect appearing in the wrong place for Eliza and Robo-Fortune. Thanks to Izzmo and TheGamaniac.
    • Fixed the light setting getting misread in certain level files, resulting in Big Band randomly getting darker while hitting with Beat Extend.

Character Changes


  • New Taunt added: Born With It (LP, MP, →, MK, MK). It can hit the opponent for 5 damage, but can’t kill.
  • When used as an Ensemble Attack, LP Ringlet Spike and LK Ringlet Psych now have improved positioning for Filia. Thanks to Israel.
  • Gregor Samson received the following changes:
    • The middle hits now have 25f block stun, the same as the final hit. The hit stun is unchanged.
    • Training Mode’s frame data display now correctly tracks the landing recovery as recovery frames.


  • New Taunt added: Medici Muscle (LP, MP, ←, LK, MK). Boosts the chances of a cat from Lock n’ Load hits to 25%!
  • Corrected vulnerable boxes on the first frame of s.MK. Thanks to Stuff.
  • Fixed (air) ↓+MP to no longer gives 5f additional hitstop on block. This reduces block advantage by -5f. Thanks to dekillsage.
  • Diamond Drop is no longer strike invincible at any point, only throw invincible.
  • Tumbling Run vulnerable boxes are now slightly taller, just enough to get hit by Robo-Fortune’s ground HP Theonite Beam.
  • Grab Bag received the following changes:
    • The landing recovery is now correctly counterhit state.
    • Getting hit out of landing recovery with an Outtake will no longer force Cerebella into a stationary hit stun animation. Thanks to KnokMagic and SmashBlade!


  • Added a new win pose! Peacock will whistle in triumph 1/6th of the time, or you can choose it by holding the HP button during a victory.
  • Peacock no longer has an extra finger in some story mode art.
  • Fixed a position calculation error when the opponent tags in on a specific frame of The Hole Idea. Thanks to Stuff.


  • New Taunt added: Bâillement (LP, HP, ←, LK, HK). Encourage your next Egret Call to be a bit more sassy!
  • For 35f after a dash input, ←→←+button and ←→, neutral+button will not perform a special move. This allows dashing normal attacks even after holding a charge. A ←→+button or ←↘+button input can still give a dashing special move.
  • Napalm Toss now has higher input priority than Napalm Quake and Napalm Pillar; inputs like ↓ (hold) ↙←↖+K will now always toss a tear. Thanks to IsaVulpes.

Ms. Fortune

  • New Taunt added: Nyaaawn (HP, LK, →, LP, LP). Heals 5 recoverable damage.
  • Fixed a bug in her win pose where Ms. Fortune’s head could run to her body, attempt to attach, and disappear. Thanks to Silverpineguy.
  • Fixed a sound bug during Ms. Fortune’s head’s death animation. Thanks to dragonos451.
  • s.MK attack and vulnerable boxes have been expanded outward on the second hit, matching the first hit. Opponents hit by the first hit at maximum range will not slide back as far as closer opponents, so both hits will now properly connect from further away. Thanks to Stuff.
  • c.LK recieved the following changes:
    • Startup increased from 7f to 8f.
    • Block stun reduced from 15f to 12f, reducing advantage on block from +3f to 0f.
    • Damage reduced from 325 to 275.
  • Her head-on Tag In attack can no longer cross up.
  • An Outtake against her own head will now properly recover/remove red life in a solo vs larger team match if the head hits the opponent. Thanks to Fizzxwizz.
  • Outtakes against a solo Ms. Fortune now properly cause her to drop her head.
  • Fortune’s head is now invulnerable if she is the point character during a Double Take combo.
  • During Feral Edge, Fortune’s physical extent has been expanded downward to prevent crossing behind and dropping the opponent. Thanks to Stuff.


  • New Taunt added: SMILE (MK, HK, ↓, MP, HP). It can hit the opponent for 5 damage, but can’t kill.
  • Extended ground throw box upward, which allows Painwheel to throw another Painwheel at minimum height during Flight.
  • Hitting a dead character will no longer spend stored Hatred Guard damage. Thanks to Broken Loose.
  • Fixed Painwheel’s mask appearing as translucent on the Xbox 360 version.


  • New Taunt added: Chocoglycemia (LP, MK, ←, MP, HK). Heal 5 recoverable damage! Build up!
  • c.LK recovery improved from 19f to 14f.


  • New Taunt added: False Intentions (LP, LK, MK, HK, HP, MP). Donate 1% meter to your opponent!
  • c.LK attack boxes now match Painwheel’s, for improved off-the-ground hit (OTG) ability.
  • The window to cancel Hornet Bomber to a Blockbuster after landing is now a consistent 11f. Previously, it depended on positioning and could be as low as 4f.
  • Luger Replica received the following changes:
    • Recovery for all versions has been improved from 38f to 37f.
    • Block stun for all versions has been improved from 18f to 25f, improving advantage on block from -11f to -4f at point blank range.


  • New Taunt added: Snake Charmer (LP, LP, →, LK, HP). It… looks cute!
  • Silver Chord received the following changes:
    • Start up improved -3f. This allows it to combo from s.MP or c.MP, helps it combo during the middle of c.HP or →+HP, and will combo from slightly further away in general.
    • Fixed an occasional graphic error that could spawn the cord behind Squigly.

Big Band

  • Poison/armor/counterhit palette effects now apply to Big Band’s arms during Take the ‘A’ Train.
  • Brass Knuckles can no longer be performed with a (← (charge) →, ↓+P), preventing overlapping inputs with Beat Extend.
  • Take the ‘A’ Train can no longer be performed with a (← (charge) →, ↙+P), preventing overlapping inputs with Giant Step.
  • Satchmo Death Blow punches now have 40 full hits of armor as originally intended. Thanks to Flotilla.


  • New Taunt added: Breakdown (LK, MK, ←, MP, MP). Donate 1% meter to your opponent!
  • s.LP start up increased from 5f to 6f, matching Double instead of Filia.
  • s.HP damage reduced from 1000 to 950.
  • s.LK hit stun corrected from 25f to 20f. s.LK will no longer combo to LK Forever a Clone. Thanks to DreamEpitaph.
  • Love Dart received the following changes:
    • Hit stun improved +3f on all ground versions; comboing to Best Friends Forever is now slightly easier. The blockstun is unchanged.
    • Ground LP version now travels much slower, to make it a more useful zoning tool.
  • Forever a Clone received the following changes:
    • The LK version no longer gives meter twice during start up. All versions now give the same amount of meter.
    • After the active frames finish, the LK clone now stops and fades away slightly faster to be less misleading about the range. Lockout period until another clone is allowed is the same as before.
  • Tender Embrace and Inevitable Snuggle are no longer strike invincible at any point, only throw invincible.
  • When used as a Blockbuster Sequel, Best Friends Forever now causes 50% forced damage scaling on the second hit.


  • Palette 23 now has pink blood, giving the “shield” on block a more appropriate color.
  • Hitting point Sekhmet with an Outtake now always gives a wallbounce and a chance at a punish (rather than forcing Eliza and Sekhmet off screen) regardless of team composition, but causes 75% forced damage scaling. Hitting an Ensemble Sekhmet with an Outtake is unchanged, so Double Take combos are still possible.
  • Sekhmet now falls the proper direction when hit from behind by Squigly’s Daisy Pusher. Thanks to khaosmuffins.
  • Cancelling a HP Upper Khat to a tiger knee HP Upper Khat with frame perfect timing will no longer wrongly allow Eliza to jump cancel the second Upper Khat before it connects. Thanks to Izzmo.
  • Linking off of LK Osiris Spiral now inflicts less hitstun the second time if used twice during the same combo, allowing only one of those links per combo.
  • The Throne of Isis can no longer get hit during Eliza’s timeout pose.


  • Gigantic Arm received the following changes:
    • Damage reduced from 2750 to 2500.
    • Added 80% forced damage scaling on hit.
    • The two VO lines now alternate as originally intended.
  • HP Hurting Hurl now causes 90% forced damage scaling on hit.
  • Geatish Trepak will no longer trigger an Infinity Breaker when above 240 Drama, like all other grab finishers. It still applies 20 Drama when applicable, like all other grab finishers. Thanks to SonicFox.
  • Take a Seat received the following changes:
    • The input now allows 3f between buttons instead of the standard 2f. Thanks to JamesMcCloud.
    • The animation is now correctly counterhit state. Thanks to IsaVulpes.
  • Fixed the first hit of Outtake to properly break Sekhmet’s armor. Thanks to yaboidekillsage.
  • Into the Trash now has the same 2f kara cancel period from other grab finishers as all other Outtakes do from other special moves. Thanks to Muro.
  • Three Wulf Moonsault now always triggers some crowd noise, regardless of stage or Hype level.

WulfPatch (Beowulf Patch)

Released on Steam, XBLA, and US PSN April 17th, 2015, Japanese PSN April 30th, 2015, and EU PSN May 5th, 2015.

General Changes

  • Beowulf added to the roster as the fourth DLC character.
    • Purchase him from the store FREE for first 3 months!
    • Beowulf’s Story added to Story Mode.
    • Beowulf’s Tutorial added to Tutorials.
  • New stage added: NMO Arena, featuring the "The Crowd Goes Wild" background theme by Blaine McGurty and Brenton Kossak. An (Empty) alternate version of the stage has also been added, featuring "The Crowd Goes Home" remix theme.
  • Final Atrium, Medici Tower, Glass Canopy, and Grand Cathedral (Empty) have all been updated in various ways, including dynamic lighting effects and framerate improvements.
  • Added Real Soviet Announcer, played by Mike Z. This is the first of the Indiegogo-sponsored alternate voice packs! Change the voice pack in Voice Settings, from the Options menu.
  • Added new colors for every character, bringing new and old alike up to 25 total palettes! Be careful, some earlier extra colors have been re-ordered or slightly adjusted to differentiate them from the later colors. A small number of colors have been removed entirely to make room for new ones.
  • New Training Mode options and improvements:
    • Adjusted the color of vulnerable boxes to increase visibility for colorblind players.
    • The "Advanced" Attack Data option now includes a display for normal moves/buttons being watched by the Infinite Prevention System (IPS). Watched buttons are shown in red, and the button that triggers IPS will show a white highlight.
    • The Attack Data IPS indicator also flashes to indicate a Push Block Guard Cancel opportunity for player 1 when recovering after successfully shortening blockstun. Thanks to Devita.
    • The Attack Data box now continues to display the previous combo's information until the start of a new combo or a tag to another character. Thanks to Zidiane.
    • Input Display now shows inputs for both player 1 and player 2.
    • The "As Reversal" Playback Mode option will now cause the training dummy to perform the recorded action when incoming after an Outtake or teammate death. Thanks to IsaVulpes.
    • The "As Reversal" Playback Mode option can now call an Ensemble Attack as the reversal action.
    • Recovering from a safe/successful Infinity Breaker now triggers "As Reversal" actions. Thanks to Fedora_Ninja.
    • The training dummy will no longer accidentally dash forward while push blocking.
    • The Drama (undizzy) setting now applies to both players.
    • The Show Crossups option will no longer trigger from crossing up vulnerable objects that are not a point character, like Napalm Tears or Fortune's head. Thanks to Bagel The Bagel.
    • The Escape Infinite Combos option now has a "Random" setting, giving the training dummy a 10% chance to use an Infinity Breaker on any hit where it is available. Thanks to askxu.
  • HUD improvements:
    • Attack buttons have been updated so individual buttons have a distinct color. Button combinations, such as PP, KK, and LP+LK, now have unique symbols. These appear in the command lists, training mode input display, button config, tutorials, and the custom assist dialogue.
    • The in-game timer now greys out whenever it is affected during a round. This includes when a move always stops the timer (like during Squigly's Daisy Pusher) or when a move protects against a timeout (like during Cerebella's Ultimate Showstopper). In Training Mode with infinite time, the timer will still gray out to show when either condition is true. Thanks to Midiman.
    • 1v1 matches now use a distinctive blue life bar for the first down, and all subsequent rounds’ lifebars are yellow. Previously, the red lifebar in the last round was difficult to tell apart from the remaining red health.
    • The Drama bar now has a flashing animation when full.
    • Fixed all HUD portraits and re-converted them from their original files to improve quality for the Xbox 360 version. Parasoul is now correct, among others.
  • The character select screen now has its final arrangement, and Fukua is now permanently visible!
  • Stage selection order has been rearranged to group stages by geographical regions of downtown, south/bayside, suburbs, and outside New Meridian.
  • Cheating online to select more than one of the same character on a team will now cause instant team death at the start of the round.
  • The Infinity Breaker burst effect will now appear as gold to indicate a "safe" burst and blue to indicate an "unsafe" burst with additional vulnerable frames.
  • Added an orange "!!" visual effect when a character gets hit low while blocking high and a blue "?!" effect for getting hit high when blocking low.
  • Added a broken heart visual effect for a counterhit, including from throws and hitgrabs that land as a counterhit.
  • Added VO for original characters to interact with recent DLC characters during intros, tags, wins, and losses.
  • Added VO for original characters on attacks added by a recent patch (like Ms. Fortune's head-on s.HK).
  • Default Ensemble Attack choices have been revised to better reflect the most popular assist choices for the character.
  • Pressing Start on a character's color choice will now pick a random color. Thanks to Evilweevle.
  • The character select music now fades out before a fight instead of abruptly cutting out.
  • The Gehenna stage will no longer be chosen by random stage select. Consequently, it is no longer included in the World Warrior Princess achievement.
  • On PC, the controller side choice screen now displays long names of all connected USB devices. Consider it a sneak preview for PS4 version controller support!
  • The art file format, renderer, art storage, and shader pipelines have been revised and rewritten for all versions. This optimizes the game for the upcoming Vita version, but improves performance on existing console versions too!
  • PC version no longer loads low resolution/8 bit art, slightly improving load times.
  • The PC Beta will now put up a message box at startup if the "-log" Launch Option is enabled, as that negatively affects performance and people sometimes forget to turn it off after using it.
  • PC only changes (too late for this console patch, but will be in the next one):
    • Added An "Oasis of Blood", the real music for Bath of Sekhmet by Michiru Yamane.
    • Restored the guitar solo in "The Crowd Goes Wild".
    • Stage select images for Empty Lab 8 and Final Atrium updated.
    • Added a move list for "Universal Commands".
    • All character tutorials are now on an associated stage for the character, rather than the training stage.
    • The recovery of Filia's Trichobezoar is now correctly counter hit state.
    • Training Mode's frame data display now correctly tracks the recovery of Valentine's Savage Bypass on block.
    • Eliza and Big Band's AI will now attack you when you're airborne. Eliza's will now throw you and use Sekhmet. Thanks to Skarmand.
    • "First hit" and "after first hit" settings in training mode now take slow motion into account. Thanks to Thunder-Slash.
    • AI works properly vs Beowulf staying seated after an Outtake. Thanks to Skarmand.

