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Cerebella/Team Building
Cerebella/Team Building
{{DISPLAYTITLE:赛瑞贝拉/组队}}{{PCLinks}} ==援护策略== *'''衔接''': 能衔接Dynamo和Diamond Drop的援护对贝拉提升很大。这两个招式在贝拉玩法中很重要,在版中一般后面很难无消耗衔接。衔接这两个招式能在得手时获得更高收益。 ** 比如版中Diamond Drop(除狼/大乐队):[[双形#Cilia Slide|Cilia Slide]],[[瓦伦汀#Savage Bypass|H Bypass]] ** 比如版中Dynamo: [[大乐队#Beat Extend|M Beat Extend]], [[痛苦转轮#Buer Reaper|M Buer]],[[伊莱莎#Butcher's Blade|Butcher's Blade]],[[菲莉亚#Hairball|H Hairball]] *'''锁定''': 长防御硬直或者出招慢的招式对她也很有用,这样她可以使用通常不安全的招式(主要是Battle Butt)后仍然安全。这样Butt+援护不仅可以作为安全的防御手段,而且也能作为牵制手段,很强。 ** 例: [[Skullgirls/Peacock/Team_Building#George.27s_Day_Out_.28236LK.29|L George]], [[Skullgirls/Eliza/Team_Building#Butcher.27s_Blade|Butcher's Blade]], [[Skullgirls/Robo-Fortune/Team_Building#H_Theonite_Beam|Theonite Beam]], [[Skullgirls/Big_Band/Team_Building#H_Brass_Knuckles_.28default_assist.29|Brass Knuckles]], [[Skullgirls/Filia/Team_Building#H_Hairball_.28default_assist.29|Hairball]], H Drill (Fukua), [[Skullgirls/Parasoul/Team_Building#L_Napalm_Shot_.28default_assist.29.2FH_Napalm_Shot|Tear Shot]]. *'''伤害前置''': 击飞并带有击倒属性的单段伤害援护能给版边贝拉带来巨大的前置伤害,因为贝拉可以把Battle Butt和6HP放在连段前面部分。 ** 例: [[Skullgirls/Big_Band/Team_Building#H_Brass_Knuckles_.28default_assist.29|Brass Knuckles]], H Hurl (Beowulf), Dive of Horus (Eliza), H Buer (Painwheel), Napalm Pillar (Parasoul) ** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bcu0i_qk0Q 样例路线] 使用 H Hurl. ==DHCs== * 对手进版有OTG能衔接Dynamo,版中有合适的援护也能衔接。 * Diomonds (Level 3)伤害高,allows for a follow-up,而且(大多数情况?)被防安全 * 360最后一下打完可以DHC。比如能继续连段的DHC:[[Skullgirls/Squigly#Supers|SBO]], [[Skullgirls/Peacock#Supers|Lenny]], [[Skullgirls/Painwheel#Supers|Hatred Install]], [[Skullgirls/Double#Supers|Beast of Gehenna]], [[Skullgirls/Beowulf#Supers|Airwulf]] (with hype) ==Tagging== ==援护连段== 注: "5LPx2 etc"指可以选择想要的LP收尾,,详见[[赛瑞贝拉/连段#收尾|收尾]] ===H Brass Knuckles=== 用在版边连段中超强,版中也不错。伤害极高(1750),但是有{{特性|伤害缩放|87.5%}} 详细内容可以看SeaJay的视频[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwP2w-CvTMwM47AfJ8EOA88wdOs-CNvrx Bella/Brass YouTube playlist] {{连段谱表头| {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MP 5HP+Brass Kanchou :2MK :jMP jHK :5HP Pummel :2MP 5HP RS :2LK 2MP 5HP RS :5LPx2 etc Dynamo | damage=8900 | meter=1 | location=版中 | charspecific=通用 | description= *Brass在第一个取消链的版中Kanchou连段 *不使用OTG | video=[https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Vg4y197Wb/?t=0.1s (视频)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MP 5HP Kanchou :OTG 2HK+Brass Pummel :2MP 5HP RS :2LK 2MP 2HP :jLPxN jHP :5LPx2 etc Dynamo | damage=8900 | meter=1 | location=版中 | charspecific=通用 | description= *上个连段的不同版本,Brass在第二个取消链 *使用OTG。把cHK换成sHK少100伤害省OTG | video=[https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Vg4y197Wb/?t=19s (视频)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MP 5HP butt+brass :6HP Excella :OTG 5LK dl 5MK dl 5HP Pummel :2MP 2HP :jLPxN jHP :5LPx2 etc | damage=10300 | meter=1 | location=版边 | charspecific=通用 | description= *超高伤害,版边通用 *根据队伍顺序输入[4]6LKHP或[4]6MKHP出Butt+Brass,对于重型角色要在5HP的打击停顿中输入,否则Brass出的太慢 *Excella 5LK目押对重型角色难,尤其是大乐队。