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Advanced Mechanics
==Frame Skip== On release, the game speed of Skullgirls was [https://youtu.be/XgxFTyk_lJs very slow] compared to newer versions. The speed was increased over the years, but it wasn't done by modifying any of the frame data. Instead the game engine uses a process called frame skip which works by skipping displaying frames at a certain interval. For every five frames displayed on screen, one is skipped. The game makes sure skipped frames will still be processed in the game logic and that frame skip cannot make a 1 frame input timing impossible. The consequence of frame skip is that all listed frame data doesn't exactly match the 'real' speed of the game running in real time. For example, if a move startup is 25 frames, without frame skip this move would come out in 16.667ms (duration of one frame) * 25 frames. But with frame skip, it will be faster than this in real time because of the skipped frames. ==Timer Freeze== Throw and hitgrab supers will cause the timer to turn gray, indicating that the game will wait for the super to finish before initiating the time out, but the timer will still be ticking down. The following will halt the timer completely: * Double snap combos * Double's level 3 * The cinematic portion of Valentine's level 3 ==Canceling / Kara Techniques== ===Plink Throw=== LP and LK don't need to be pressed on the exact same frame to input a throw. Meaning, you may plink LK~LP which will execute a few frames of LK, then throw. This is possible within a 2f window of the first button press. * This can be used in a chain where LP can chain to LK to get a faster throw from a LP normal, as opposed to waiting for the LP to recover. One practical way to use this is to do air throw after a j.LP by inputting j.LP j.LK~LP. You may need to delay your super jump cancel, but with the right timing, you can cancel the j.LP into an air throw. * It is also possible to plink throw from Parasoul's j.MK and j.2MK as both these normals can chain into j.LK ===Kara Airdash=== Characters have an airdash lockout period where they need to wait a certain number of frames before they can airdash. You can still use a normal during the lockout, and normals can be canceled into an airdash. This is useful when the normal will alter your trajectory to be lower, improving the frame advantage after the airdash > normal. Peacock can use it with jMK ADC jLP, allowing her to combo off an IAD jLP. Filia can use it with jHK ADC jLK ===Suki Cancel=== Jump startup is 4f and can be canceled by preblock or special / super moves. Preblock can also be canceled into any ground action (except walking/jumping backwards). This will let you block or use attacks out of jump startup. Particularly useful when hitting an assist with a launcher, or jump canceling a backdash. ===Plinking Throw Special Moves=== Plinking a special move with a LP or LK input with another special that uses a similar motion and a LP+LK input is possible with a 2f window. Example uses below: * Cerebella whiff meter gain: Cancel the startup of L Lock n Load into Diamond Drop by inputting 236LP~LK and gain twice the normal amount of meter for whiffing special moves. * Cerebella armored Diamond Drop: Performing run with [4]236LK~LP can give you up to 2 frames of armored run before performing a Diamond Drop. * Fukua: https://twitter.com/softieaz/status/1115308690762919936 ===Alpha Counter Kara Snapback=== https://twitter.com/tossle_sg/status/1366234826664251394 If your assist action is QCF + M or H, you can kara cancel your alpha counter assist action into snap back to blow up certain point reversal + assist call tactics. This is because QCF + M/H inputs have a small window where you can cancel into snap back on start up for leniency. ==Option Selects== ===Pushblock / Backdash Jump Cancel=== Input: 1+PP or 4+PP > 7 (> 1 or 4) If you input pushblock as a reversal or in preblock, you will backdash instead of getting a normal. This OS mitigates the risk of accidental backdash. You will jump cancel the backdash which will immediately put you in a state where you can guard. If they continue attacking and put you in preblock, that will prevent the jump from happening since you're jumping backwards. However you can return to crouch or stand blocking as well. ===Fuzzy Neutral Jump=== Input: 1 > delay 8 > 1 This will block lows/mids, and jump away from delayed attacks. Neutral jump should be used because backwards jump will keep you stuck on the ground if you are in preblock. ===Delay Tech + Pushblock=== <div style="float: right;"> {{#ev:youtube|QHvpJVLu66Y|360}} </div> Input: 1 > delay 4+LP+LK > 4+PP > 1 Use against low / throw mixups. You will tech throws, low block or absolute guard a low chain, and push tick throws out of range. On whiff, a throw will come out, so it's only recommended against low / throw. <br clear=all/> ===Double Jump / Delay Tech=== Input: dj7 > delay LP+LK Characters with double jumps only. You will block meaties, tech throws, or double jump out of delayed attacks. On whiff, a throw will come out. ===Plink Throw OS With Assist Input=== This OS will let you tech throws without getting a throw to come out on whiff. Input: (in super jump or double jump state, during assist lockout, or during incoming) LP+HK > delay 2 frames > LK+MP This OS takes advantage of a few different behaviors: * When doing an assist input, the point character won't do an action. * Doing LP+LK+button won't tech throws, but if you use the kara window for throw inputs (LP~LK or vice versa) you can include another button in the input. * You can't call assist in super jump or double jump state, during assist lockout, or during incoming. If done with a 1f delay instead of 2f, you will get airdash / dash. ===Preblock OS=== [https://youtu.be/BsJ4EiiId7s] [https://youtu.be/YhybGQgf_tM] ===Parry OS (Big Band Only)=== Big Band has a variety of strong option selects that utilize his parry. * Low/Throw OS - Input 2 ~ 5LP+LK (down, return to neutral, delay throw). This will beat lows, getting you a counterhit throw, or tech a throw attempt. Particularly strong because the nature of the inputs lets you exploit the 15 frame parry window. * Left/Right OS - Delay 6 (delay forward input, must be held). This will parry same side mids/highs, and block against crossups. Notably effective against air mixups, since you don't need to worry about high/low. Solid option against characters like