Gameplay Changes

  • Character base life increased from 14300 to to 15500.
  • Solo characters received the following changes:
    • Damage modifier lowered from 150% to 145%.
    • Solos vs teams will now keep a percentage of damage taken as red health, up to 1/3 of total health against a trio team and 1/2 total health against a duo team. 1v1 team matches do not use recoverable damage.
    • Solos can now heal red health after connecting with an Outtake; hitting a point character restores 2/3 of their current red health, and hitting an Ensemble character restores 1/3.
    • Teams can now remove all red health from a solo character by hitting with an Outtake. Outtakes now cause an invulnerable sweep knockdown instead of a wall bounce when used by a team vs a solo.
  • Drama (AKA undizzy) received the following changes:
    • Using a ground recovery now removes 50% of the Drama from the defending character, instead of removing all of it.
    • Outside of a combo, Drama now decreases at a progressively slower rate the further it is above 150.
    • When the opponent has any amount of Drama, the super flash from level 1 Blockbusters will no longer force hit stop on the defending character. This makes many Blockbusters that are unblockable after the flash become blockable on reaction when used for a reset, as long as the opponent has not committed to any other action (attacks, dashes, etc). Level 3 and above Blockbusters are not affected by this change.
    • Getting counter hit out of the startup of a normal throw now subtracts Drama as originally intended. Thanks to Yomabuddy.
  • Double jumps received the following changes:
    • Ensemble Attacks are now locked after a double jump, similar to a super jump.
    • The startup for a double jump no longer has the same throw invulnerability as a jump from the ground.
  • All characters now have standardized startup and active frames for normal air throws. This change affects Painwheel/Squigly (+1f startup, +1f active), Valentine (+1f active), and Parasoul (-1f startup).
  • All characters now have standardized length ground and air throw-tech animations. These changes also prevent Double’s and Ms. Fortune’s air throws from allowing the opponent to switch sides after teching late in the animation. Thanks to VIVIT_rv00.
  • Super jumps now have a distinct sound effect.
  • During jump startup, holding ← or ↖ directions now block mid and high attacks for the defending character.
  • Air attacks will no longer trigger pre-block against a standing opponent.
  • Increased default pre-block distance to 275px from 200px.
  • Push blocking and Push Block Guard Cancels (PBGC) received the following changes:
    • Certain multi-hit moves can now be push blocked during initial or intermediate hits without frame perfect timing. This includes: Peacock's j.LK, Argus Agony, and Shadow of Impending Doom's Tenrai-Ha; Parasoul's Motor Brigade; Ms. Fortune's Cat Scratch Fever (both versions); Painwheel's Buer Thresher; Valentine's c.MP; Double's Bandwagon Rushdown; Squigly's Inferno of Leviathan; Fukua's Blown Kiss and Drill of My Dreams. Thanks to Skarmand and Age.
    • The defending character now always returns to neutral at the end of the push block animation, even when holding another direction. This makes it easier to PBGC into moves ending in a back direction.
    • After any block and push block that reduces your block stun, Ensemble Attacks can only be called again after the block stun would have ended normally; Ensemble Attacks can no longer be used during a PBGC in spots where the attacks would have been a block string.
    • The green flash effect now triggers when starting any attack from a PBGC instead of just specials and Blockbusters.
  • Vulnerable Ensemble attack startup (after landing before beginning their action) has been increased from 2f to 3f.
  • Ensemble attack commands will no longer trigger a second attack for a normal move that chains into itself. For example, s.LP, LP+MK will no longer get s.LP x2 from the point character. Thanks to Skarmand.
  • Stunt Double super freeze has been extended by 9f, giving the opponent a much shorter gap to react and counter the Stunt Double character. Thanks to mcpeanuts.
  • 360 motion inputs now allow 6f between consecutive directions instead of only 3f, and allow a direction to be held for 6f instead of only 5f, making 360s easier for keyboard and Hitbox players.
  • When performing a throw Blockbuster at above 80% damage scaling, cancelling to a Blockbuster Sequel before the final hit of the throw always applies 80% damage scaling for the following combo.
  • Outtakes must force an Ensemble Attack to hit a wall within 10f to allow a Double Take (AKA double snap) combo, reduced from 15f.
  • Tag In attacks now properly autocorrect like special moves; the character tagging out will face the correct direction before the character tagging in starts the attack.
  • Cancelling into a super after the killing blow for a down in a 1v1 match no longer costs meter. The only exception is Big Band's Satchmo Solo, which will still cost meter and play for the full duration. Thanks to Skarmand.
  • When counter hit by a stagger attack, the defending character can no longer shake to shorten the stagger effect.
  • Fixes for various bugs and glitches. Lab Zero fixes any bugs you can find!
    • Super shadow effects no longer cause horizontal line graphical glitches.
    • Fixed a specific situation where the defending character could trigger a Stunt Double while blocking a fatal attack. Thanks to yaboidekillsage.
    • Fix for save file corruption under certain conditions - save files are now always closed on load. Thanks to Skarmand.
    • After certain super flashes, tapping a button with 1f timing no longer completely halts air momentum. Thanks to Guitalex.
    • Certain ground recovery animations no longer allow the defending character to get crossed up in the corner. This includes Cerebella face up, Double face up, Eliza face down, and Filia/Fukua face up.
    • 3 button commands such as MP+HP+HK will no longer count as either an Ensemble or a tag command depending on team order. They now always count as an Ensemble. Thanks to Negus Eyoel.
    • When a character hits a defending character with a separate attack during a throw it no longer generates whiff/invulnerable hit sparks.
    • Air dashes can now be cancelled into specials and Blockbusters with negative edge and motion+P+K special commands. Thanks to Severin.
    • Dead Ensemble characters are now drawn behind everything else.
    • PP+K can no longer be used as a push block/throw tech option select; it now always gives a push block command.
    • Tossing Ms. Fortune's head in the "Punishing" tutorial will no longer break the tutorial.
    • Moves with selective character passthrough (such as Filia's Gregor Samson) will no longer pass through an opponent's invulnerable wake up animation. Thanks to SonicFox5000.
    • A wall splat hit stun (from Fukua's Twice Shy, Beowulf's Gigantic Arm, etc) will now give proper collision between the defending character and other characters during the effect.
    • Getting hit out of an Outtake now puts the defending character in a standing hitstun animation instead of crouching.
    • Air pre-block animations will no longer have a stuttering effect against ground moves at specific distances.
    • Ensembles will no longer teleport before landing under certain conditions. Thanks to Weatherbee.
    • Ensembles will no longer enter the screen from the wrong side under certain conditions. Thanks to Luweewu. (They will still enter the screen from the "far" side if your character is facing away from the opponent when the assist is called, but they will no longer enter the screen from in front of your character.)
    • The slowdown effect for a character death no longer causes dropped inputs.
    • In arcade mode, the PC version should no longer have just Filia, Cerebella, and Peacock as the only possible solo opponents. Thanks to chickenwithtie.
    • Adjusted how the game checks the defending character's horizontal position during a throw, preventing the attacking character from wrongly facing backward in some situations (such as during Parasoul's Egret Charge).
    • Fixed various issues with simultaneous super flashes, including the camera focusing on the wrong character and projectiles behaving in unusual ways.
    • Ground Recovery response VO will no longer play during a Blockbuster or when the responding character is dead. Thanks to boboflesserdoom and E. Dee.
    • Fixed the positioning of certain characters during their trip animations. Thanks to LazyBakemono.
    • Fixed a UI error in the text for layer 1's third Ensemble Attack choice on the character select screen. EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. :^)
    • Fixed a damage calculation bug for successful hits that are explicitly meant to not kill a point character. Thanks to Weatherbee.

Character Changes


  • Fixed various problems between the height of Filia’s vulnerable boxes, jump/super jump heights, physical extent, and object point while in the air. These changes also apply to Fukua.
    • Changes made bring hitboxes up to the standards of all other characters.
    • Filia should no longer fall out of certain combos or end up behind her opponent while being hit.
    • Various s.HP xx super jump j.HK combos should work consistently against all characters now.
  • Certain normals no longer have recovery frames that allow Filia to tech a throw while still leaving her open for a counter hit. This “property” was intentionally given to Filia when she was the first complete character in the game and no longer fits within the current Drama and counter hit rules. These changes also apply to Fukua and Double. Thanks to IsaVulpes.
  • Missing vulnerable boxes have been added to Filia for the active and recovery frames of various normals that use Samson. This makes Filia match Fukua as well as the standards for hitboxes set by every other character that uses a parasite.
  • Added a missing voice clip for jumping out of a dash. This change also applies to Fukua. Thanks to WildPony.
  • Filia now continues running if she runs underneath a jumping opponent, like all other characters with a run. Thanks guitalex.
  • s.MK hitbox adjusted to prevent whiffs against crouching Painwheel.
  • c.MK hitboxes expanded forward on the middle and end hits to prevent the later hits from missing if the first hit connects at maximum range. These changes also apply to Fukua.
  • j.LK received the following changes:
    • The attack now has a stronger effect on Filia’s air dash momentum, giving an instant air dash j.LK a more “triangular” jump pattern.
    • Physical extent box extended downward, to ensure that a close instant-airdash j.LK will not whiff behind any grounded opponent.
    • Hitboxes slightly improved below and behind Filia.
  • j.HK is now blockable as a mid, and has a stronger effect on Filia’s momentum, so you can no longer cross up by doing a close dash-jump j.HK.
  • Filia’s Ringlet Spike received the following changes:
    • On hit, the projectile now causes a unique hitstun once per combo. The stun pins the opponent to the ground for 30f, pins for 55f when hitting OTG, and is visually similar to Painwheel’s LP Gae Bolga Stinger.
    • The projectile will no longer go offscreen in the corner.
    • Added 50% forced damage scaling on hit.
  • When used as an Ensemble Attack, Updo now starts at the default position relative to the point character instead of 100 pixels further forward than a standard Ensemble Attack.
  • The HK version of Airball has an increased downward velocity by 1.5 pixels per frame. This allows existing dash cancel combos to work with the changes to Filia’s jump height. Thanks WingZero.


  • Adjusted vulnerable boxes during standing hitstuns to cover the back of Cerebella’s head.
  • Fixed a bug in Cerebella’s air hitstun frames where her feet did not count as a vulnerable hitbox.
  • Fixed physical extent boxes in Cerebella’s air block animation.
  • s.HK damage reduced from 625+725 to 600+700 .
  • j.HP damage reduced from 1000 to 950.
  • (air) ↓+MP received the following changes:
    • Damage reduced from 1000 to 800.
    • Hitboxes extended vertically.
    • Hitstop increased for the opponent, giving additional followup opportunities.
  • Lock n’ Load received the following changes:
    • Damage reduced from 1075/1450/1800 for LP/MP/HP versions to 900/1150/1400.
    • MP version startup -1f. It will now combo off of s.HP.
    • HP version startup -3f.
  • Merry Go-Rilla received the following changes:
    • The window to cancel to a Blockbuster now ends before the active frames, just like all other command grabs. This change also applies to Diamond Drop. Thanks to yaboidekillsage.
    • Hit invulnerability during startup changed. She now only has invulnerability to throws during active frames.
    • Removed vulnerable boxes on Vice Versa’s arm during startup frames.
  • Diamond Deflector received the following changes:
    • It now only reflects projectiles. It can no longer hit on its own.
    • Upon successful reflect, Cerebella is now invulnerable to projectiles only, instead of all hits.
  • Excellebella received the following changes:
    • Recovery on whiff -4f.
    • The opponent’s hanging upside down frames now have a more fluid animation during the throw.
  • Devil Horns received the following changes:
    • Removed invulnerability after the active frames.
    • Blockbuster cancel window during recovery shortened by 8f. Cancelling a blocked Devil Horns to Ultimate Showstopper can still connect, but only within a 3f window.
  • Cerecopter received the following changes:
    • Damage redistributed, lowering fully scaled damage from 720 to around 520.
    • The opponent’s movement when getting hit has been changed to prevent whiffs and direction changes when cancelling to a Diamond Dynamo.
  • Kanchou received the following changes:
    • Damage reduced from 1400 to 1000.
    • The startup now has a 2f window to super cancel, preventing some input errors when cancelling a Tumbling Run to a Blockbuster. Thanks to IsaVulpes.
    • Cerebella now travels faster when attempting to go behind the opponent. Cancelling to Kanchou from a close s.HP on hit will now combo against the widest characters.
  • Pummel Horse received the following changes:
    • Damage reduced from 200 x6 to 175 x6.
    • The throw animation is now approximately 40f faster. Thanks to Woofly.
  • A failed Grab Bag no longer triggers ground recovery VO.
  • When used as a Blockbuster Sequel, Ultimate Showstopper now removes all hitstop on the opponent regardless of Blockbuster Sequel timing; an opponent can always jump out after the super flash if not committed to another action.


  • s.MP startup improved from 15f to 14f.
  • s.HP projectile hitstun +1f.
  • s.LK startup improved from 12f to 9f.
  • s.HK damage reduced from 1100 to 1000.
  • c.HP damage reduced from 950 to 900.
  • c.MK received the following changes:
    • Opponent pushback on hit changed to a pull towards Peacock. This effect is slightly greater against an air opponent.
    • Hitboxes adjusted to better match the effect and give the attack more range.
    • Startup -1f.
  • c.HK slides further, moves faster, and stays active for longer.
  • j.HP hitboxes adjusted to better match the effect and give the attack more range.
  • j.HK’s Avery projectile now generate meter as a multi-hit normal, instead of considering every hit a new attack. This change also applies to Double.
  • A successful air throw now sends the opponent slightly further away from Peacock.
  • George’s Day Out blockstun -4f. Block advantage is now -2f.
  • Shadow of Impending Doom will now drop the item 20f after blockstun ends when releasing the button during blockstun. Holding the button through blockstun can still manually release the item immediately after blockstun ends.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Peacock to move around after hitting with a Road Roller. Thanks to Baiken.
  • The Hole Idea HK version now functions as an MK version as long as Peacock has a teammate entering the screen as an Ensemble Attack, before they land.
  • Fire in the Hole startup and startup invulnerability extended by 6f.
  • Argus Agony received the following changes:
    • The damage, hitstun, and knockback effect of the larger, initial laser have been increased. The damage from the smaller lasers have been decreased, preserving the total damage of the Blockbuster on its own and lowering it when used in a combo with high damage scaling.
    • All hits of the initial laser now share a continuous active hitbox.
  • Lonesome Lenny received the following changes:
    • Invulnerability before the superflash removed.
    • Lenny’s explosion now always sends opponents away from Peacock, and Peacock or her teammates away from the opponents, regardless of their positioning relative to Lenny.
    • Lenny now slides further when hit towards the opponent and significantly less far when hit away from the opponent.
    • The small lasers from Argus Agony now pass through Lenny. They still hit him and push him across the screen.
    • Lenny will always explode after getting hit by an Argus Agony, regardless of his remaining health or Peacock’s actions.
    • Fixed a single frame during startup where Lenny did not appear on screen after he is already spawned.
  • Hi Hi Birdie received the following changes:
    • The Tenrai-ha item drop now appears only after a successful taunt and only if Peacock starts her Shadow of Impending Doom after the taunt is complete.
    • Dropping a level 1 or 2 item will no longer waste the stored Tenrai-ha.
    • The taunt can now be canceled to a Blockbuster at any time. The taunt must fully complete to store a Tenrai-ha.


  • Added a missing vulnerable box to Parasoul's head during one frame of her forward dash. Thanks to ViVr.
  • s.MP hitbox extended back towards Parasoul's body, preventing whiffs in some odd cases. Thanks to IsaVulpes.
  • s.MK (second attack) hitbox adjusted to prevent whiffs against crouching Painwheel.
  • The air version of Napalm Toss received the following changes:
    • When performing the attack and manually setting a tear by releasing the button in the first 10f of a jump, Parasoul tosses a smaller version of a napalm tear. Manually detonating a small tear has reduced damage, blockstun, and hitstun.
    • The small tear grows to a full size tear after 30f onscreen.
  • Egret Charge hitbox extended downward to help it connect in certain situations.
  • Outtake can no longer manually detonate tears and accidentally prevent opponents from being snapped out.
  • Silent Scope received the following changes:
    • The overall timing for the move has changed: the startup is longer, the recovery is shorter, and disadvantage on block has improved from -48f to -20f. Parasoul still has a longer recovery on hit.
    • Damage increased from 1500 to 1750.
    • The crosshairs now stay on screen and search for a target for up to 60f. The more patient sniper will hold fire against an invulnerable opponent and not miss completely if an opponent is in an awkward position.
    • Hitting an airborne opponent now forces the defending character to the ground and causes crumple stun. This works from any height, even when hitting an opponent above the top of the screen (Blockbuster Sequel from Cerebella's Ultimate Showstopper, Eliza's Nekhbet Breaker, etc).

Ms. Fortune

  • Fixed physical extent boxes in Fortune’s air block animation.
  • Headless Ground Recovery response VO now always originate from Fortune’s head, not her body.
  • Headless Cat Slide and El Gato can now be selected as a custom Ensemble Attack with the ↓↘→+K (236+K) and ↓↙←+K (214+K) inputs. With her Head On, these attacks become c.MK and s.MK respectively.
  • When selected as a custom Ensemble Attack, HP Cat Scratch will now perform the MP version if Fortune is Headless. Thanks to Stuff.
  • When Headless, minimum air dash hight has been lowered from 10f to 8f; it is now only a +2f penalty from Head On instead of +4f.
  • Fixed Fortune’s body from getting a corner push back effect if the head hits with various attacks. Thanks to Stuff.
  • Projectiles hitting Fortune’s head now apply 10f less cooldown to the head than a direct physical attack.
  • c.LP, c.LK, c.MK and c.HK hitboxes have all been extended backward, allowing Fortune’s body to hit her head with these attacks when they are both cornered. c.HK now hits completely behind Fortune, as suggested by the animation.
  • j.HP hitstun +1f.
  • Headless MK and HK Fiber Uppercuts now allow a leap followup if any hit connects. The Head On versions still require all hits to connect for a followup. Thanks to worldjem.
  • Decap Attack received the following changes:
    • Hits now add Drama equivalent to a light normal attack.
    • The head can now get hit during a Decap Attack. When hit by Fortune, this changes the arc and restarts the animation with a new active hitbox. When hit by an opponent, it deals appropriate damage to Fortune and stops the Decap Attack.
    • Hits no longer generate meter for Fortune. They still give meter to the defending character.
  • Cat Spike received the following changes:
    • Startup -1f.
    • Removed the ground bounce on the first hit from Fortune’s hand. Thanks to Inuchiyo for finally requiring this change.  :^)
    • Fortune can no longer miss hitting her own head while getting pushblocked or in other odd situations. Thanks to Stuff.
  • Fixed Fortune’s body from getting a corner push back effect if the head hits with various attacks. Thanks to Stuff.
  • Feline Allergies received the following changes:
    • Cancelling Headbutt and ZOOM! to Feline Allergies is now possible on block.
    • The head now picks the direction of travel later, on its first frame of movement instead of on the first frame of startup. This change allows the head to more accurately hit opponents as they travel over it.
  • Fortune can now use Cat Call to recall her head between downs in a 1v1 match.
  • The Fifth of Dismember's final hit will no longer connect after Fortune leaves the screen from a Blockbuster Sequel. Thanks to Guitalex.


