- 空中普通拳脚通常是通常是上段。
- 空中必杀技和超必杀技普遍是中段。
- 并不是所有的蹲姿普通拳脚都是下段,同时有些角色的某些站姿普通拳脚却是下段。
- 对于多段普通拳脚,只有接触对手的第一段必须使用站姿防御或蹲姿防御,接触之后的所有打击都被视为中段。
- 空中防御可同时防御上、中和下段攻击。
- 模糊跳(Fuzzy Jump)以及下段攻击触发预防御阻止尝试模糊跳的角色跳起来的效果,跟其他设计了空中防御的游戏是一样的。不过如果在防御硬直中落地,防御硬直会在落地瞬间立即结束,见落地取消。
- 处于防御硬直中并不能自由的切换姿势,成功防御后,即使切换并保持另一种防御姿势对应的方向,防守角色也会保持在初始的姿势。防守角色只会在成功防御一次打击并再经过1F才能改变姿势。利用这个机制在《骷髅女孩》中也可以设计模糊攻击/F式,类似于《街头霸王》、《罪恶装备》和《苍翼默示录》等系列游戏,与《拳皇》等系列游戏不同。
- 连续防御:只要一个防守角色处于防御硬直中,并且在脱离防御硬直之前在没有任何空隙的情况下被施加了新的防御硬直,该角色就会自动进行防御,即使玩家停止保持防御的方向指令,也会继续防御。不过值得注意的是,自动触发的连续防御只会是站姿防御,并且无法帮你防御下段攻击。
当进攻方执行攻击动作时,在一定距离内的对手如果保持长按防御的方向( 或
防守角色可以在防御硬直(和防御时的打击停顿)中通过输入 +
- 消解所有攻击的动量,但是连续的攻击也会消解推挡的推力。
- 进攻方可以利用这一点(通过打击停顿)延长推挡动画时间,并同时使用多段攻击或连续攻击消解推挡的推力。
- 无法被施加防御硬直,只能被施加打击停顿(见PBGC)。
- 如果在推挡动画中切换并保持不同防御姿势对应的方向指令(站姿推挡时保持“
- 见绝对防御。
- 磨损伤害都将转化为可恢复生命值(红血)。
推挡在游戏内中被称为Reaction Shot。
推挡防御取消,本Wiki中通称PBGC(Pushblock Guard Cancel的缩写)是一种用推挡动画来防御压制中的额外打击以恢复中立状态的技巧,在推挡期间,打击造成的防御硬直会被消解。
- 固定25F的动画时间可以替代防御硬直,当剩余防御硬直多于25F时,使用推挡自然可以让你提前恢复中立状态,反之,当防御硬直本就少于25F时,使用推挡会让你更晚恢复中立状态,让你错过一些关键的时机。比如成功防御一个原本就可以正常确定反击的攻击,但是因为推挡让你更晚恢复中立状态,你便无法确反。
- 当你已经不处于防御硬直中时,仍然尝试输入推挡指令,将根据当时的状态使角色进行后冲刺或其他攻击。这意味着放帧压制和帧数陷阱字符串和帧陷阱可以分别克制提前输入的推挡尝试和靠反应输入的推挡尝试。
- 尽管在推挡动画中你可以利用绝对防御来应付对手令人眼花缭乱的上/下择,然而对手也同样可以等待你的推挡动画结束后再做行动也不迟。
- 尽管化解无缝压制的效果拔群,同时还能防御逆向并无敌(对投),但是面对中断压制进行投择和逆向择的对手还是需要另做打算。
推挡的更多细节 |
推挡指令串后冲刺Normally, inputting 1+PP will get you a normal. However there are some situations where it will give you a dash / backdash instead.