Beowulf, who rely on left/rights on incoming setups, and Double, who uses left/right mixups midscreen. Also useful against characters who like to cross-up with their jump-ins, such as Valentine and Annie. * Aerial Strike/Throw OS - Input 6 ~ 5LP+LK while in the air. Similar to Low Throw OS, except you parry forwards. This beats strike (parry into counterhit throw) and techs throws. Useful against incoming setups, since players will often try to meaty throw Tympany Drive. Exploits 15 frame parry window like the Low Throw OS. ==Inputs== ===DP (623) Priority=== * 623 motions have priority over 236 motions. An input of 6236+P will read as 623P * If you'd like to execute a 236 immediately after holding forward, you can input 4 before you input 236 in order to prevent getting 623. ===Charge Moves=== <div style="float: right;"> {{#ev:youtube|Sho1luWaZGk|360}} </div> * Charge times are all 35f. * "← (charge) → moves can no longer end with a ↗ input, separating special moves from a command to jump forward with a normal." * (from Parasoul patch notes) "For 35f after a dash input, ←→←+button and ←→, neutral+button will not perform a special move. This allows dashing normal attacks even after holding a charge. A ←→+button or ←↘+button input can still give a dashing special move. " <br clear=all/> ===Standing 360 Motion=== * "The game will stop you from jumping if it detects you're trying to do a 360 - the jump protection will only come into effect if you start from ← or →." * 360 motion inputs now allow 6f between consecutive directions instead of only 3f, and allow a direction to be held for 6f instead of only 5f, making 360s easier for keyboard and Hitbox players. ===Negative Edge=== Negative edge (performing specials by doing the motion and releasing the move) can be used in certain defensive situations. * If you perform a negative edge reversal, you will not trigger a burst. This can be used to [https://twitter.com/penpen0860g/status/1272502790879731712 counter throw/burst bait 50/50s] and burst baits in general. * If you perform a negative edge reversal and your opponent crosses up your inputs, you will not get an accidental [https://twitter.com/penpen0860g/status/1271990571595214851 button] or incorrect special. ===Buffers=== Reversal buffer after exiting hitstun or waking up from a knockdown: *Specials, Supers, and Throws: 4F *Heavy Normals: 3F* *Medium Normals: 2F* *Light Normals: 1F* Reversal buffer window for exiting blockstun or PBGC *Specials, Supers, and Throws: 2F *All Normals: 1F* <nowiki>*</nowiki>Normal attacks will not be buffered if holding any up direction. Some moves have a large buffer for followups such as Beowulf Chair Toss and Squigly Arpeggio. ===Button Input Priority=== * In general, the game engine gives lowest priority to normal moves and highest to supers (normals < command normals < 2 button commands < specials < supers). * The game engine cannot read multiple inputs from the same button from the same frame, even after reassigning controller buttons or using a macro. Holding a button down effectively locks that button input. * When the game engine reads multiple button inputs on the same frame, it registers the command with the highest priority to the game engine. * For normal moves, button strength determines priority (LP > LK > MP > MK > HP > HK). For example, pressing LK and HK in the same frame will perform a LK. * 2 button commands have priority over a single button command. For example, HK and calling an assist with MP+HK will only call the assist. HK and MK+HP will perform the normal move and call the assist on the same frame. Calling an assist has higher priority than other 2 button commands. LP+LK+MP will register the assist (LK+MP) over the throw (LP+LK) and dash commands (LP+MP). ===More Details=== * The game engine reads special and super move motions with distinct individual directions read for at least 1f. * The game engine registers non-sequential directions, or a sequence that require crossing through neutral, within 8f for a special or super motion. The slowest allowable DP + P takes 16f. The slowest allowable 360 + P takes 28f. * "The game will buffer dash motions entered immediately after a superjump and perform the dash when the character reaches their minimum airdash height." * "The game registers inputs during superflash and passes them to the characters, but the characters will use them to change state only when not frozen. In other words, you can do D,DF,F during the superflash, but you have to hit P after it's over or you won't get a fireball. There's no superflash buffering like in BB or MvC3, it's more like MvC2 or XSF." ==Same Frame Interactions== ===Super Flashes=== If two supers flashes occur on the same frame, P1 will get the super flash first, then on the first frame after P1's flash, P2's super flash will occur. (Example: do Cerebella level 3 on the same frame. This move is active 1st frame after the flash. P1 will make an active hitbox appear, then on the same frame P2's flash will occur) But, only P2 will inflict hitstop on P1. This can be seen by doing two supers on the same frame and having them whiff. P2 will recover (number of inflicted hit stop frames) - 1 frames faster than P1. This can cause some situations where P1 will be stuck in hitstop, P2's super will excecute, then P1's super resumes and the invulnerable frames avoids P2's super, causing P2 to get hit. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjTMA6965oU (video)] ===Crossups=== If you get hit on the same frame that someone does a cross over, you need to block it on the original side. In this image, you can see Filia (P2) has her point cross over to the left, further behind Filia (P1). Most people would expect this needs to be blocked by holding right, but you block this by holding left. This is because the direction you need to hold to perform a block is based off the opponents location before they update their position. So if you hold forward to actually try block this as if it was a cross up hit, you get hit. <div><ul> <li style="display: inline-block;"> [[Image:SG_crossupexample_1.png|500px|thumb]]</li> <li style="display: inline-block;"> [[Image:SG_crossupexample_2.png|500px|thumb|Filia blocked this by holding left, even though the frame it connected hit crossed up.]]</li> </ul></div> <br clear=all/> ==Bugs== Now has its own page: [[Skullgirls/Bugs_And_Glitches|Bugs and Glitches]] {{SG}} [[Category:Mechanics]]
Advanced Mechanics