  • When performed as a Stunt Double, Pinion Dash now skips the charge time, and each version is one level stronger.
  • →+HK hitboxes extended back towards Painwheel; it will no longer whiff against close crouching Squigly. Thanks to Fightman.
  • j.HP now behaves like a standard multi-hit high normal attack; the first hit that makes contact always requires high block, and any subsequent hits can be blocked as mid. Previously, the final hit counted as mid when it was the only hit to make contact.
  • Buer Reaper received the following changes:
    • Ground HK version now functions like other anti-air hitgrabs: it is unblockable against an opponent on the way up during a jump, the hitbox has been expanded, the active frames have been reduced to 2f from 4f, the super cancel window ends before the active frames, and it will not cause pre-block against a grounded opponent.
    • Cancelling the ground HK version and air MK versions to Buer Thresher now works for a combos against any characters.
  • Flight speed has been increased by .5/.5/1 pixels per frame in forward/back/up directions.
  • Flight Cancel can now be done by pressing any two punches, releasing any two punches, or holding any punch and pressing another punch button later. Thanks to Weatherbee.
  • Fixed a bug with Buer Thresher’s damage where the final hit could scale damage up if used late in a combo.
  • Hatred Install recieved the following changes:
    • Input changed to ↓↙←+KK (214+KK). To avoid input errors, grounded Flight now has an additional 2f window in its startup to cancel to Hatred Install while remaining on the ground.
    • Removed increased Flight speed during Hatred Install, combos are now standard whether Installed or not.
    • Painwheel’s pulse effect now speeds up as the Blockbuster nears the end of its timer.
  • Buer Overdrive received the following changes:
    • Successfully absorbing damage using this attack’s Hatred Guard can no longer kill Painwheel.
    • Fixed bug where cancelling Pinion Dash into Buer Overdrive could cause an extra wheel to stay on screen.


  • s.MP received the following changes:
    • Hitstuns on intermediate hits increased. All hits will now combo to s.HP.
    • The second s.MP attack now drags the opponent downward for easier combos vs airborne opponents.
  • s.MK recieved the following changes:
    • Hitboxes expanded downward and inward to ensure the shuriken hits do not miss vs crouching opponents.
    • Fixed a bug that gave a 1f window for an opponent to fall out of a s.MK > s.HK combo.
  • The air versions of Dead Cross have improved angles and ranges. The LP shuriken has a shallower angle, MP is unchanged, and HP has a wider angle with significantly longer range. These changes also apply to the air versions of Flew Shot.
  • Savage Bypass received the following changes:
    • On hit, the air version now allows Valentine to perform other actions before landing. She can do this a maximum of twice per jump, but must uses two different strengths of Savage Bypass.
    • On miss or when blocked, the air version now puts Valentine into a proper counter hit state until she lands.
    • Air version damage reduced from 900/1000/1100 for LP/MP/HP to 750/825/900.
    • Air version now causes 75% forced damage scaling on hit.
    • When used as an Ensemble Attack, Valentine’s starting position is further forward so the HK version will reach the other side of the screen.
    • On block, Valentine now faces towards the opponent even when it doesn’t cross behind the opponent.
  • Vial Hazard received the following changes:
    • Removed the 3 possible small hits during the poison load animation.
    • The HP version (orange/input lag) now requires the opponent to hit Valentine with an Outtake or a Blockbuster to remove the effect at any level. This only applies to the orange poison; level one and two purple and green poison still go away as soon as Valentine is hit.
  • Mortuary Drop forward movement increased by around 90 pixels.
  • Acquisitive Prescription and Countervenom received the following changes:
    • These attacks can now counter an Infinity Breaker, causing 50% damage scaling when they hit in this situation.
    • Active frames for counter +5f and recovery -5f.
    • When Valentine has her back to the corner, the startup animation no longer forces her to step out of the corner.
    • Valentine now always consumes Tension for these Blockbusters if she gets interrupted, even on the first frame. Thanks to Poccola!
    • Fixed a bug preventing Countervenom from properly stopping Painwheel’s Buer Overdrive. Thanks to ShinATProof.
  • Dead on Arrival received the following changes:
    • Maximum damage scaling set to 55%, equal to the maximum for a level 5 Block buster and above the 45% for a standard level 3.
    • Startup after the superflash -8f.
    • Holding a punch button during the end of the animation now loads one level of Vial Hazard poison from the appropriate button. Holding no button gives an additional level if Valentine already has poison loaded, or level 1 LP (purple) poison if Valentine has nothing loaded.


  • New Blockbuster added: Beast of Gehenna (↓↙←+KK / 214+KK). Place a puddle that will trigger an attack if an opponent gets too close! The puddle stays for 500f and goes away if Double is hit.
  • Fixed Double’s hanging upside down frames to animate in the right order.
  • Fixed a bug preventing Double from alternating between s.LP and c.LP when chaining LP twice.
  • s.MP received the follwing changes:
    • Startup improved to 12f from 15f.
    • Damage increased from 500 to 550.
    • Hitstun and blockstun +4f.
    • Recovery -4f.
  • s.LK startup improved from 11f to 8f.
  • c.LP hitstun +2f.
  • c.LK received the following changes:
    • Damage reduced from 325 to 200.
    • Startup improved from 11f to 8f.
  • c.HP changed to something between Filia and Fukua’s version of the move.
    • Damage reduced from 950 to 900.
    • Hitboxes and vulnerable boxes extended.
    • Startup decreased, frame data improved overall.
  • Luger Replica received the following changes:
    • Blockstun +6f, making block advantage -5f at close range.
    • Bullet size increased to 1.5x.
    • HP version now travels at a steeper angle, travels much faster, only hits after bouncing off the floor, and knocks standing opponents off of the ground. It also launches airborne opponents higher once per combo.
  • Hornet Bomber received the following changes:
    • LK version startup improved from 17f to 12f, invulnerability extended to all startup and 2f of active time, total hits reduced to 2 from 3, total damage reduced from 1500 to 1200, overall height of the attack lowered, and the final hit lifts the defending characters slightly higher off the ground.
    • MK version startup improved from 17f to 14f and all invulnerability removed.
  • Flesh Step received the following changes:
    • Double will no longer push the opponent for the first 4f and can cross behind the opponent 4f sooner.
    • Fixed a bug while blocking at the end of recovery. Thanks to Severin.
  • Cilia Slide can now be performed using a negative edge input. Thanks to zeknife.
  • Fixed a bug during the landing of the LK version of Item Crash (teacup). Thanks to Baiken.
  • Bandwagon Rushdown received the following changes:
    • Damage redistributed to increase the minimum scaled damage from 730 to 990. Thanks to yaboidekillsage.
    • The dust cloud effect has been changed to better indicate which side of the screen Double is coming from.
    • Double is now much more likely to land all 5 hits when the opponent is hit by the back of the car.
  • Nightmare Legion received the following changes:
    • The animation has been sped up on hit. Again.
    • The first hit now pulls the opponent more towards Double on hit, preventing the opponent from falling out in some situations.
    • The final hit now causes sliding knockdown.
  • Megalith Array received the following changes:
    • Input changed to ↓, ↓+KK to distinguish it from Beast of Gehenna.
    • While active, the Dramatic Tension gauge now drains to represent the time remaining in the Blockbuster.


  • Reduced the echo effect on ground recovery VO to allow the opponent to respond in a timely fashion.
  • Lowered c.LK and c.MP vulnerable boxes around Squigly’s head. This more closely matches the animations and gives her some evasive, low profile moves.
  • Arpeggio now has a 5f buffer window at the end of recovery, allowing easier link combos.
  • Seria Drag ‘n’ Bite recovery -4f, improving advantage on hit to +11f and allowing easy links to LP and LK attacks.
  • Tremolo received the following changes:
    • The Seria version now counts as low for the first hit that contacts the opponent. Any additional hits become mid, similar to a multi-hit low normal attack. The regular version is still always mid.
    • Vulnerable boxes around Squigly’s head adjusted to more closely match the art and give her a lower profile during the attack.
    • The Seria version’s “retraction” animation is now faster, making the recovery faster overall. It now has a 2f better advantage on hit compared to the standard version of Tremolo. It still has longer recovery on block.
  • Seria Silver Chord’s “retraction” animation is now faster on whiff and block, making the recovery faster overall.
  • Fixed a bug with the HK version of Fallen Woman where the second hit would not trigger if the first hit broke the armor of an armored move. Thanks to Luweewu.
  • Daisy Pusher received the following changes:
    • The first 4f after the superflash prevent the opponent from tagging.
    • Fixed a bug that allowed opponents to use armor cancels to avoid a Daisy Pusher. Thanks to Magicman!
  • Inferno of Leviathan received the following changes:
    • The projectile starts with 8 hits, does not lose hits as it travels, and will not disappear until it uses up all 8 hits.
    • Projectile movement changed to improve tracking to the opponent; decreases speed over time; the projectile now takes significantly less time to find the opponent.

Big Band

  • Added an original HUD portrait, replacing a reused animation frame.
  • Fixed various effect colors in certain palettes.
  • Increased the size of the burst visual effect from Big Band’s Infinity Breaker.
  • j.LK now behaves like a standard multi-hit high normal attack; the first hit that makes contact always forces a block direction and any subsequent hits can be blocked as mid.
  • Beat Extend received the following changes:
    • Lowered blockstun on all strengths for the initial hits, reducing the attack’s effectiveness as a lockdown Ensemble Attack.
    • Big Band can no longer shake for additional hits after the initial hits are blocked by the enemy point character, even if he hit an Ensemble character.
  • Changed the launch height for Big Band Outtake to prevent a bug when used against an Ensemble character. Thanks to 5uilliam.
  • Noise Cancel received the following changes:
    • Big Band can jump during the recovery animation after a successful parry.
    • Parrying Filia’s Gregor Samson now prevents Filia from passing through Big Band.
    • Fixed a bug preventing Big Band from starting a Noise Cancel from pre-block, block idle, and post-block frames. Thanks to Adeveis.
    • Fixed a bug where parrying certain moves would force Big Band into a standing animation in the air. Thanks to Ninja.
    • Fixed a bug that allowed unintentional Noise Cancels after certain Ensemble Attacks.
  • Take the A Train received the following changes:
    • LK version is now properly throw invulnerable on the active frame.
    • MK and HK versions startup -3f.
  • The kara cancel window from j.HK to the HK version of Cymbal Clash has been increased from 3f to 6f, further preventing unwanted j.HKs when performing the special with sloppy motions.
  • Super Sonic Jazz received the following changes:
    • The armor on a taunt-boosted SSJ now ends at the beginning of the final punch instead of during the recovery.
    • Gap on block between rapid punches and final attack of the taunt-boosted version increased from 1f to 5f.
    • TUBA TUBA! can now cancel to a Blockbuster Sequel after the final hit.
    • Fixed a Training Mode only bug where the Blockbuster could get stuck in an endless loop. Thanks to Huffy.
  • Fixed an error in the ceiling-check script during Tympani Drive.
  • Satchmo Solo’s input has been made slightly easier: the down input can now be held after the LK input and the LP+MP input does not require both buttons to be pressed on the exact same frame.


  • s.MP damage reduced from 600 to 550.
  • s.MK damage reduced from 650 to 550.
  • c.MP damage reduced from 600 to 550.
  • j.HP damage reduced from 900 to 800.
  • j.HK recieved the following changes:
    • Damage reduced from 700 to 500.
    • Followup j.HP damage lowered from 700 to 500.
  • Platonic Drillationship received the following changes:
    • Startup extended from 9/12/15f to 10/14/18f for LK/MK/HK strengths.
    • HK version recovery extended from 26f to 32f.
    • HK version hitstun +3f. It still will not combo into Best Friends Forever. Thanks to DreamEpitaph.
    • HK version invulnerability to hits extended to cover the longer startup and the first active frame.
    • Removed invincibility from HK version when used as an Ensemble Attack.
  • Forever a Clone received the following changes:
    • Damage for LK/MK/HK versions reduced from 750/900/1000 to a standard 750 for all strengths.
    • Fukua’s startup and recovery animations adjusted as follows: LK has 22f startup and 22f recovery, MK has 26f and 18f, and HK has 20f and 14f.
    • Added startup to the HK clone after it spawns, giving the attack +3f total startup when combined with Fukua’s animation. The attack now triggers from slightly farther away from the opponent, giving it the fastest possible startup at greater distances.
    • HK version hitstop +4f.
    • Blockstuns adjusted to 20/21/22f for LK/MK/HK versions. With the changes to startup and recovery, the block advantages are now 0/+14/+12f.
    • LK version knockdown now allows the opponent to use an immediate ground recovery, Fukua can’t hit them OTG.
    • MK version now forces airborne opponents downward faster on block.
  • Love Dart received the following changes:
    • The projectile now carries some of Fukua’s wraith lighting effects with it, allowing only one fireball to be on screen at a time. Fukua must wait for her wraiths to return before throwing another fireball.
    • On hit or block, Fukua now gains Tension only when the wraith returns. The Tension gained scales up the farther the wraith travels, up to double the base value. There is no meter generated on whiff.
  • Blown Kiss received the following changes:
    • Now causes a regular knockdown on hit instead of a slide stun.
    • The fireball starts closer to Fukua and the hitbox has been expanded; it will always fully connect against certain crouching characters in the corner. Thanks to yaboidekillsage.
    • Ground version is no longer unblockable after the superflash.
  • When used as a Blockbuster Sequel, Head Over Heels now adds startup frames; an opponent can always jump out after the super flash if not committed to another action.


  • Tagging out to Fukua now triggers the appropriate voice clip. Thanks to SpaceCadetKeon.
  • Fixed some cleanup errors in standing low hitstun and c.LK. Thanks to Rynozilla.
  • Sekhmet can no longer gain meter when attacking Fortune’s head, a pushblocking opponent, or an armored opponent. Thanks to Arcana.
  • Sekhmet now starts a light attack with an LP+LK input instead of taking no action. This causes an early throw break input to result in an unbreakable counter hit throw on Sekhmet, since she is thrown out of the attack startup.
  • s.LP hitstun -4f.
  • s.MP damage reduced from 600 to 550.
  • s.HP third attack damage reduced from 900 to 750.
  • s.LK damage reduced from 375 to 325.
  • s.MK recieved the following changes:
    • First attack damage reduced from 300 x2, 350 to 300 x3.
    • Second attack damage reduced from 450 to 400.
  • s.HK second attack damage reduced from 1000 to 900.
  • c.LK damage reduced from 325 to 275.
  • c.MK damage reduced from 450, 550 to 400, 500.
  • c.HK damage reduced from 1350 to 1200.
  • j.LK damage reduced from 350 to 300.
  • j.MK recieved the following changes:
    • Damage reduced from 600 to 500.
    • Blockstun decreased from 27f to 19f, a more appropriate amount for a medium normal attack. Thanks to Claws.
  • j.HK damage reduced from 900 to 875.
  • Sekhmet’s Carpenter’s Axe received the following changes:
    • Blockstun -1f.
    • s.H version damage reduced from 1300 to 1100.
    • j.M version damage reduced from 1300 to 1000.
    • j.M version fixed to always start a combo at IPS Stage 2 as intended.
  • Sekhmet’s Signature Attack damage reduced from 1200 to 1050.
  • Ground throw now deals damage in 7 distinct hits and adds to the combo counter. Thanks to Pizzarino.
  • Dive of Horus recieved the following changes:
    • Blockstop -3f.
    • Added 66% forced damage scaling on hit.
    • When used as an Ensemble Attack, Horace now enters his hitstun animation when Eliza is hit out of her recovery.
    • When used as an Ensemble Attack, Horace now renders behind the point characters. Thanks to Negus Eyoel.
  • Fixed various bugs that could prevent a servant from appearing after Eliza performs the summon animation for Dive of Horus or Throne of Isis. Thanks to BDetective and SonicFox5000.
  • Osiris Spiral received the following changes:
    • The LK version now has a 5f buffer window at the end of recovery, allowing easier link combos.
    • The “Osiris Spiral!” VO now occurs more often than the “What’s wrong, too spooky?” line during the HK version.
  • Fixed a bug that gave Lady of Slaughter 0f startup when used as a Blockbuster Sequel.
  • Nekhbet Breaker now moves forward while offscreen and drops the enemy slightly further in front of Eliza. This change prevent most ambiguous corner crossups after it, if the opponent was grabbed close to the corner.
  • Khepri Sun damage redistributed, lowering fully scaled damage from 4100 to around 3700.

Skin and Bones Edition (Eliza Patch)

Released on US PSN and Steam September 30th, 2014, EU PSN October 1st, 2014, and XBLA October 14th, 2014.

General Changes

  • Eliza added to the roster as the third DLC character.
  • Purchase her from the store FREE for first 3 months!
  • Eliza's Story added to Story Mode.
  • Eliza's Tutorial added to Tutorial Mode.
  • New stage added: Bath of Tefnut. Eliza's personal spa features the "An Oasis in Time" background theme by Michiru Yamane.
  • Added Fukua's Tutorial to Tutorial Mode.
  • Improvements to existing stages:
    • Medici Tower stage improved with better parallax effects, floor polish, and animated scenery outside of the top floor window.
    • Nightmare Crest (PC 2D version) improved with lessened blur effects.
    • Fixed a bug in background camera-shake effects. For example, Painwheel's charged c.HP and LK Buer Reaper now shake the trees on Maplecrest as intended.
    • Class Notes (PC 2D version) now has blue lines in the background to help with determining character positions in the air.
    • Added 1 additional Patron Saint NPC.
  • Added Entourage. Save up to two teams, including Ensembles and palettes, on a hotkey for quick selection later!
    • After picking a team in Versus Mode or the Training Room, press Macro1 or Macro2 during Stage Select to save the team in Entourage slot 1 or 2. To select using Entourage, press Macro1 or Macro2 while selecting Team Size.
    • Online play disables saving a new Entourage, but still allows Entourage selection of a previously saved team.
    • Entourage selection is completely disabled in Story Mode.
  • Added background effects for a match-ending Blockbuster.
  • Added background effects and appropriate music for the duration of a Double Take (AKA double snap) combo.
  • Various improvements for console versions:
    • Improved menu caching, making most menus load faster.
    • Stage backgrounds are no longer rendered when they are not actually visible. This removes some lag during Valentine's Dead on Arrival, among other less noticeable things.
    • Further optimized load time for character art files when switching to a new character (XBLA version).
    • Tournament Mode now disables the "Home" button during gameplay (PSN version).
  • New Training Mode options:
    • Grid: display a grid on screen to see character spacing.
    • Show Crossups: when a move hits as a cross up the hit effect is replaced with a large, round hit effect.
  • The Art Gallery (PC version) received the following updates:
    • 150 new pieces have been added!
    • The background music player has been updated with all new and previously missing songs.
  • Running the game windowed (PC version) now no longer has a titlebar and always has a thin border. To move the window, simply click anywhere inside it and drag. This change disables several commands that cause predictable lag during online play, such as bringing up the context menu with Alt-Space or even just clicking on the titlebar and holding down the mouse button.