You can use this to your advantage as backdashes are jump cancelable, which will let you block immediately. 无效推挡指令There are some scenarios where the game won't read your pushblock input. If you pushblock something on the first frame it connects, you'll pushblock immediately. But, if you pushblock during the hitstop of the move, the game will wait until hitstop ends, then execute the pushblock. If another attack connects during the hitstop period, the game will ignore the pushblock input. This is best demonstrated on moves like Parasoul's level 3. 确定有利的推挡When attacks connect during a pushblock, the defending character will recover when pushblock ends, regardless of how much blockstun is applied. This means that the frame advantage of a move that hits a pushblocking character will depend on how early/late it hits relative to the pushblock, not how much blockstun it does. Worst case frame advantage: - (recovery + active - 1)
Best case frame advantage: 24 - (recovery + active - 1)
Example: Parasoul's c.LP can range from +10 to -15. Its frame advantage normally is +4. This does not factor in assists - the assist will apply hitstop to the pushblocking opponent but not the point 推挡时的防御硬直Technically, you can still accumulate blockstun during your pushblock animation, even though your blockstun value is cleared once the pushblock ends. If a move connects during a pushblock animation, its blockstun is still applied, but with 3 frames less blockstun, as can be seen by the hitstun bar. This is used by the game engine to determine if actions such as alpha counter can be executed. So if you pushblock a move without much blockstun, you won't be able to alpha counter towards the end of your pushblock since your blockstun ran out. |
- 特性模板语法错误:落地不会造成粉色圆圈特效,有两个受身的时机,第一次落地瞬间(蓝圈)和第二次落地瞬间(小蓝圈)。如果不受身,在起身动画之前皆可被追击。
- 特性模板语法错误:与特性模板语法错误相比,特性模板语法错误便是使角色被命中后立刻变得特性模板语法错误,直到第一次落地(蓝圈)之前。
- 如果特性模板语法错误用于OTG攻击,所有特殊规则都会失效。
- Hard knockdown attacks show no impact effect, never allow a ground recovery, and force the opponent to get up with a default recovery animation.
- The start of the first sliding knockdown in a combo counts as a knockdown and forces the opponent must get up with a default recovery animation. Any additional slide stuns in the combo will show a blue hit effect and allow ground recovery.
- Crumple stuns never allow ground recovery; they always force a default recovery animation even when used in a combo and after a knockdown.
- Assist attacks that would normally knockdown for a red hit effect cause a green impact effect instead. The defending character can use ground recovery 9f after the green impact effect, but is just as vulnerable as normal and must wait for a blue impact effect if ground recovery is not used in this window.
- Assists that would normally cause a slide on hit will cause a similar green impact effect, signaling to the defending player that a ground recovery will become available in the middle of the slide animation.
文件:SG hitbox PWrecover1.jpg | 文件:SG hitbox PWrecover2.jpg | 文件:SG hitbox PWrecover4.jpg |
文件:SG hitbox PWrecover3.jpg | ||
Painwheel using a ground recovery. After the initial hit stun, a red hit effect shows as she first contacts the ground. A blue hit effect shows shortly after, signaling she can start the invulnerable ground recovery. |
Defending characters get a brief period of high/low protection after successfully blocking any high or low hit. This protection lasts for 7f, including hitstop. If the defending player blocks another high or low hit during this period, the protection timer restarts.
The standard jump start up animation gives every character 4f of invulnerability against throw attacks. Stopping any ground throw using these frames gives full invulnerability to the remaining frames of throw start up, then gives the defending character 8f of additional projection against Anti-Air Throw attacks, such as Cerebella's Excellebella and Big Band's Take the 'A' Train. The 8f of protection effectively removes the 'unblockable while rising' property, allowing the defending character to avoid both a ground throw and the Anti-Air Throw if they hit on approximately the same frame.
Some specific command grabs (listed below) will grant this protection with a more generous timing or spacing window.
- Beowulf's Wulf Shoot
- Beowulf's Wulfamania (360)
- Eliza's Weight of Anubis
- Fukua's Inevitable Snuggle
- Fukua's Tender Embrace
- Fukua's Level 5
- Squigly's Daisy Pusher
- Squigly's Level 5