Gameplay Changes

  • Fixed the last known remaining unblockable setup: when a throw attempt whiffs through throw invulnerable jump start up frames, the rest of that jump start up is now invulnerable to everything. In addition, anti-air throws that are unblockable on the way up (Cerebella's Excellebella, Big Band's Take the 'A' Train) become blockable for 8f.
  • Added a Pushblock Guard Cancel Flash effect; a successful PBGC will cause the defending character to flash green similar to the red flash effect from a counter hit.
  • Standardized all high and low multi-hit normal moves; the first hit that makes contact always forces a block direction and any subsequent hits can be blocked as mid, as originally intended. This includes fixes for attacks that forced a block direction for every hit (Parasoul's j.HK, Fukua's c.MK, etc) and some others that forced a block direction for the first hit but never for the subsequent hits (Squigly's c.HP, Valentine's j.HK, etc).
  • Ensemble markers now stay on screen until the character gets hit or becomes invincible during the exiting taunt; if you see the marker, you can hit the Ensemble.
  • Quick-swapping team order (during load screens or while selecting Play Again after a game) is now done by holding a Tag command (MP+MK or HP+HK) instead of the Ensemble commands.
  • Setting "Teams Number of Rounds" to more than 1-out-of-1 will use rounds instead of the downs used during a solo team vs solo team match.
  • Added an additional 5f leniency window during recovery after normal throws to buffer special or Blockbuster move inputs.
  • The default Macro2 command is now MP+HK instead of MK+HP to prevent unwanted command overlaps, such as moving around Ms. Fortune's head.
  • Various issued have been fixed with the "Advanced" Attack Data option's frame data display in the Training Room.
    • Whiffed attacks no longer show as -1f off of their total frames in the numeric frame data display.
    • Numeric frame data display now completely ignores super flash frames.
    • Various attacks that have a recovery animation that do not actually restrict any other action (Cerebella's (air) ↓+MP, Ms. Fortune's Fiber Upper command jump, Peacock's The Hole Idea) no longer count as recovery frames to the frame data bar or the numeric frame data display.
  • Fixes for various bugs and glitches. Lab Zero just can't stop fixing whatever you find!
    • Fixed an IPS exception where the first hit of a new chain could hit something other than the point character (an Ensemble, Ms. Fortune's head, etc), causing IPS to not properly “watch” the chain when the rest of it hits the point character.
    • When the Ground Tech option is enabled, the training dummy no longer attempts inputs for a Ground Recovery unless it is in hit stun.
    • After the game boots without previous save data, the training dummy will now actually use an Infinity Breaker when the Escape Infinite Combos option is set to the first available hit. That was a weird one.
    • The Ensemble character is no longer invulnerable to supers during a Double Take combo.
    • After being hit by an Outtake, the Ensemble character is invulnerable until leaving the screen or hitting the wall.
    • Fixed a bug where a Blockbuster Sequel would succeed when the attacking point character gets hit and starts the Blockbuster Sequel on the same frame.
    • Fixed a bug where if Player 2 starts a Blockbuster Sequel and Player 1 starts a Blockbuster (or a Blockbuster Sequel) on the same frame, Player 2′s incoming character would jump on screen and then leave without doing the Blockbuster.
    • Fixed a bug that could lower a throw break window by 2f in some situations.
    • Fixed various lobby issues, including controller assignments, player rotation in odd player count lobbies, and some complete crashes.
    • When loading a match, keyboard inputs (like holding a tag command to swap team order) now register as late into the loading screen as controller inputs do.
    • Fixed launchers so that they function properly against an opponent landing from an Infinity Breaker.
    • Fixed a crash in the Tutorials when moving the cursor in certain ways on the chalkboard.
    • Fixed a bug where the AI could not pick an Ensemble for Big Band or Eliza.
    • Fixed various "missing" VO lines to Valentine, Squigly, and Big Band. These were all lines that were already in the game but never played.

Character Changes


  • Fenrir Drive will no longer kill the opponent's point character at any point before the final hit.
  • The Trichobezoar projectile will now absorb and negate all other projectiles until it makes contact with a character.
  • The air version of Gregor Samson received the following changes:
    • Bugfix: Gregor Samson can no longer be performed while beginning to fall after a failed Fenrir Drive.
    • Induced hit stop lowered; it can now be blocked on reaction after the flash at any range.
    • On block or whiff, Filia now lands closer to the opponent.


  • Fixed a bug with Diamond Deflector vs Peacock.
  • Diamond Dynamo now has a smaller hit box on the first active frame (while opponent is still stuck in induced hit stop). Invulnerable frames have been reduced to overlap the first few active frames only. This brings it in line with other level 1 Blockbusters and still lets Excellabella or Cerecopter combo directly into Diamond Dynamo at mid screen.


  • Peacock's backdash no longer has a portion where it is considered airborne; she can always be thrown, always cancel to ground normals, and can no longer randomly go over certain low attacks.
  • Fixed vulnerable frames at the end of a successful ground throw; the entire throw animation is invulnerable as originally intended.
  • Shadow of Impending Doom received the following changes:
    • The barrel and piano items now affect the opponent the same way as other equivalent items in all cases (including OTG hits).
    • A Road Roller can now drop as an Ensemble if using the Lv3 version
    • The Road Roller can now cause the same background effects as a game winning Blockbuster.


  • Slightly modified palette #21 per Indiegogo backer request.
  • j.LK and (air) b+LK no longer count as separate moves for IPS.
  • Fixed a bug where hitting a tear with j.MK then chaining to another tear igniting attack would detonate a tear that j.MK originally hit.
  • Egret Dive received the following changes:
    • The soldier is now "active" to block projectiles as soon as he lands instead of waiting the additional 10f to start his jump.
    • Parasoul now gains meter when the soldier absorbs a hit.
  • Egret Charge now only goes to the "failed" state if Parasoul is hit during the first 20f of her action, not the entire action.
  • Silent Scope hit box expanded downward to hit certain low profile moves (like Filia's Gregor Samson).

Ms. Fortune

  • Fixed a bug that corrupted Ms. Fortune's lighting information in certain spots.
  • Throw animations that would normally grab an opponent's head (Painwheel's ground throw, Big Band's air throw, etc) now grab at Ms. Fortune's body instead of her missing head. Fortune still breathes gas through her neck during Valentine's ground throw.
  • Fixed a bug where an input for another back dash during the recovery of Ms. Fortune's back dash could give her a forward dash instead.
  • Fixed a cleanup error in j.MP.
  • The 5f early input window on Fiber Upper's command jump now also allows special move commands instead of only normal moves.
  • Cat Strike received the following changes:
    • Invulnerability changed: invulnerable to hits only, never to throws.
    • Cancelling from the end of Cat Scratch Fever removes all invulnerability from Cat Strike.
  • OMNOMNOM will now produce appropriate red or green hit sparks if the opponent can perform an Infinity Breaker as soon as the OMNOMNOM ends.
  • Tag In attack can now generate Drama and get watched by IPS as originally intended.
  • Feral Edge's induced hit stop lowered; it can now be blocked on reaction after the flash at any range.
  • Fifth of Dismember updated: can now do a Blockbuster Sequel from the final explosion hit, but only after a successful first hit from one of her limbs.


  • Fixed a bug that caused Hatred Guard moves to not have armor after certain odd inputs.
  • c.LK hitbox extended downward to give more consistent OTG hits.
  • c.MK now hits as a low.
  • c.HP now hits as a high when fully charged.
  • c.HK now knocks the opponent towards Painwheel when fully charged, allowing easier follow up combos.
  • During Hatred Install, the LP version of Gae Bolga Stinger no longer forces its typical 50% Damage Scaling.
  • Fixed a bug involving the start up of Flight when performed high up in the air during the startup of Squigly's Center Stage.
  • Flight Cancel received the following changes:
    • Fixed a bug that caused Painwheel to go into a weird state after blocking during the 5f Flight Cancel animation.
    • Blocking during the cancel animation now causes 25% of the incoming attack's normal block stun.
    • Flight Cancel can now be performed with a negative edge PP command, as well as just pressing PP.
  • Fixed LK Buer Reaper so that cancelling to Flight then combing to ↘+j.LP, s.MP will no longer randomly miss on Squigly when facing left.
  • Tag In attack received the following changes:
    • The throw can no longer be teched when used as part of a combo. It can still be teched in any other situation.
    • It can now generate Drama and get watched by IPS as originally intended.
  • Outtake has been standardized with a slightly shorter start up and recovery.
  • Buer Overdrive received the following changes:
    • It now fully connects in all situations, even when the first hit connects at an odd angle or hits as an OTG.
    • Armor improved to 3 hits instead of just 1.


  • Valentine can now choose between throwing a Dead Cross or a Flew Shot when she has a poison loaded. The ↓↘→+P command with a button tap will throw the shuriken, and holding the P button down for more than 7f throws the syringe. The start up times do not change and she will still prefer to throw syringes during an Ensemble.
  • Tag In attack will no longer cross up an opponent in some situations near the corner.
  • Fixed extraneous hit boxes and sound effects in Valentine's Infinity Breaker.
  • Countervenom now breaks armor.


  • Fixed a vulnerable frame in Double's post-Ensemble taunt.
  • Tag In attack received the following changes:
    • Trading hits with the first hit now causes a regular knockdown instead of a ground bounce.
    • The ground bounce has been improved, allowing Double to start a combo off of it in most situations against heavy characters.
    • The second hit can no longer cross up; blocking the first hit and holding that block direction will always block the second hit.
  • Bandwagon Rushdown will now trigger the reverse direction when holding any back direction instead of just straight back.


  • Redistributed damage and hit stop on Seria Draugen Punch to favor the first hit, offering better damage scaling and a bigger window to cancel to a Blockbuster.
  • Fixed various projectiles on other characters so Center Stage can no longer drag them off the back of the screen to make them disappear.
  • Fixed vulnerable frames at the end of a successful Silver Chord; the entire throw animation is invulnerable as originally intended.
  • Fixed bug where Squigly Battle Opera would occasionally not disappear when Squigly was hit by certain moves.
  • Daisy Pusher now properly interacts with the landing recovery of Cerebella's Grab Bag.

Big Band

  • The recovery animation of a successful Noise Cancel no longer prevents blocking.
  • s.MP received the following changes:
    • Playing additional notes now requires holding the initial MP down for 28f, making the first hit easier to use as an actual attack. If the MP button is only tapped, followup buttons like HP/HK will be attacks instead of notes.
    • Fixed visuals when playing a LK+HK or LK+MK+HK trumpet note with s.MP.
    • Frame data adjusted to make it less unsafe on block.
  • HK Cymbal Clash now has a 3f kara cancel window from j.HK to help prevent input errors.
  • Take the 'A' Train received the following changes:
    • Big Band stops moving forward entirely as soon as the grab attempt begins, rather than sliding.
    • Fixed a bug where being hit on the first active frame could cause the second active frame to be skipped because of the armor reaction, resulting in no active frames.
  • Tag In attack has 1 hit of armor.
  • Outtake received the following changes:
    • Recovery made slightly shorter to match the rest of the cast.
    • Hit box extended slightly downward; certain characters shouldn't be able to occasionally duck under it at close range.
  • When used after a taunt, Super Sonic Jazz and Tympani Drive will not kill until the last hit.


  • Drill of My Dreams (↓↘→+KK) now has an air version. It has a downward angle and is sort of a new move!
  • Removed Filia's "Sorry, Samson..." VO at loss.
  • j.HK received the following changes:
    • Active frames reduced from 3f to 2f, changed to prevent a variety of bugs with the attack. It should no longer hit Marie without triggering the dive effect or go completely bonkers if it hits Horace.
    • Fixed a bug where teching a throw could later cause the dive effect to trigger on whiff.
  • Air throw's recovery can no longer cancel to a special or Blockbuster move.
  • Love Dart received the following changes:
    • Damage for all versions increased to 600 with 200 chip, from 350 with 150 chip.
    • All versions scale followup combos to 75% damage on hit.
    • Air LP version now has a steeper angle.
    • Air MP version now bounces off the ground.
    • All versions now lose hit stun as they travel. The air versions reach a minimum of ~19f after 14f of travel. Block stun works the same way and is always slightly shorter than the hit stun.
    • Ground versions now have 8-12f more hit stun than air versions. Best Friends Forever will now combo off of a close Love Dart.
    • Ground versions have 5f more recovery, giving them a close range hit advantage similar to the original version of the move.
  • Tender Embrace received the following changes:
    • Start up increased to 8f from 4f.
    • Damage increased to 2000 from 1800.
  • Inevitable Snuggle can no longer cancel to level 1 Blockbusters during start up. It can still cancel to her level 3 or level 5 after it has absorbed a hit with armor.
  • Best Friends Forever received the following changes:
    • Throw attempts made against the invulnerable start up frames now add start up to the move; an opponent starting a throw on the same as frame as Best Friends Forever will have more frames to recover and block.
    • Best Friends Forever will no longer combo from Platonic Drillationship.
    • The first shadow hit will no longer connect after triggering a Blockbuster Sequel.
    • The shadow will no longer follow Fukua off screen during a Blockbuster Sequel.
    • If the opponent leaves hit stun after the first hit then the second slide hit will not connect and Fukua loses all invulnerability, preventing some unintended resets.
    • When her back is to the corner, Fukua will no longer step forward out of the corner during the startup. This prevents her from crossing under the opponent and missing.
    • Fixed a bug that could cause occasional wrong way input for reversal attacks after a Best Friends Forever finishes.

Are Your Ready For? Edition (Fukua Patch)

Originally released on Steam and PSN May 13th, 2014 then to XBLA May 14th, 2014.


  • By popular demand, Fukua added to the roster as a bonus character with no DLC requirements. She will be forever free because she's forever a clone! Find her somewhere on the character select screen (if you can).
  • New stage added: Nightmare Crest. An alternate version of Maplecrest featuring "The Dreams We Left Behind", a remix version of "The Lives We Left Behind" background theme. Fukua should be right at home!
  • The Glass Canopy stage now has its own original background theme, "Royal Canopy Waltz".
  • All red cross imagery has been changed such that it no longer resembles the American Red Cross logo. This mostly concerns Valentine, who now has pink shurikens in her default costume. Ileum in the Lab 8 stage has also been changed, as well as various alternate palettes for Valentine and Parasoul.
  • Fixed a major bug that permanently locked DLC alternate color palettes and prevented DLC characters from being selected outside of Story Mode (XBL version).
  • "COMPLETE!" will no longer show up on wrong characters or the random square when moving too fast on the Story Mode character select screen.
  • When playing online, character select timeouts while hovering over an already chosen character or a locked stage will no longer hang.
  • Character icons are now highlighted when the cursor is over them on the character select screen.
  • Fixed online character select hangs when the timer expires when highlighting an already-chosen character or locked stage.
  • Added missing names to Credits/Contributors list

Gameplay Changes

  • Lockout period for tagging and calling Ensembles after an Ensemble gets hit or is forced in by an Outtake changed to 300f as originally intended.
  • Ensemble characters don’t start healing until 120f after the end of a lockout.
  • 360 motions now allow up to 2f of neutral between required direction inputs. Helps keyboard players and hitbox users.
  • Fixes for various bugs and glitches:
    • Ensembles will now always do their post-Ensemble taunt as long as they didn't go into hit stun, including with armored Ensembles. Armored Ensembles that take damage and don't go into hit stun will still get locked out for the normal period.
    • Certain Blockbusters (Argus Agony, Death Crawl) will no longer give a small amount of meter back to the attacker on hit.
    • Corrected an input priority issue that affected Painwheel's normals during Flight.
    • Fixed several bugs with pre-block where once you were in pre-block, you would remain in it as long as the opponent was attacking.

Character Changes

  • Filia has new throw whiff frames originally made for Fukua. Frame data for her throw remains unchanged.
  • Filia's Updo and Parasoul's Napalm Pillar now cause 4f less hit stop on block, reducing their use as lockdown Ensembles.
  • Cerebella's Devil Horns now plays the guitar riff every time.
  • Fixed speech bubble and whistle bubble on specific palettes for Parasoul and Peacock.
  • Ms. Fortune can no longer miss her own head with Cat Spike when moving backward against the screen edge.
  • Painwheel is no longer in counter hit state during Flight. She is still in counter hit state during its start up.
  • Painwheel's Hatred Guard electricity effect now exactly matches the frames on which armor starts and ends.
  • Valentine's input lag poison now affects Big Band's Noise Cancel properly.
  • Squigly Palette 22 returns from the grave
  • Fixed cleanup error in Squigly's win pose.
  • Fixed artifacts in Squigly's loading screen art.
  • Added VO for Squigly and Big Band's Infinity Breakers.
  • Squigly now has a vulnerable hurt box on her head during her crumple animation.
  • Fixed cleanup error in Big Band's crouch idle.
  • Added lighting effects for the boosters in Big Band's win pose.
  • Fixed the victim's position during Big Band's Take the 'A' Train; when used as an Ensemble it will no longer force the point character to awkwardly turn around.
  • Big Band can no longer call assists during Cymbal Clash.
  • Big Band's death and timeout VO no longer get cut off.
  • Fixed Infinite Prevention System spark sounds for Big Band.

Unfinished Business Edition (Big Band Patch)

Originally released on Steam and PSN April 22nd, 2014 then as part of the patch for XBLA including all changes from Slightly Different Edition forward on April 23nd, 2014.


  • Big Band added to the roster as the second DLC character.
    • Purchase him from the store FREE for first 3 months!
    • Big Band Story added to Story Mode.
    • Big Band Tutorial added to Tutorial Mode.
  • Two 2 new stages added:
    • Under the Bridge, home to the displaced residents of Lab 8 and Big Band's original theme, "Unfinished Business".
    • Glass Canopy, the Canopolis ballroom frequented by royalty and all remaining fan designed NPCs from the crowdfunding campaign.
  • Improvements to existing stages:
    • Lab 8 (empty), having been recently attacked, now has appropriate evidence of death and destruction.
    • Grand Cathedral (empty) now has the gloomy lighting effects expected of an abandoned church.
    • NPCs in formal attire have left River King Casino for the Glass Canopy, leaving the casino populated exclusively by riff raff.
    • Playable characters will not appear as background NPCs when participating in a match.
    • Fixed some coloring issues with the floor in New Meridian.
    • Fixed visuals around the top and sides of Class Notes.
  • Added additional features for blind accessibility, including clipboard-to-text menu, custom assist dialogue, and controller setting improvements. (PC exclusive)
  • Added LP+HK as an alternate Ensemble 2 command to go along with LK+HP being Ensemble 1.
  • Added automatic frame data visualization to the Training Room, enabled when the Attack Data option is set to "Advanced".
  • Drama setting added to the Training Room's options.
  • A Training Room dummy set to crouch will now block mid hits without standing up.
  • The shortcut to clear a Training Room save state is now LK+HK+Select instead of LP+HK+Select, preventing accidental assist calls. Holding Select for 30f is still the non-shortcut command.
  • Added a character select screen indicator for completed characters in Story Mode.
  • Pressing start will now skip a cutscene before the first dialog box comes up for improved mashing through Story Mode.
  • Added a sound effect for the Recovery Spark.
  • Ping screen now updates the label and color at every frame to reflect real time ping info.
  • DLC protection removed from spectating, so people who don't own a particular DLC character can still watch a match with that DLC character.
  • Fixed various controller assignment and controller menu issues.

Gameplay Changes

  • Added a crowdfunding requested color for... MARIE?! She will only choose the color in Arcade mode on Nightmare difficulty or as Marie 300%.
  • Level 1 supers have been adjusted to have 1f of overlap between super flash induced hit stop and active frames. There are a few exceptions.
  • The defending character can no longer use an Infinity Breaker during the invulnerable frames of hit stuns, preventing some unintended option selects.
  • Performing an Infinity Breaker 90f after it is triggered will always give the fully invulnerable/unpunishable Infinity Breaker, similar to when triggered by a projectile.
  • Ensembles that cause slide stun now have a green impact effect, matching the ground recovery rules for an Ensemble knockdown.
  • Adjusted midscreen Double Take (AKA double snap) combos; in order to combo the Ensemble the Outtake must hit both the Ensemble and the point character at the same time and the Ensemble must be within 2/3 screen distance to the edge. Squigly's Center Stage can get around the edge distance requirement.
  • The entirety of every character's Tag In attack counts as a counter hit state.
  • In game music volume changes (such as from a Blockbuster) now happen gradually instead of instantly.
  • Hits which will specifically avoid killing the point character before the move ends (Double's Nightmare Legion, Painwheel's Buer Overdrive, etc) can now kill an Ensemble.
  • Assorted fixes for bugs and glitches.
    • Double Takes can no longer change the original team order.
    • Trading armored hits no longer result in asymmetrical meter gain.
    • LP~HK and HK~LP will always call Ensemble 1 instead of Ensemble 2 in some situations.
    • Tagging out at certain frames of an opponent's super flash can no longer cause inappropriate camera shifts.
    • Getting thrown the frame after trading hits no longer causes a throw animation against air.
    • Chicken blocking now works as intended in all situations; air block stun ends as soon as the defending character lands regardless of height.
    • A shifting screen/camera can no longer drag around an Ensemble during a successful throw.
    • A point character can no longer call a Stunt Double while dying from chip damage.
    • The hit stop from mid attacks no longer prevents the defending character from switching block types.

Character Changes


  • Ground dash hit boxes now always extend to the floor; Filia can no longer evade certain low attacks (Parasoul c.LK) with certain frames of her dash animation.
  • Airball hit stun lowered to give -9f advantage on block, down from -5f.
  • The air version of Gregor Samson's falling and landing animation now properly counts as a counter hit state.
  • Fenrir Drive no longer does the dive ending if it did not hit the point character.


  • Added 1 additional crowdfunding requested palette, bringing Cerebella's total to 20.
  • Air throw received the following changes:
    • Recovery changed to allow Cerebella more consistent follow up combos.
    • Physical extent adjusted to not drop Big Band behind Cerebella.
  • Lock 'n' Load no longer misses crouching Filia or Fortune in the corner.
  • Diamond Deflector will now reflect projectiles from the first frame of start up.


  • Fixed error in palette #7.
  • s.LP hit box extended back towards Peacock; it will not miss an opponent at close range.
  • Bang! push back on block reduced.
  • BANG BANG BANG! hit box extended back towards Peacock on the first frame; it will not miss an opponent at close range.
  • George's Day Out hit box extended back towards Peacock on the first frame and while George is in the air; it will not miss an opponent at close range.
  • Argus Agony start up invulnerability reduced; Peacock can no longer react to and beat other projectile supers from full screen.
  • Lonesome Lenny can no longer explode in the middle of an Argus Agony; he will wait until the end.


  • Fixed clean up error during slide stun animation.
  • s.LP hit box adjusted to consistently hit all characters at close range.
  • LP and HP Napalm Shot hit boxes adjusted to consistently hit all characters at close range.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a camera de-sync during tag in.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause another camera de-sync with Egret Charge as an Ensemble.
  • Napalm Pillar and Napalm Quake now properly cause pre-block.
  • Silent Scope active time increased to 7f, up from 4f; it is no longer possible to just frame dodge it with certain moves.

Ms. Fortune

  • The control of Ms. Fortune's head received the following changes:
    • The cooldown/command lockout after getting hit is now a uniform 15f, regardless of the attacks.
    • Head normals (Zoom! and Headbutt) can no longer cancel to head specials (Feline Allergies and OMNOMNOM) on block.
    • Head normals can now cancel into Cat Call on hit or whiff. Canceling in this fashion adds 75f of cooldown to the head if not recovered by the body, like other head specials.
    • When forced in from an Outtake, the head can no longer act before the body can act.
    • When tagged in, the head can't act until 15f after the tag begins, preventing an accidental command overlap from the tag input. It can still move it before the body enters the screen.
    • If the body is stuck in a combo and the head is free, projectiles will now ignore the head; it can no longer absorb a mid-combo a Motor Brigade or Boxcar George meant for the body.
    • The head will no longer accept commands during an Infinity Breaker or during the vulnerable recovery of an Infinity Breaker.
    • Fixed a bug where, if Fortune was revived headless after a Valentine level 5 or a 1v1 down, her head would no longer be limited by the screen.
  • Head On s.HP received the following changes:
    • Start up reduced by 2f.
    • Recovery increased by 2f.
    • Damage increased to 1100 from 1000.
    • Improved hit spark effect.
  • Head On j.HP received the following changes:
    • Start up reduced by 2f.
    • Damage reduced to 775 from 975.
    • On hit push back now sends the defending character slightly downward.
  • Fiber Upper and El Gato now have a proper Blockbuster cancel lockout period at the end of recovery.
  • Fiber Upper received the following changes:
    • When Headless, it now has invulnerability to throws only. When used as an Ensemble it keeps full invulnerability.
    • Air block push back reduced for HK version, allowing a slightly quicker landing for the defending character.
    • Fixed a bug that would allow a cancel from the follow up jump without starting a new chain with IPS. This also prevents a first frame j.HK from causing a full knockdown as if it was chained.
  • Cat Strike hit stun reduced to give -2f advantage on block, down from +1f.
  • Feline Allergies active frames increased by 4f.
  • Head On Cat Scratch Fever received the following changes:
    • Recovery can now be cancelled into Cat Strike on hit.
    • Recovery changed to make it impossible to combo out of the slide stun with a normal.
  • Feral Edge received the following changes:
    • When Headless, increased lockout period for commands to the head on whiff and block.
  • Fixed a bug where getting KOd while trading hits on a specific frame would result in a floating Fortune corpse.


  • Charging a s.MP will now cause the attack to autocorrect after absorbing at least one hit with Hatred Guard.
  • Fixed a bug where the wheel could teleport off of Painwheel if j.MP was interrupted by a Blockbuster on a specific frame. This also applies to Double's j.HP.
  • PP will now "unfly" during Flight, returning Painwheel to neutral, restoring her ability to block, and maintaining either all of her forward momentum of half of her backward momentum.
  • Flight cancels from Buer Reaper and Buer Thresher count as Flight x2, allowing one less Flight cancel per jump. Flight cancels from grounded moves are not affected.
  • Increased downward range on the first hit of Buer Thresher.
  • Hatred Install received the following changes.
    • Induced hit stop reduced to 1f.
    • Recovery increased by 5f when used as a Blockbuster Sequel.


  • Fixed error in palette #22.
  • Added 24f cooldown on Dead Cross once it hits the floor, hits the opponent, or goes offscreen.
  • Mortuary Drop received the following changes:
    • Startup shortened by 6f.
    • Damage decreased to 1200, down from 2050.
    • Blockbuster cancel lockout added to all active and recovery frames on whiff.
  • Checkmate Incision (air version) induced hit stop reduced, making it possible to block or reversal on reaction at point blank range.
  • Improvements to Forbidden Procedure:
    • Damage increased to 4500 from 4000.
    • Fixed to always force hit stop after super flash.
    • Added start up invulnerability and additional invulnerable frames after the flash.
    • Changed to a single, damage dealing hit so that it will work properly as a counter hit.
    • Hit stun/knockdown changed to offer easier juggles.


  • Added 1 additional crowdfunding requested palette, bringing Double's total to 20.
  • Double can now cancel between forward and backward dashes like everyone else.
  • Fixed bug that would force Double to face the wrong direction after a ground recovery.
  • Crouching hit boxes changed to me more consistent; Double can no longer dodge certain attacks on a specific frame of her crouching animation.
  • Fixed a bug where Flesh Step could count as a chain to the Infinite Prevention System.


  • Removed the echo effect on ground recovery lines so the opponent can respond in a timely fashion.
  • Added a puff of flame effect for getting interrupted from a Seria attack, indicating the lost Seria charge.
  • ↓↘→+PP and ↓↘→+KK now work as a first frame stance cancel shortcut, regardless of charge.
  • When using a stored Seria charge, the HP version of Draugen Punch now extends its start up invulnerability through stance start up. It cannot hold in the stance when used this way, making it a true invulnerable reversal.
  • Fixed coloring error on tag in animation.
  • Squigly Battle Opera induced hit stop reduced to give a 1f window to block on reaction; a reversal after the flash is still not possible.
  • Daisy Pusher can no longer be countered by Valentine (or parried by Big Band).


Originally released on Steam December 12th, 2013 then as part of the Slightly Different Edition to Encore patch on PSN on February 11th, 2014.


  • Added Typing of the Skullgirls mode.
    • Alternate game mode enabled by typing "gottatypefast!' using any keyboard during the start up logos. Applies to Arcade, Story, Local Versus, and Marie 300%. Does not apply online, in Tournament Mode, or in any Training mode.
    • When enabled, a team is under control of a player and a partner using a keyboard. All Blockbusters give a typing prompt for the partner. Additional game rules change to emphasize typing:
      • Both teams automatically generate meter.
      • All attacks deal 33% base damage.
      • A failed typing prompt deals 10% base damage for the Blockbuster, a complete prompt does 100%, and a perfect typing prompt does 150%.
      • In single player modes, the player controlled team can complete the computer's typing prompts to reduce damage.
  • Added red numbering for the HUD’s timer, activating with less than 10 seconds in the round.
  • Added palettized on hit effects (fire, electricity, etc).
  • Added a confirmation window after picking your final character for any online mode.
  • Fixed matches ending if a spectator disconnects mid-match.
  • Added new training mode features:
    • Stagger Recovery: When enabled, the practice dummy will shake out of any stagger as fast as possible.
    • Frame Data Display: Shows accurate start up and hit/block advantage for (most) attacks. Enabled by selecting the "Advanced" Attack Data setting. (PC exclusive?)
    • Force Counter Hit: When enabled, every hit or throw counts as a counter hit. This option allows practice for counter hit only combos.
    • Skip Super Flashes (AKA Darkstalkers mode): When enabled, the game skips all frames that normally occur during a super flash. This also skips mini-super flashes (Squigly's Seria Center Stage) and certain other forced freezes (Peacock's level 3 Shadow of Impending Doom Road Roller item).

Gameplay Changes

  • Game speed increased by 2% (frame skip changed from 7 to 6).
  • Green health bars added to indicate perfect/100% life.
    • The end of the match now displays "Perfect".
    • The match no longer counts as a perfect when an assist takes damage and heals to full.
  • 1v1 matches are now decided by first to 2 downs, not 2 out of 3 separate rounds. After draining the opponent's life bar, the victorious character keeps whatever life they had left and can move or jump around while waiting for the opponent to get up with full health.
    • The first down’s health bar changed to the perfect/green colors from the original red.
  • Drama received the following changes:
    • Drama Gauge added to the HUD underneath the team's life bars.
    • Drama limit lowered to 240.
    • Drama now accumulates at IPS Stage 3 or higher in a combo.
    • Drama can only trigger at IPS stage 5 of a combo, even if the defending character has 240 Drama before stage 5.
    • Drama will build over the 240 limit. Drama drains at the same rate even with an overfilled Drama gauge.
    • Counter hits subtract Drama, which can put the gauge below zero and allow for some impressive counter hit only combos. Drama gets subtracted according to the type of attack:
      • Light normals: -25 Drama
      • Medium normals: -50 Drama
      • Heavy normals: -100 Drama
      • Normal throws: -50 Drama
      • Specials: -50 Drama
      • Any Ensemble: -25 Drama
      • Blockbusters: 0
  • Meter gain for the defending team lowered to 25% meter gain of the attacker at the start of a combo, but it will still go up over the course of the combo and eventually beat meter gain for the attacking team.
  • Starting a combo off of an Ensemble starts the combo with 66% damage scaling. If the Ensemble counter hits, it scales the combo to 90%.
  • Fixed a wrong extra frame of attack leniency before jump startup. It is no longer possible to press an attack input with 1f timing before an upwards direction to get a jumping attack.
  • Fixed attack priority when a character is hit by both a throw and an attack on the same frame. This gets rid of a known Squigly unblockable as well as similar set ups from the other characters.

Character Changes


  • Added fire effects for the appropriate attacks (→+HP, c.HP, Liver Mortis, Seria Draugen Punch, and Inferno of Leviathan).
  • c.HP received the following changes:
    • Added 2f start up, preventing c.HP > c.HP combos.
    • Reduced push back on block.
  • →+HP received the following changes:
    • Start up reduced by 6f.
    • Increased push back on hit in the corner.
    • Reduced push back on block.
  • Meter gain on Silver Chord and Tremolo corrected to match the expected meter gain for specials.
  • Performing a Blockbuster during Seria Center Stage can no longer mistakenly flag the Blockbuster as a Blockbuster Sequel. No more level 2 Inferno of Leviathan!
  • Daisy Pusher now properly combines with the mini-super freeze from Seria Center Stage. Because of the forced hit stop, the defending character cannot jump out of the Blockbuster on reaction.

Other Characters

  • Fixed Filia's j.HK hit box to hit consistently in situations where it did not (but should have) before.
  • Filia's Ringlet Psych improved visually, has added sound effects, and has 9f less recovery.
  • Cerebella's back throw now has its proper name (Cererana) when selected as a custom Ensemble.
  • Peacock's Shadow of Impending Doom no longer lowers meter gain while charging the attack.
  • Peacock's Argus Agony gives the opponent less meter on hit.
  • Peacock's George at the Air Show will aim for the defending character as it is summoned instead of traveling a set horizontal distance.
  • Parasoul's jumping and landing animations changed to match the rest of the cast. Jumping is now the standard 4f instead of 3f and landing is now the standard 2f instead of 0f.
  • Ms. Fortune's Headbutt and Zoom! now add 30 Drama as heavy normals and no longer add bonus Drama when hitting as a juggle.
  • Ms. Fortune's Fiber Upper follow up jump now has a 5f buffer window to input an air attack on the first frame of the jump.
  • Fixed the small shimmy at the end of Ms. Fortune's The Fifth of Dismember to avoid the rare situation where it hits as a cross up if the first hit missed and the opponent stands directly on top of the head.
  • Ms. Fortune's Infinity Breaker hit box changed to the same height as everyone else.
  • Painwheel's Death Crawl gives the opponent less meter on hit.
  • Fixed meter gain bug involving tagging out during Painwheel's Hatred Install.
  • Valentine's Vial Hazard: Type B (green poison) subtracts Drama when applied to the opponent (0/50/100 for levels 1/2/3).
  • Double's Nightmare Legion now properly tracks the point character if it hits more than one character at the same time. An Ensemble character may drop out if the characters have very different weights (like Peacock and Double), but the point character should never drop.

More Different Edition (Squigly Patch)

Originally released on Steam August 22nd, 2013. Unofficial list originally by Mr. X.[1]


  • Squigly added to roster as the first DLC character.
    • Purchase her from the store FREE for first three (3) months!
    • Squigly Story added to Story Mode.
    • Squigly Tutorial added to Tutorial Mode.
  • Added the Marie 300% challenge.
  • Three (3) new stages: River King Casino, New Meridian Rooftops, Rooftops Assault.
  • Stage Select Preview added.
  • Button macros added to stage select.
    • Stages selectable with button combinations, similar to picking palettes.
  • Added Art Gallery in Extras menu (PC exclusive).
    • Includes BGM player.
  • Added "Play Again" for tutorial lessons.
  • Added super flash art and colors.
  • Added Contributor Credits in Extras menu.
  • Added palettized HUD portraits for all characters.
  • The "Encore Performance" screen has improved animation.
  • Movelist up to date for the entire cast.
  • Added online Lobbies featuring All-Play (PC exclusive).
  • Added online Training Mode.
  • New Training Mode options:
    • Slo-Mo: 75%, 50%, 25% and 10% of normal game speed.
    • Recording Number: Gives three (3) slots for recording, can playback sequential or random.

Gameplay Changes

  • Game speed increased by 2% (frame skip changed from 7 to 6).
  • Drama added (AKA Stun/Undizzy):
    • Drama starts building for the defending character at IPS Stage 5.
    • Any additional attack in the combo will build Drama according to the type of attack:
      • Light normals: 15 Drama
      • Medium normals: 20 Drama
      • Heavy normals: 30 Drama
      • Any special: 20 Drama
    • Supers and normal throws do not build Drama.
    • Ensemble attacks build as much Drama as the attack from a point character.
    • The limit for Drama is 350. Reaching or passing the limit at the beginning of a chain will trigger green hit effects and an Infinity Breaker for the defending character.
    • Drama decays over time for the defending character when not in hit or block stun, for a max of 60f (1 second) for 350+ Drama.
    • Drama immediately returns to zero after a knockdown recovery unless the opponent was not hit OTG had a chance to tech.
  • Changes to the Infinite Prevention System:
    • IPS is now completely based on chains, rather than the opponent being in the air or on the ground:
      • Stage 1 is the first jump-in chain; cancelling to an air dash or Flight will start Stage 2.
      • Stage 2 is the next chain, or the first ground chain if the combo did not start with a jump-in.
      • Stage 3 is the next chain.
      • Stage 4 follows Stage 3 in the air, giving a free chain in the first air combo. Without an air dash or Flight cancel this gets skipped.
      • Stage 5 works as before.
    • IPS "watched" moves carry over to the next teammate after a hard tag, but not after a Blockbuster Sequel.
    • Throws start a combo at Stage 2 instead of Stage 5
  • Added Recovery Spark.
    • Appears when recovering after a combo of 3 hits or more.
  • Added a Counter Hit Flash.
    • Appears when hitting an opponent out of an attack.
  • Added off-screen P1/P2 markers and A1/A2 markers in match.
    • It's now harder to forget which Hornet Bomber is yours!
  • Throw Tech window increased from 10f to 13f.
    • This is to compensate for increased gameplay speed; at current frame skip this is equivalent to 11f in real time since 2 of those 13 frames will be skipped.
  • Increased leniency on all dashes/air dashes/super jumps to 17f (was 12f).
  • Infinity Breakers after a cross-up now move the opponent in the proper direction.
  • Falling from a baited Infinity Breaker is now a counter hit state; if you can't move or attack you can't tech throws from it either.
  • Infinity Breaker window after a Stunt Double increased from 10f to 30f.
  • Using a Stunt Double off a Infinity Breaker will properly not leave the bursting character vulnerable.
  • Slightly decreased the attacker's meter gain in combos:
    • Was: base metergain * (0.2 + 0.8*damage scaling)
    • Is: base metergain * damage scaling
  • Minimum damage scaling on level 3 Blockbusters is now 45%.
  • Minimum damage scaling on level 5 Blockbusters is now 55%.
    • Double's level 3 specifically adjusted to not deal 7000 damage under this system. Roughly 5100 by itself and 3700 fully scaled.
  • Outtake input changed to ↓↘+MP+MK OR HP+HK instead of ↓↘→+MP+MK OR HP+HK
  • Outtakes lock Ensembles and tagging for 300f.
  • If an Ensemble is hit, after leaving the screen Ensembles and tagging are locked for 60f.
  • Damage dealt to Ensembles increased from 120% to 135%.
  • An Ensemble call coming out behind the opponent (the "sandwich") occurs much less frequently.
  • Hitting Ensembles during a Double Take combo doesn't give meter per hit to either player; the victim's team now builds at a steady rate over time.
  • Added 8f of hit stop to the opponent after the freeze on most Blockbusters. This is specific to the Blockbuster; several have less or none.
  • Blockbuster Sequels set combo damage scaling to 70% instead of 80%.
  • →←→←... inputs fixed to no longer give dash cancels very quickly.
    • The entire motion without an opposite direction in the middle is now required to get a dash; →+PP, ←+PP inputs are still possible, but much harder.
  • Motion priority fix: ←↙↓↘→ takes priority over →↓↘, which takes priority over ↓↘→.
    • Previously, ←↙↓↘→ did not require a full half-circle, only ←↓↘→. It now requires all the directions, improving the ability to go from a block (←) to a →↓↘ with sloppy inputs.
  • Standardized start up time on all throws.
  • Hurt boxes during hit stun changed:
    • Standing and crouching hit stun look like neutral standing and crouching.
    • Jumping hit stun is basically the shape of all their previous frames hurt boxes combined into one.

Character Changes


  • New special attack added: Ringlet Psych (↓↘→+K).
    • It’s a fake Ringlet Spike with much faster recovery.
  • Filia can now air dash cancel her air throw.
  • s.HK received the following changes:
    • Now causes wall bounces vs air opponents.
    • Damage reduced from 1200 to 1000.
    • Recovery increased by 7f.
  • c.HK damaged increased from 1000 to 1100.
  • j.HK damage reduced from 1100 to 900.
  • Updo received the following changes:
    • MP version now has 2 hits and HP version now has 3 hits. Damage distributed appropriately over the multiple hits. Additional hits only occur after a successful first hit and will not become active on whiff or on hit against armor. As an Ensemble, all versions have only one hit.
    • LP Updo start up reduced to 8f.
    • HP Updo start up increased to 13f.
    • Lengthened super cancel period by 8f on all versions.
    • Reduced block stun on all versions to 15f
    • Reduced hit stop on all versions to 8f on block.
  • Hairball (not Airball) now knocks down.
  • Pushblocking during Hairball or Airball is now more effective.
  • Airball dash cancels now limited to one (1) per combo.
  • 9f of landing recovery added to (air) Gregor Samson
  • Fixed (air) Gregor Samson and Fenrir Drive bugs.


  • All of Cerebella's crouching hit boxes are taller.
  • Reduced damage on some normals:
    • s.HP to 1000
    • s.MK to 600
    • s.HK to 625, 725
    • c.MP to 550
    • c.MK to 550
    • c.HP to 950
    • j.LP mash hits from 250 to 100
    • j.HP to 1000
    • j.MK to 650
    • j.HK to 950
  • j.MP received the following changes:
    • Damage reduced to 575.
    • Hit stun vs air reduced to 29f.
  • →+HP received the following changes:
    • Hit box improved to reach higher above Cerebella.
    • Increased damage from 1300 to 1600.
  • (air) ↓+MP received the following changes:
    • Lockout time added to instant (air) ↓+MP, similar to an air dash.
    • Landing recovery reduced to 17f. The lowest possible version can combo into c.LP/c.LK and is +7 on block.
  • Diamond Deflector received the following changes:
    • Will now stagger any character it hits instead of just the first.
    • Will force stagger against an airborne opponent.
    • Voice effects added for a successful reflect.
    • Projectile now has a larger hit box and stays active longer (speed reduced).
  • Devil Horns received the following changes:
    • Damage reduced from 1450 to 1200.
    • Blockbuster cancel window increased.
  • Excellebella received the following changes:
    • Unblockable as long as the opponent's upward velocity is higher than 1px/frame. Previously this required a velocity higher than 6px/frame.
    • Causes 50% damage scaling instead of 33%.
  • Tumbling Run received the following changes:
    • Follow up attacks can be set as a Custom Ensemble using the following commands:
      • ← charge →+LP+LK for Run Stop
      • ← charge →+MP+MK for Kanchou
      • ← charge →+HP+HK for Battle Butt
    • Punch buttons perform the same attacks as kick buttons during Tumbling Run (LP or LK for Run Stop, MP or MK for Kanchou, etc).
    • Added 2f kara period on LK version to cancel to Diamond Drop, allowing a Diamond Drop command after charging back.
    • Fixed unsweepable frame during run bug.
  • Kanchou received the following changes:
    • Kanchou Feint added. Tapping MP or MK performs the feint; holding MP or MK executes Kanchou.
    • The wall bounce can only occur one (1) time per combo.
    • Invulnerable frames are now invulnerable to projectiles only. Like before, the invulnerability is during the movement only; the start up and recovery are as vulnerable as before.
    • Blockbuster cancel window extended to 6f after the hit.
  • Fixed Grab-Bag vs super flash disappearing bag bug.
  • Diamond Dynamo received the following changes:
    • The last hit ground bounces everyone the same height and distance now, allowing a →+HP on the whole cast.
    • Dash inputs disabled for 13f after a successful last hit.
    • Fixed to properly make contact with two characters most of the time, including against crouch-blocking point character.
  • Ultimate Showstopper causes 33% damage scaling after the final hit.


  • New taunt added: Hi Hi Birdie (LK, HK, MP, MP, ↑).
    • A successful Hi Hi Birdie makes her next attempted level 3 Shadow of Impending Doom item a Tenrai Ha. If done while charging a Shadow of Impending Doom, that item will be upgraded to the Tenrai Ha. If the upgraded Shadow of Impending Doom is not completed or is not charged to level 3, the taunt effect is used up.
    • To select as an Ensemble, input ↑+LK+MP+HK as a custom Ensemble. The start button can also be used as a hotkey when selecting a taunt as a custom Emsemble.
  • Improved range on s.MK.
  • j.LK hit stun increased from to 19f from 17f.
  • Air throw recovery changed to allow OTG combos midstage.
  • Bang! (LP version) is now throw invulnerable and causes stagger on hit.
  • BANG! (MP version) is now hit invulnerable.
  • Shadow of Impending Doom received the following changes:
    • HP version tracks furthest half of the field relative to Peacock.
    • MP version tracks nearest half of field relative to Peacock.
    • LP version unchanged, stays in place in front of Peacock.
    • The rare level 3 Road Roller item does 500 chip damage like all other level 3 items.
  • George special attacks received the following changes:
    • Only two (2) bombs can be placed on the screen at once instead of three (3).
    • After the initial George toss, pushing another K button immediately cancels to the next bomb. One button cancels do not work while holding ↓, ↘, or → to avoid unwanted bombs when attempting links or other techniques on defense.
    • Canceling with a full ↓↘→+K works as before.
  • Lonesome Lenny received the following changes:
    • Lenny's life scales with Peacock's damage ratio, so the same combo will detonate him at the same point regardless of team size.
    • Lenny will not explode while Peacock is throwing the opponent.
    • The explosion from Goodfellows will always detonate Lenny.
  • Goodfellows total damage now 6200.


  • Increased damage on some normals:
    • s.LP to 300, 200
    • s.MP to 525
    • s.HP to 700, 750
    • s.LK to 300, 250
    • s.HK to 1100
    • c.MP to 350, 350
    • c.MK to 575
    • c.HK to 1050
    • j.LP to 250
    • j.HP to 900
    • j.LK to 250
    • j.HK to 300 x5
    • →+LP to 375
    • →+MP to 500
    • →+HP to 1200
    • ←+HK to 1050
    • (air) ↓+MK to 450
  • s.MK hit box on the second hit adjusted to connect on Painwheel.
  • j.MK received the following changes:
    • Damage increased to 550.
    • Chains "backwards" (j.MK > j.LP, j.MK > (air) ←+LK, etc).
    • Parasoul now floats when holding MK; much more controllable during the float.
    • Now Ignites Tears, allowing Parasoul to bomb-jump off a detonated tears when combined with the float.
  • ←+HK received the following changes:
    • Start up decreased to 22f.
    • Damage increased to 1050.
    • Now causes ground bounce vs air and ground.
  • (air) ←+LK received the following changes:
    • Total damage increased to 450.
    • Hit stun increased to 23f.
  • The tears from Napalm Shot and Napalm Toss received the following changes:
    • Tears have two strengths of explosion: when left alone, 400 dmg and 33f total hit stun; if detonated by a fire attack or Napalm Trigger, 600 dmg and 47f total hit stun.
    • Tossed and shot tears do not "count" as a tear while in flight; 3 placed tears will stay on screen while another is in flight.
  • Napalm Shot received the following changes:
    • HP version travels with a very slight downward path; it will now hit full screen against a crouching Valentine.
    • Advantage on hit increased for all versions.
    • Napalm Shot placed tears detonate faster than Napalm Toss tears.
  • Egret Dive received the following changes:
    • Start up decreased by 5f.
    • The Egret's hit box reaches slightly higher and all the way to the floor.
    • The Egret's start position adjusted to be slightly further away from Parasoul.
    • Each projectile adds 3f more hit stop to the Egret.
    • The Egret stops absorbing hits after landing.
  • Egret Charge received the following changes:
    • Will not grab if Parasoul is hit out of the calling animation. Hitting Parasoul after it completes will not stop the bike.
    • Summons the bike 4f earlier (2f instead of 6f) to make Blockbuster cancels and back throw cancelled to Egret Charge easier.
    • Parasoul's recovery increased by 7f.
    • As an assist, Parasoul appears further behind the point character.
  • Napalm Trigger now detonates all tears on screen simultaneously and does not hit.
  • Napalm Quake doesn't detonate tears (unless it touches them), hits low, and doesn't knockdown.
  • (air) Napalm Toss received the following changes:
    • No longer allows additional button presses to toss up to 3 tears (like the ground version). Parasoul can now cancel with a normal attack as soon as the tear appears, allowing normal xx Napalm Toss xx normal combos.
    • Parasoul will not land until after the tear is created, even if she reaches the floor before then.

Ms. Fortune

  • New normal attack added: Wheel of Fortune (s.HK with Head On). The old s.HK can only be performed when Headless.
  • Increased damage on Head On normals:
    • s.HP to 1100.
    • c.HP to 1000.
    • j.HP to 975.
  • Head on c.HP changed to give the same launch trajectory (and combos) as Headless s.HK.
  • Various Head On moves will no longer force Ms. Fortune to drop her head if she's counter hit.
  • Getting hit by an Outtake will now force Ms. Fortune to drop her head.
  • While Headless, Ms. Fortune has a longer IAD lockout and higher minimum airdash. She can no longer combo IAD j.LK > j.MK and have the j.MK hit twice.
  • The first hit of c.HK now breaks armor.
  • Air throw now tosses the opponent downward more slowly and the recovery can be cancelled with an air dash, similar to Filia. This makes combos off of air throw easier, with a mid height air throw able to cancel to air dash and combo to j.HP.
  • Attack damage from hitting your own head reduced to 300 from 500.
  • Attacks from the head can juggle off any move, but add 30 Drama for Headbutt or Zoom!, and 20 Drama for specials. Catching the opponent out of the air with Headbutt or Zoom! adds 1.5x as much Drama.
  • The head can no longer be controlled during a Double Take combo.
  • Zoom! can now catch Cerebella out of a knockdown.
  • The Cat Scratch series of special moves received the following changes:
    • Follow up attack commands simplified: P gives the next Cat Scratch, K gives El Gato, and ↓+K gives Cat Slide.
    • When Headless, Cat Scratch is a standalone move; Ms. Fortune will only preform the final hit.
    • When Headless, Ms. Fortune preform Cat Slide and El Gato follow ups are independent special moves with ↓↘→+K and ↓↙←+K commands.
    • Cat Slide now breaks armor.
    • Cat Scratch > El Gato now gives 1f of advantage on block from 5f.
  • Fiber Upper received the following changes:
    • The MK and HK versions have a much smaller hitbox on the first hit. The K followup jump can only be used if this first hit connects. The jump is still possible if the attack completely whiffs.
    • Opponent movement after the MK and HK versions changed to improve the ability to combo after these versions.
    • LK version is now disadvantaged -13f on block and has 7f of invulnerability, ending 6f before active frames.
    • MK version is now disadvantaged -16f on block and has 12f of invulnerability, ending 2f before active frames.
    • HK version is now disadvantaged -20f on block and has 17f of invulnerability, covering all start up frames the active frames for the first hit.
  • El Gato will now auto-correct if performed during a normal jump and can be preformed when jumping backward.
  • OMNOMNOM now chooses which direction to go at the end of start up instead of at the beginning.
  • The Headless version of Cat Scratch Fever has decreased minimum damage to more closely match the Head On version.


  • New Blockbuster added: Buer Overdrive (↓↙←+PP).
    • Replaces Hatred Install as Painwheel's level 3 Blockbuster.
    • Has one (1) hit of Hatred Guard after the super flash and returns 120% of stored damage (190% during Hatred Install) on the final hit using the new Hatred Guard rules.
  • Hatred Guard received the following changes:
    • Painwheel now accumulates damage absorbed by armored attacks, up to a maximum of 33% of the opponent's lifebar (this means greater capacity against smaller teams).
    • On hit, L/M/H attacks with Hatred Guard return 33/50/66% of the accumulated damage. Increases to 50/66/75% during Hatred Install.
    • Attacks used absorbed damage on hit only, never on block or whiff.
    • Hatred Guard on all normal attacks can be held up to first active frame of the attack.
  • Fixed meter gain on some normals:
    • Decreased meter gain on s.MK and →+HK.
    • Increased meter gain on s.MP, s.HK, c.MP, j.MP, j.HP, and j.HK.
  • s.MP maximum charge decreased from 20f to 12f, bringing the total frames in line with c.MP.
  • s.MK received the following changes:
    • Added the "missing" first hit. Now has 14f startup (1f faster than s.MP), hitting at full extension immediately.
    • Damage and push back redistributed to account for the extra hit.
  • c.HK now breaks armor when fully charged.
  • Gae Bolga Stinger received the following changes:
    • LP version no longer overlaps with the one stagger per combo restriction; It will still cause it's unique hit pause only once per combo.
    • MP and HP versions now have the Flight Cancel property.
  • Buer Reaper received the following changes:
    • Range on ground LK and MK versions slightly increased.
    • Air LK and MK versions have an extended hit box towards Painwheel, making them connect more reliably.
  • Small cooldown added to Flight to prevent accidental "unfly" when attempting Flight xx K.
  • Pinion Dash removed as a special move. It can still be set as assist with ↓,↓+K!
  • Death Crawl received the following changes:
    • Faster on start up, which combines with 8f of super freeze hit stop to make the move unblockable after the flash at point blank.
    • Increased recovery to allow easier punishment as well as prevent double Death Crawl combos.
    • No longer hits low.
    • Install version is much more damage especially at full scaling.
    • After the flash, Painwheel is no longer throw vulnerable before she is fully vulnerable.
  • Removed Buer Thresher x3 combos after round ends.
  • Hatred Install received the following changes:
    • Is now a level 2 Blockbuster, down from level 3.
    • Input changed to ↓↘→+KK.
    • 1/3 meter gain during Hatred Install.
    • Buer Thresher during Hatred Install no longer causes ground bounce on the final hit.


  • Throw damage increased to 800, compensating for no longer having the fastest throw.
  • The smoke effect when tagging out now appears at full resolution.
  • Fixed throwable frames on jump start and jump land.
  • Dead Cross block stun reduced by 2f.
  • Vial Hazard received the following changes:
    • Poison loads can now be stacked up to 3x with effects scaling as follows:
      • Type A (purple) level 1: Deals damage equal to 5% total health; will not do any damage with less than 10% health remaining.
      • Type A (purple) level 2: Deals damage equal to 10% total health; will not do any damage with less than 10% health remaining.
      • Type A (purple) level 3: Deals damage equal to 15% total health; will not do any damage with less than 1% health remaining.
      • Type B (green) level 1: Adds 20f to all hit stuns; duration greatly decreased.
      • Type B (green) level 2: Adds 30f to all hit stuns; duration slightly decreased.
      • Type B (green) level 3: Adds 40f to all hit stuns; duration slightly increased.
      • Type C (orange) level 1: Adds 4f of input lag; 50% of original duration.
      • Type C (orange) level 2: Adds 6f of input lag; 75% of original duration.
      • Type C (orange) level 3: Adds 9f of input lag; same as original duration. 9f of lag means it is impossible to block any LP on reaction and throw tech inputs must be within 3f of the throw's startup.
    • Stacking different poisons add to the level and do not combine effects (ie: purple, purple, green leads a level 3 green).
    • Start up for loading a level 1 poison is 10f faster; level 2 is 5f faster.
    • VO lines are now specific to the level of poison load.
    • All level 3 poisons can only be removed by hitting Valentine with a super; they do not go away if she is normally hit or normally thrown.
    • Super cancel time increased for all versions.
    • Hit stun fixed; the opponent will no longer mistakenly count as airborne.
  • Checkmate Incision Blockbuster Sequel window increased by 5f (ground version only).
  • Acquisitive Percription and Countervenom received the following changes:
    • Startup reduced to 0f; Valentine exiting her pose now indicated the end of active frames.
    • Countervenom hit box increased in size; this will no longer miss the highest Double j.HP.
    • A successful Countervenom is now invulnerable all the way through the end of the animation.
    • Countervenom on-hit hit stop increased; now allows follow up combos from mid stage.
    • Countervenom always applies level 3 poison; damage reduced to 2250 from 2750 to compensate.
  • Dead on Arrival received the following changes:
    • Physical extent issues fixed to allows combos in many more Blockbuster Sequel situations.
    • Will no longer hit after the round is over. Use EKG Flatliner instead if you must troll (^.^).


  • New special added: Flesh Step (↓↙←+K)
    • This is a modified version of Double's old forward dash.
  • Forward dash changed to resemble Parasoul and backward dash changed to resemble Squigly.
  • Like Parasoul, the second s.MK will now hit all crouching characters.
  • Luger Replica improved with 3f faster start up and 7f faster recovery.
  • Hornet Bomber now fully connects at certain ranges where it wouldn't before.
  • Cilia Slide now breaks armor.
  • Item Crash now hits high.
  • Bandwagon Rushdown is now less punishable if attempting to hit OTG when the OTG has already been used for the combo.
  • Catellite Lives received the following changes:
    • Is now a level 2 Blockbuster, up from level 1.
    • Block stun on cat head attacks increased to 22f from 17f.
    • Dash and Ensemble button command will no longer maneuver the cat heads. Throw commands will still work.
  • Nightmare Legion received the following changes:
    • Damage adjusted to work with level 3 scaling change (roughly 5100 by itself and 3700 fully scaled).
    • Will no longer connect for the full animation after round is over.

Slightly Different Edition

Originally released on PSN November 20th, 2012 and on XBL May 14th, 2013.

New Features

  • Unlocked three additional colors for each character.
  • Added eight DLC Character Color packs.
    • Character color packs will be available for purchase soon from the PSN Store and Xbox Live Marketplace for $1 each, or $5 for all eight.
    • Each pack contains four additional character colors.
    • A bonus color will unlock if all eight character color packs have been purchased, either separately or as a bundle.
    • Purchasing DLC colors for a character will also unlock all previously available colors, as well as their story mode if applicable.
  • Added in-game Move Lists.
  • Added Tournament Mode to Versus menu.
    • Disables in-match Achievements/Trophies to prevent gameplay interruption.
    • Forces the following menu flow: Controller Select > Button Config > Character Selection > Play.
    • Forces default rounds and time settings, regardless of current options.
    • Disables Sparring Mode toggle.
    • Allows all non-DLC colors to be used regardless of in-game unlock status.
    • Returns to the controller select screen if 1P or 2P controller is unplugged at the post-match menu.
    • Forces button config whenever both players choose to return to character select.
  • Greatly expanded Training Mode:
    • The Select/Back button can be set to save/load state, record/playback dummy actions, or do both at once.
    • Dummy recordings can be set to play back as a reversal.
    • Added Input Displays. Options for: List / Realtime Stick / Both.
    • Added numerous dummy actions:
      • Control options for: Manual / Crouch / Jump
      • Blocking options for: Never / After First Hit / Always / First Hit Only / Random
      • Block type options for: High / Low / All
      • Pushblock options for: Never / After 1 to 10 Blocked Hits
      • Throw Tech options for: Never / Always / After First Hit / Random
      • Ground Recovery options for: Never / Forward / Backward / Random
      • Escape Infinite Combo options for: Never / After 1 to 10 Hits
      • Dummy Playback options for: Once / Repeat / As Reversal
      • Dummy Playback Side Correction: allows player to choose whether the dummy recording is treated as relative directions (D, DB, B) or absolute directions (down, down-left, left) when the dummy changes sides.
  • Added additional controls to help players using the default gamepads:
    • Added LK+HP as an additional command for Ensemble 1.
    • Added right-stick Ensemble calls:
      • Up for Ensemble 1.
      • Down for Ensemble 2.
      • Can be disabled in Button Config.

Single Player

  • Rebalanced AI difficulty.
  • Added new "Nightmare" difficulty level.
  • The mysterious final boss has received the following adjustments:
    • All attacks now give the opponent meter on hit or block.
    • Added a glow to small skulls to make them easier to see.
    • She can now be hit-stunned if she receives damage quickly enough, and more easily by Blockbuster attacks.


  • Added new Character Tutorials:
    • Each character now has simple tutorials to teach beginning players how to perform all of their Special and Blockbuster attacks, as well as provide strategic advice for their usage.
    • Note: Completing these new tutorials is now a requirement for the "Sküllgirls" trophy/achievement.
  • Completely re-localized all existing tutorials in French, Italian, German and Spanish.
  • Tutorial text now displays button icons instead of text.
  • Added "Next Unfinished Lesson" option to tutorial end menu.
  • Improved the visibility of the right-side text in tutorials.

Online Play

  • Fixed a bug that rendered the North American and European/Australia-New Zealand versions incompatible in online play.
  • Greatly improved GGPO performance when playing with moderate-to-high pings.
  • Changed ranked matches online to be blind-pick. Players will no longer be able to see their opponent's choices until a stage has been selected.
  • Online opponent's account name is now displayed during matches.
  • Added screen flash and notification sound when a ranked match is found.
  • The end-of-match timer in Unranked Online play is now 90 sec instead of 15.
  • On "Press Button to Invite" screen, Circle/B are now cancel instead of inviting.
  • Improved PS3 ranked matchmaking
  • Fixed X360 leaderboard ranking issues
  • Addressed a number of sound issues while playing online
  • Added the following new regions to multiplayer filters:
    • North America (West Coast)
    • North America (East Coast)
    • North America (Midwest)
    • North America (Gulf Coast)
    • North America (Canada)
    • Central America
    • South America (North)
    • South America (Brazil)
    • South America (South)
    • Europe (UK)
    • Europe (Continental)
    • Middle East
    • Asia (Continental)
    • Asia (Southeast)
    • Asia (Japan)
    • Australia
    • Africa
    • Pacific

Other Changes and Improvements

  • Now display players' chosen assist types on the character select screen when offline or in Unranked online.
  • Improved character streaming issues. Now, instead of briefly displaying hitboxes when switching characters, low-res versions of the characters will be displayed.
  • Added PAL-50 support with correct frameskip on both consoles.
  • Added the ability skip startup logos.
  • Sparring Mode now saves game state when turned on, and loads it when turned off.
  • Hit voiceover is now played after hit stop rather than upon impact*
  • Only the player in charge of the menu can press the "Cancel"” button to leave the Controller Select screen for Versus and Tournament mode.
  • Button config screen will now keep a player's screen open when the other player dismisses their screen when mapping the same button or moving the selection.
  • Button config no longer ignores button presses when another button is held.
  • Main Menu and Training Mode now have 2-player button config, rather than just first player.
  • Team size selection now starts with the two character option highlighted.
  • Holding the Ensemble 1 or Ensemble 2 button combinations during loading or between matches will change your starting team order as follows:
    • If you have a team of 2: holding any Ensemble swaps the characters.
    • If you have a team of 3:
      • Holding Ensemble 1 swaps the first and second characters.
      • Holding Ensemble 2 swaps the first and third characters.
      • Holding both Ensembles swaps the second and third characters.
    • Once changed, team order stays as the new order.
    • Works in Arcade Mode, Versus Mode, and Tournament Mode, but not Online.
  • When either player chooses Return to Main Menu, it immediately happens rather than waiting for the other player to have to choose.
  • Improved the setting of button macros:
    • Eliminated unnecessary button presses: when on a macro line, simply press the buttons you wish to assign to the macro.
    • Updated company logos in the opening sequence and Medici Tower stage.
    • More information on this change can be read here.


  • Improved online matchmaking.
    • Reduced the number of matchmaking tiers from 9 to 3.
    • Lowered the "acceptable match" threshold so more matches will be found for a given number of players online.
  • Fixed an issue that could occasionally result in save data corruption when quitting the game.

Xbox 360-Specific

  • Completely overhauled the game's file system to greatly improve load times.
  • Addressed an issue with leaderboard behavior, so that rank will no longer be lost when winning matches.
  • Fixed the super-shadows in Blockbuster attacks to be shaded properly.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Player 2 used a Blockbuster Sequel at the same time as any super flash or Blockbuster Sequel from Player 1 froze the game.
  • Fixed an issue where Outtakes didn't work properly against Cerebella's Battle Butt attack.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Ms. Fortune's head to occasionally float off screen when she's KOed.
  • Fixed unnecessary checking for achievements after they are already granted.
  • Fixed an issue with Unranked play online, in which Player 2 picking "Change Stage" would freeze the game on Stage Select.
  • Stunt Double actions can no longer be overridden by pressing a button on the frame the character lands.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a floating "15" to occasionally appear after Unranked matches online.
  • Fixed an issue in which the next character could come in attacking backward after a character was KOed.
  • Fixed a bug when air blocking an attack right at ground level which caused the character to land and be vulnerable during hit stop.
  • Removed R1 as a confirmation button on menus, to fix some remaining issues with non-standard controllers.
  • Fixed an issue where the game dropped inputs for P2 in button config if P1 hit a button on the same frame.
  • Stopped Peacock's item dropping noise at the end of a round/match fade-out.
  • Fixed an issue with hitting a dead character with an Outtake.

Trial Mode

  • Now allows play as Peacock and Filia, rather than Cerebella and Filia.
  • Difficulty now defaults to Easy.
  • Fixed a bug that kept the difficulty level the same, regardless of which was chosen.

Gameplay Changes


  • Increased the speed of gameplay by 3%. Also increased frames-per-timer-second to offset the speed change, so time-outs still take roughly the same amount of real time.
  • Added 5 frames of input leniency to chained normals, as well as to normals and air dashes input during jump/super jump/double jump startup.
  • Adjusted the health and damage for solo characters:
    • Increased health boost from 200% to 210%
    • Decreased damage boost from 175% to 160%
  • Changed the damage formula for combos:
    • The new formula is as follows: 100%, 100%, 100%, 87.5%, 76.5%, with each additional hit reduced to 87.5% of the previous hit until a minimum of 27.5% on hits greater than equal to 1000 base damage, and 20% otherwise.
    • For comparison, the old formula was as follows: 100%, 100%, 100%, 85%, 72.2%, with each additional hit reduced to 85% of the previous hit until a minimum of 25% on hits greater than or equal to 1000 base damage, and 15% on all other hits.
  • Outtakes (A.K.A. "Snapbacks") received the the following adjustments:
    • Ensemble characters no longer get knocked off-screen along with point characters, allowing for double Outtakes if close enough to the corner.
    • While the Ensemble character is being comboed:
      • The previous point character regains health at a higher-than-normal rate.
      • Their opponent's team auto-generates meter slowly.
      • The timer stops until the character is KOed or leaves.
    • Getting hit by an Outtake will always allow an OTG afterward, even if the OTG had already been used. OTGs from Outtakes do not accumulate: hitting with three Outtakes in a row only allows one OTG afterward.
  • All regular and special throws now scale follow-up combo damage to 50%. Throws which previously scaled the damage lower (Excellebella, Pummel Horse) still scale it to the lower amount.
  • Added 3 additional frames to all blockstun.
  • Added additional, secret functionality to Reaction Shots (A.K.A. "Pushblocks"), reminiscent of some other, older games.
  • Ensemble characters now jump out away from the opponent, even if they switch sides during their attack animation.
  • Increased the Throw Break window from 6 frames to 10 frames.
  • Cerebella's "Grab Bag" Throw Break window is still 4 frames.
  • Slightly reduced the entrance delay of the next character after an Outtake or K.O., from 92 frames to 75 frames.
  • Added a new, green ground bounce type. All knockdowns from Ensembles attacks that would be red bounces are now new green bounces. Green bounces are:
    • Still completely vulnerable.
    • Ground Recoverable after 9 frames.
    • Vulnerable as normal if not recovered from.
  • Ensemble Attacks (A.K.A. "Assists") received the following adjustments:
    • Throw plus Ensemble call inputs (such as LP+LK+MK or LP+LK+MK+HP) are now specifically disallowed.
    • Ensemble calls are now valid for 5 frames after the input is entered.
    • Increased damage taken by Ensemble characters from an additional 6% to an additional 20%.
    • Ensemble characters are now always drawn behind point characters except when grabbing someone.
    • Fixed Ensemble call priority to prevent cases of getting the wrong one.
  • Infinity Breakers (A.K.A. "Bursts") received the following adjustments:
    • Infinity Breakers now scale damage to 50% and count as one hit.
    • Using an Infinity Breaker now correctly resets your off-the-ground and stagger status.
  • Blockbuster Sequels (A.K.A. "DHCs") received the following adjustments:
    • Reduced the duration of the black-and-white Blockbuster background effect from 15 frames to 8 frames to better communicate when Blockbuster Sequels are possible.
    • Using a Blockbuster Sequel on the frame before a hit would have made contact will no longer allow the hit to connect after the Blockbuster Sequel.
  • Ground Recoveries received the following adjustments:
    • Ground Recoveries now use the newest input if both inputs are entered during the Ground Recovery window.
    • Tweaked the early and late recovery windows.
  • Time now stops when the point character is KO'ed.
  • Attacker now gains zero meter from the act of hitting a KOed point character. The KOed character's player still gains meter by being hit.
  • KOed point characters now become invincible as soon as the Infinite Prevention System triggers on them.
  • Corrected neutral-to-blocking transitions. Changing block directions on the frame you are touched no longer results in blocking a low attack with stand stance or blocking a high attack with crouch stance
  • All characters except Double can now cancel forward dash directly into back dash and back dash directly into forward dash.
  • It is now possible to PP back dash from the pre-block animation.
  • Forward/back jumps no longer override each other. UF > UB will now jump forward and UB > UF will jump backward. Either direction will still override a neutral jump.
  • Ensemble attacks that hit through an invincible opponent no longer use up your Ensemble call for that combo.
  • All characters' throws now face the opponent properly.
  • All characters' air throws now face the opponent properly during a super jump.
  • Pressing up-back while airborne near an attacking enemy if you have a double-jump remaining will no longer cancel double-jump startup into pre-block, and cause the character to wrongly fall straight to the ground.

Infinite Prevention System

  • The IPS now counts standing, crouching and command normal attacks of the same button strength as the same attack.
  • The IPS now counts all strengths of a given special move as the same attack.
  • The IPS Infinity Breaker hit-sparks no longer show up on anything except the point character.
  • The IPS now counts Tag-In attacks.
  • All tags and DHCs now start you at the correct IPS stage when comboed into.
  • IPS now correctly handles 1-frame links. For example, in Parasoul's s.LK->s.HP xx LP Napalm Shot, s.LK->s.HP, tear explosion, s.LK, the last s.LK is now correctly flagged by IPS every time.
  • IPS state no longer continues across zero-frame resets.
  • Without a jump-in attack, your first ground combo no longer erroneously counts as your jump-in chain.

Character Changes


  • Hairball received the following adjustments:
    • Increased hit stun on the last hit so Gregor Samson should always combo afterwards.
    • It's no longer unsafe on hit against characters performing aerial Blockbuster attacks.
  • Airball received the following adjustments:
    • Now possible with negative edge.
    • Now correctly allows Ensemble calls alongside the move.
    • Shortened recovery.
    • No longer unsafe on hit, still unsafe on block.
    • Will always do the air version of the recovery even if Filia lands during the attack.
    • Now allows forward dash cancels from the last hit on hit or miss, but not on block. Only possible if you have not airdashed.
    • Filia is unable to crouch or jump out of the dash if the HK version is cancelled into a ground dash, but can do ground attacks as usual.
  • Gregor Samson received the following adjustments:
    • Increased recovery time by 4 frames.
    • Aerial Gregor Samson is now possible with negative edge.
  • Trichobezoar received the following adjustments:
    • Adjusted damage: 4750 if it connects on the first frame, and 3000 after. Was previously always 4200.
    • Startup improved: was 12 + 3 frames, and is now 8 + 1 frames.
    • Reduced recovery time by 9 frames.
    • Enlarged the first frame's hitbox.
  • When cancelling Valentine's Checkmate Incision's last hit into Fenrir Drive against another Filia, the rest of Fenrir Drive will no longer miss.
  • Extended j.HP and j.LP hit area closer to Filia's body to prevent missing up close.
  • Extended j.LP's vertical hit area.
  • Filia's j.HP has received the following adjustments:
    • Increased hit stun by 2 frames.
    • Slightly reduced knockback against airborne opponents.
  • Increased j.HK's hit stop on opponent by 3 frames.
  • Enlarged s.HP's hitbox slightly to allow it to combo in situations where it would previously miss by one pixel.
  • Missed ground and air throws by Filia no longer cancel Ensemble calls.
  • Shortened air throw recovery when missed to match everyone else.
  • Re-added two previously removed win poses; selectable by holding various buttons after the round.


  • Diamond Deflector received the following adjustments:
    • Increased the hit stun time, no longer minus on hit.
    • Can now combo into Diamonds Are Forever.
  • Excellebella received the following adjustments:
    • Slightly increased the horizontal and downward range.
    • No longer super-cancellable after the initial 4 frames.
  • Ultimate Showstopper can now be cancelled into Devil Horns special attack after they land on the sword, but before the final damage is dealt
  • On the Custom Ensemble screen, →↓↘→ + LP+LK gives Excellebella rather than Diamond Drop.
  • Double jump is also 360-locked like regular jumps are, preventing accidental double jumps when attempting jump-in supers.
  • Reduced forward dash startup from 14 frames to 11 frames.
  • Grab Bag now properly faces the opponent.
  • Merry-Go-Rilla now does correct damage as an Ensemble.
  • Pummel Horse will now hit Valentine when crouching.
  • Lowered the damage of the following normal attacks by 25 per hit: s.HP, s.HK, c.MP, c.HP, c.MK, j.MP, j.MK.
  • Reduced the damage of j.HP by 50.
  • Reduced j.MK's hit stun by 3 frames.
  • j.MP received the following adjustments:
    • Reduced the knockback against aerial foes.
    • Now knocks downward much faster when chained into.
  • Run Stop no longer gives meter for stopping.
  • Missed ground and air throws no longer cancel Ensemble calls.
  • The 360 input leniency has been reduced from 7 frames between directions to 5 frames
  • Tag in now causes small slide rather than regular knockdown
  • Sped up Cerebella's tag in by 10 frames, to match every other character
  • Increased the Blockbuster cancel time landing an (air) ↓ + MP
  • When guard cancelling into Ultimate Showstopper, there are varying additional startup frames after the superflash depending on timing:
    • When performed 0 frames after the end of a Pushblock, there will be 6 frames of post-flash startup.
    • When down to only one frame when performed 5 frames after the Pushblock.
    • Has the regular 0 frames if performed after 6 or more frames.


  • Shadow of Impending Doom received the following adjustments:
    • Reduced overall meter gain by two thirds while charging the attack.
    • All small items will now always OTG in the proper direction, towards Peacock.
    • The chip damage on items has been increased:
      • Small: 150 to 200
      • Medium: 250 to 300
      • Large: 400 to 500
  • The Hole Idea received the following adjustments:
    • Increased the recovery time by 4 frames.
    • Reduced the startup time by 3 frames.
    • Able to be Blockbuster-canceled much earlier during recovery.
  • The LP and MP Bang! special attack variants received the following adjustments:
    • Extended the hitboxes back towards Peacock to prevent the attacks from missing up close in certain circumstances.
    • The attacks now carry over their specific invincibilities (LP invincible to hits, MP to throws) through the entire active portion
  • Argus Agony received the following adjustments:
    • Redistributed damage:
      • Reduced unscaled damage by around 300.
      • Same minimum damage on average.
    • Extended the hitbox closer to Peacock, so it no longer misses up close against standing Painwheel or some other close attacks.
    • Increased the hit stun on the small lasers by 2 frames to prevent certain random patterns that allow the opponent to recover and retaliate.
  • Lonesome Lenny received the following adjustments:
    • Increased damage from 3000 to 3800.
    • Increased chip damage from 650 to 800.
    • Blockbuster Sequel window is the same, but it is no longer possible for the cancel to be "too early" and result in the bomb not appearing.
    • Can now place another Lenny as soon as the first one explodes.
    • Reduced recovery after placing Lenny by 5 frames.
  • Increased the input window for the ↓↙← + PP follow-up for Goodfellows after a successful throw
  • All George bomb tosses can now be cancelled into each other anytime after the bomb is created.
  • All special moves now correctly face the opponent.
  • Slightly reduced meter gain for connecting with all BANG BANG BANG! gunshots, HP cannonball, and all George bombs.
  • Increased the chip damage on BANG BANG BANG! shots from 300 to 400.
  • Air throw recovery on hit shortened to prevent low air throws from being punishable by Double.
  • Increased the speed of tag in by 10 frames, to match every other character.


  • The Napalm Shot and Napalm Toss tear explosions received the following adjustments:
    • Damage now correctly scales by ratio and is affected by combo damage scaling.
    • Reduced hit stun from 37 frames to 36 frames.
    • Reduced blockstun from 19 frames 14 frames to prevent certain lockdowns.
    • Reduced chip damage from 250 to 150.
  • Napalm Pillar received the following adjustments:
    • Removed an erroneous 3 frame invincibility after the hit was already finished.
    • Reduced blockstun by 1 frame to prevent strange interactions with Inferno Brigade at max distance.
  • Motor Brigade received the following adjustments:
    • Lengthened the Blockbuster Sequel window by 8 frames.
    • Successful hits now drag the opponent downward to allow more hits to connect more of the time.
    • Slightly increased the hit stop on opponents.
  • Egret Charge should always cause wall bounce now..
  • Egret Call can now be used to cancel out of Inferno Brigade. The damage is slightly reduced to compensate for this added flexibility.
  • Silent Scope no longer misses crouching Painwheel after using a MP Napalm Shot.
  • j.MK has received the following adjustments:
    • Increased hit stun by 1 frame.
    • Increased the forward and backward speeds when holding the button to float.
    • Held-button float now allows another attack immediately when button is released.
  • Extended the hitbox of Parasoul's j.HP closer to Parasoul's body to prevent missing up close against airborne characters.
  • For IPS purposes, (air) ↓ + MK > j.MK is now a chain rather than a reverse-beat.
  • Parasoul will no longer perform incorrect ground recoveries if crossed up after a knockdown.
  • Missed ground and air throws no longer cancel Ensemble calls.
  • (air) ← + LK can now be properly Pushblocked in the middle.
  • Fixed an issue with some colors where certain frames incorrectly showed parts of Parasoul's glasses.

Ms. Fortune

  • The Cat Scratch series of attacks received the following adjustments:
    • Series strength is now determined by first punch used. Any punch can still be used to continue the attack, but it will not change strength.
    • Rebalanced damage and redistributed it so most is in the 3rd hit:
      • LP: Old 450+500+650=1600; New 300+350+950=1600
      • MP: Old 575+625+775=1975; New 350+400+1100=1850
      • HP: Old 700+750+900=2350; New 400+450+1250=2100
    • Increased the speed of El Gato variant.
    • El Gato variant can now be canceled into Blockbuster attacks up through the hit.
  • Headbutt and Zoom! headless attacks have received the following adjustments:
    • Equalized the damage of both attacks to 675.
    • Now give meter equivalent to that of a projectile rather than a physical attack on hit.
  • The Screw Attack from attacking the detached head received the following adjustments:
    • Reduced damage from 575 to 500
    • Now gives meter equivalent to that of a projectile rather than a physical attack on hit.
  • As with other "cinematic" Blockbuster attacks, Fifth of Dismember will now prevent time-outs until it finishes.
  • When used with Ms. Fortune's head attached, Cat Scratch Fever's last hit now knocks the opponent higher, slides further, and is easier to combo after in the corner.
  • The headless variant Just Claws now connects properly against crouching Painwheel and Ms. Fortune.
  • During Omnomnom, Ms. Fortune's head will now fly away from the nearest screen edge when the move ends or is interrupted.
  • Cat Call now always plays 9 frames of the loop even if the button is not held.
  • Headless Stunt Doubles have received the following adjustments:
    • s.HP and c.HP no longer play the head-attached attack animation.
    • Recovery is now longer than 1 frame.
  • Cat Spike now causes knockdown instead of ground bounce.
  • Reduced the hit stun of a headless s.MP by 5 frames.
  • Head attacks will no longer hit out of the air (will always OTG) after: Cat Scratch 3rd hit, Cat Slide, and chained j.HK.
    • Feline Allergies will still juggle off chained j.HK.
  • Ms. Fortune can now perform Feline Allergies after the last hit of a successful Feral Edge with her head on in order to continue the combo headless.


  • Pinion Dash received the following adjustments:
    • Can no longer rev-up for an extended period of time after winning a round.
    • Can be started with either ↓ + KKKKK... or ↓, ↓ + K. Mashing K to charge and release ? to attack is the same for both versions.
    • Can press P while revving to cancel.
    • Using different Kick strengths to choose Pinion Dash as custom Ensemble will now give different strengths in game:
      • ↓, ↓ + LK = Level 1
      • ↓, ↓ + MK = Level 3
      • ↓, ↓ + HK = Level 4
  • Buer Reaper received the following adjustments:
    • Can now be canceled into Flight on hit.
    • Adjusted hitboxes to further differentiate the LK/MK/HK versions.
    • Ground LK version no longer knocks down.
  • Buer Thresher received the following adjustments:
    • Increased minimum damage to 1100, to make it comparable to other Blockbuster attacks.
    • On hit, recovers to jump state which prevents it from being punishable if opponent had already been OTG'd.
    • Post-flash invincibility has been reduced from 45 frames to 17 frames.
    • Now always fully connects off any hit.
    • Can be canceled into Flight on the last hit.
    • Improved startup from 6 + 5 frames to 3 + 1 frames.
  • Death Crawl is now vulnerable to throws, but the invincibility to hits is unchanged.
  • Hatred Install's startup was reduced from 5 + 6 frames to 3 + 3 frames
  • MP/HP Gae Bolga Stinger versions now correctly face the opponent.
  • When using Flight, flying upward is slower if the opponent's point character is also rising, to reduce purely vertical runaway opportunities.
  • The following changes have been made to s.HP:
    • Reduced damage from 1000 to 900.
    • Reduced hit stun by 5 frames
    • When cancelling into Flight, flying MK no longer combos afterward against a grounded opponent.
  • The following changes have been made to c.HP:
    • Reduced damage from 1050 to 950.
    • Decreased the ground bounce height.
    • Flying MK no longer combos without OTGing.
  • The following changes have been made to Ratchet Poppy:
    • Reduced damage.
    • Decreased the ground bounce height.
    • Flying MK no longer combos without OTGing.
    • Decreased leniency between hits by 3 frames, making it impossible for the opponent to block in the middle by delaying it too long.
  • j.MP can now be properly Pushblocked in the middle now.


  • The Dead on Arrival "cinematic" can now be skipped if the Valentine player holds any punch during the initial fade-out.
  • Checkmate Incision received the following adjustments:
    • It is now possible to move after using an aerial Checkmate Incision
    • Lengthened Blockbuster Sequel window by 4 frames on the ground
    • Lengthened Blockbuster Sequel window by 7 frames in the air
  • EKG Flatliner received the following adjustments:
    • Will now only hit point characters
    • No longer hits Ensembles / severed heads / Lonesome Lenny / etc.
    • Will no longer K.O. an opponent before the final hit
  • Acquistive Prescription received the following adjustments:
    • Ms. Fortune is no longer able to move her head when frozen.
    • Peacock's items now disappear properly when she is frozen.
    • Both counter stance (Acquisitive Prescription and Countervenom) hitboxes are now much taller.
    • Hitting Valentine during the counter stance with another Valentine's Dead on Arrival or Mortuary Drop no longer consumes the wrong amount of meter.
    • The counter stance now always properly faces opponent.
  • The Vial Hazard: Type B poison (hit stun) now only lasts two thirds as long when connecting with an already-hit-stunned opponent.
  • Reduced recovery time on both air and ground variants of the Savage Bypass special attack.
  • Valentine’s j.HP received the following adjustments:
    • Reduced hit stun by 2 frames.
    • Now knocks the opponent up 1 pixel higher against airborne opponents.
  • Reduced Valentine’s c.HP’s blockstun by 6 frames
  • Mortuary Drop now restores air options when canceled into a Blockbuster attack.
  • Increased throw damage to 800 to compensate for scaling followup combos to 50%.
  • Fixed bone bouncing sounds during time out animation.


  • Hornet Bomber received the following adjustments:
    • Invincibility has been modified:
      • LK version is now invincible through first active frame and won't trade.
      • MK version is now invincible up to first active frame and will trade.
      • HK version is not invincible and will get stuffed.
    • All versions lose active hitbox during descent, until landing.
    • Reduced the Blockbuster cancel window from 30 frames to 4 frames to match most other special attacks.
  • The direction of Bandwagon Rushdown can now be controlled. Holding back during the superflash, it will come out from the opposite side of the screen.
  • Further reduced Double's tension gain during Catellite Lives attack by half.
  • Nightmare Legion received the following adjustments:
    • Increased overall speed.
    • No longer invincible for the entire duration.
    • Invincibility now wears off after Double transforms into Filia.
    • The last hit now knocks the opponent away from Double.
    • Reduced damage to bring it more in line with other Level 3 Blockbuster attacks.
    • Increased the recovery on block slightly
  • Megalith Array received the following adjustments:
    • Invincibility now wears off as soon as you press any button to shoot or create a bomb.
    • Reduced the Ring Lasers block stun by 2 frames.
    • Increased the cooldown time between Ring Lasers by 2 frames.
  • All quarter circle forward motions now require the full ↓↘→ instead of just ↓↘
  • The following adjustments have been made to reduce the ease of hit confirms:
    • Reduced j.HP hit stun by 5 frames.
    • Reduced s.MK (single attack) hit stun.
    • Slowed c.MK by 2 frames.
    • Slowed s.HK by 2 frames.
  • Added missing hitboxes below Double's ground-impact frames.
  • Fixed crumple animation to have crouch hit stun and OTG hit stun portions in line with those of other characters.
  • Removed 5 frames of invincibility from the middle of Double's dash and backdash.
    • Reduces the total invincibility from 13 frames to 8 frames.
  • Made the Ensemble taunt-before-leaving stop being a physical barrier 20 frames earlier.
  • Increased the tag- n speed by 10 frames to match every other character.
  • j.LK and j.HP can now be properly Pushblocked in the middle now.