把5LK换成5LP能简单点,伤害大概低100 *使用OTG | video=[https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Vg4y197Wb/?t=40s (视频)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :MGR :OTG 2LK 2MP 5HK Brass Pummel :2MP 2HP :jLPxN jHP :2MK :jMP jHK :5LK 2MP 5HP RS :5LPx2 etc Dynamo | damage=7670 | meter=1 | location=任意 | charspecific=通用 | description= *版中MGR连段,版边也适用。如果正在练这个的话,下面版边限定版本也要会。 *jHK后用5LK比2LK伤害高,但是对一些角色需要微冲刺,推荐2LK更稳定。 | video=[https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Vg4y197Wb/?t=62s (视频)]|}} {{连段谱 | notation= :MGR :OTG 2MK 5HK Butt+Brass :2MK :jMP jHK :5HP Pummel :2MP 5HP RS :2LK 2MP 5HP RS :5LPx2 2MK 6HP Copter Dynamo | damage=8244 | meter=1 | location=版边 | charspecific=通用 | description= *版边MGR连段。对于投起手来说伤害很高。 | video=[https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Vg4y197Wb/?t=83s (视频)]|}} {{连段谱 | notation= :DDrop :OTG 2HK Butt+Brass :2MK :jMP jHK :5HP Pummel :2MP 5HP RS :2LK 2MP 5HP RS :5LPx2 etc | damage=8419 | meter=1 | location=版边 | charspecific=除大乐队 | description= *靠近版边时的Diamond Drop连段,伤害高 *360后也适用 *DDrop 2HK对狼是3帧目押,不适用大乐队。推荐狼2HP,大乐队5MK | video=[https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Vg4y197Wb/?t=104s (视频)]|}} {{连段谱 | notation= :DDrop :OTG 2HK Butt+Brass :6HP Horns :2MK Horns :5LK 5MK 5HP Pummel :2MP 5HP RS :5LPx2 etc | damage=8914 | meter=1 | location=版边 | charspecific=轻型角色 | description= *上个连段的轻型角色限定版本 *对投起手来说伤害极高 | video=[https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Vg4y197Wb/?t=124s (视频)]|}} }} ===M Beat Extend=== 自身伤害不太高,但有特别的用处。这时大乐队衔接贝拉DDrop/Dynamo最好的招式,也有OTG 2HK Butt+assist高伤连段部件 {{连段谱表头| {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MP 5HP Kanchou :otg 2HK Butt+M Beat :5MK 5HP Pummel :2MP 2HP :jLPxN jHP :(dash) 5LPx2 etc | damage=9000 | meter=1 | location=版中 | charspecific=除大乐队 | description= * 版中打伤害路线 * 对于Butt+M Beat时机,试试按一下宏键叫援护,再按一下出Butt。版边连段不需要这样 | video=[https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ma4y1d7pF/?t=1s (视频)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MP 5HP Kanchou :6HP+M Beat :5MK 5HP Pummel :2MP 5HP RS :2/5LK 2MP 5HP RS :5LPx2 etc Dynamo :OTG Butt (sparks) | damage=9040 | meter=1 | location=版中 | charspecific=除帕娜索 | description= * 不使用OTG的版中路线,对大乐队适用。对大乐队很难断因为6HP不会空,最坏也就用掉OTG。 * 只有结尾的OTG Butt不适用帕娜索 * OTG Butt对一些轻型角色需要kara 5HK | video=[https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ma4y1d7pF/?t=22s (视频)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MP 5HP delay Butt+MBeat :2MK :jMP jHK :5HP Pummel :2MP 5HP RS :5LK 5HK Copter Dynamo :wait otg 5LPx2 etc | damage=9262 | meter=1 | location=版边 | charspecific=通用 | description= * 高伤实用版边民工连 * 对于大部分角色需要延迟Butt+M来让M Beat只打一下,对瓦伦汀/机猫/大乐队一定会打两下导致更小的伤害缩放,连段伤害减少 * 5HP RS 5LK目押可以把5LK换成2LK,目押多一帧牺牲一点伤害 * OTG 5LPx2通用,但是需要等对手在地上弹一下 | video=[https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ma4y1d7pF/?t=64s (视频)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MP 6HP otg Butt+M Beat :5MK delay 5HP Pummel :2MP 2HP :jLPxN jHP :2LK 2MP 5HP RS :5LPx2 etc Dynamo | damage=9400 | meter=1 | location=版边 | charspecific=通用 | description= * 比上个连段更难确认的起手,增加大概100伤害 | video=[https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ma4y1d7pF/?t=89s (视频)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MP 6HP otg Butt+M Beat :6HP Horns :2MK Horns :5MP 2HP :jLPxN jHP :5LK 5HP RS :5LPx2 etc | damage=10100 | meter=1 | location=版边 | charspecific=轻型角色 | description= * 轻型角色专用把你办连段,伤害非常高,熟练度高了也相当实用 | video=[https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ma4y1d7pF/?t=111s (视频)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :MGR :otg 2LK 2MP 6HP+M Beat run Kanchou :2MK :jMP jHK :5HP Pummel :2MP 5HP RS :2LK 2MP 5HP RS :5LPx2 etc Dynamo | damage=7828 | meter=1 | location=版中 | charspecific=通用 | description= * 版中MGR连段,和单人2LK民工连差不多的伤害 | video=[https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ma4y1d7pF/?t=130s (视频)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :MGR :OTG 2MK 5HK (delay) Butt+M Beat :(walk back) 5MK 5HP Pummel :2MP 2HP :jLPxN jHP :5LK 2MP 5HP RS :5LPx2 etc Dynamo | damage=8000 | meter=1 | location=Corner | charspecific=Universal | description= * 版边MGR连段,也对进版边的DDrop有效 * 对狼和乐队必须要延迟,但是对其他角色可以省略这个延迟使M Beat打两下,多大约50点伤害。对瓦伦汀/机猫/大乐队一定会打到两下 * 如果不延迟的话,Butt后立刻走出版边 | video=[https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ma4y1d7pF/?t=154s (视频)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :DDrop :OTG 2HK Butt+M Beat :5MK 5HP Pummel :2MP 2HP :jLPxN jHP :5LK 2MP 5HP RS :5LPx2 etc Dynamo | damage=8100 | meter=1 | location=版边 | charspecific=除大乐队 | description= * 进版边DDrop连段 * 不适用大乐队,改用上面的连段 | video=[https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ma4y1d7pF/?t=178s (视频)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :CH Dynamo :OTG 6HP+M Beat run Kanchou :5MK 5HP Pummel :2MP 2HP :jLPxN jHP :5LPx2 etc | damage=6500 | meter=1 | location=版中 | charspecific=通用 | description= * 版中Dynamo连段 * DDrop Dynamo起手6.9k伤害 | video=[https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ma4y1d7pF/?t=199s (视频)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :CH Dynamo :OTG 2HK Butt+M Beat :5MK 5HP Pummel :2MP 2HP :jLPxN jHP :5LPx2 etc Dynamo | damage=6600 | meter=1 | location=版边 | charspecific=通用 | description= * 版边Dynamo连段 * 不需要破招Dynamo也能用,一般裸出Dynamo后能接着打肯定破招了 * DDrop Dynamo起手7k伤害 | video=[https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ma4y1d7pF/?t=223s (视频)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :CH 6HP :OTG 2HK Butt+M Beat :2MK :jMP jHK :5HP Pummel :2MP 5HP RS :5LK 2HP :jLPxN jHP :5LPx2 etc Dynamo | damage=11400 | meter=1 | location=版边 | charspecific=通用 | description= * 用于版边骗霸后确反,伤害极高 * 骗霸例子: ** 2MK RS 7jLP* jMP* ** 2HP,竖直跳, 二段后跳jLP* jMP* | video=[https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ma4y1d7pF/?t=245s (视频)] |}} }} ===H Train=== 带H Train纯粹高伤,牺牲立回性能以及其他有特殊用途的援护 {{连段谱表头| {{连段谱 | notation= :5LK 2MP 5HP Kanchou :6HP + Assist Run :5MK 5HP Pummel :2MP 5HP RS :5LK 2MP 5HP RS :5LPx2 2MK 6HP Excella Dynamo :OTG 6HP | damage=10000 | meter=1 | location=版中 | charspecific=通用 | description= * 版中连段,结尾6HP骗霸 | video=[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOy3nB7EV_I (video)] |}} }} ===Cilia Slide=== Clide is one of Bella's best combo assists, especially midscreen. It does a decent chunk of damage by itself (1000), picks up from DDrop/Dynamo, and allows high-damage combinations like OTG Butt+Clide. [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwP2w-CvTMwPbsefBY7FhRjgFexF4vmRY Bella/Clide YouTube playlist] {{连段谱表头| {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MP 5HP Kanchou :(Horns) OTG Butt+Clide :2MK :jMP jHK :5HP Pummel :2MP 5HP Runstop :5LPx2 etc Dynamo | damage=8856 | meter=1 | location=Midscreen | charspecific=Universal | description= *Reliable midscreen combo with solid damage. *Like any Kanchou combo it works close to corner, but not when your back is close to corner. *Optional Horns after Kanchou that adds ~400 damage, only works on lights and some mediums. *Sets up a strong 5LK reset point after Butt+Clide. | video=[https://youtu.be/-NPRDPD5lK0 (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MP 5HP Kanchou :5HP Butt+Clide :backwalk or backdash sMK sHP Pummel :2MP 2HP :jLPxN jHP :5LP 2MP 5HP Copter Dynamo | damage=9193 | meter=1 | location=Midscreen | charspecific=Universal | description= * Optimal but tricky midscreen combo. * The sMK sHP restand is most difficult on lights. Backdashing under them before sMK can make it hit same side and eliminate the spacing problem, but that's also difficult. * Sets up a strong 5LK reset point after Butt+Clide. | video=[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5dsjv2xq_Y (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MP 5HP MLnL+Clide :Kanchou :2MK :jMP jHK :5HP Pummel :2LK 2MP 5HP RS :5LP 2MP 5HP Copter Dynamo | damage=8987 | meter=1 | location=Midscreen | charspecific=Non-Band/Double | description= * A midscreen Kanchou combo that uses a different hit confirm of MLnL+Clide. | video=[https://youtu.be/mOT9req2a0U (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :MGR :OTG 2LK 2MP 5HK Clide Kanchou :2MK :jMP jHK :5HP Pummel :2MP 5HP RS :2LK 2MP 5HP RS :5LPx2 etc Dynamo | damage=7681 | meter=1 | location=Anywhere | charspecific=Universal | description= *Universal MGR combo. *Like any Kanchou combo it works close to corner, but not when your back is close to corner. Can just omit the Kanchou if that's the case. | video=[https://youtu.be/lm-wTtfNAR4 (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :DDrop :OTG 6HP+Clide :2MK :jMP jHK :5HP Pummel :2MP 5HP RS :2LK 2MP 5HP RS :5LPx2 etc Dynamo | damage=7866 | meter=1 | location=Anywhere | charspecific=Non-Beo/Band | description= *DDrop conversion that works anywhere on the screen. | video=[https://youtu.be/7O4w3U00enI (video)] |}} }} ===M Hornet Bomber=== In addition to being a lockdown assist, Hornet Bomber can tape damage and corner carry onto most routes. Bella works with it really well midscreen thanks to her command run. {{连段谱表头| {{连段谱 | notation= :5LK 2MP 5HP Kanchou :OTG 2HK+Bomber run Pummel :2MP 2HP :jLPxN jHP :2LK 2MP 5HP RS :5LPx2 etc | damage=8600 | meter=1 | location=Midscreen | charspecific=Universal | description= * Midscreen combo that looks cool and does a bit more damage than the normal Kanchou bnb. * OTG Butt instead of 2HK does ~200 more damage but is harder / less consistent. * Micro-backdash OTG 6HP is even more damaging / difficult. May not be universal. | video=[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-DbqVk6WBk (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MP 5HP (call Bomber) Butt :6HP Excella :OTG 5LK 5MP 2HP :jLPxN jHP :5MK 5HP Pummel :microdash 5LPx2 etc | damage=9700 | meter=1 | location=Corner | charspecific=Universal | description= * Corner bnb that does solid damage. * Awkward assist call timing to make bomber undizzyless. If it uses undizzy just omit 5MP * 6HP instead of 5HP in first string does +600 damage, but is much more difficult and makes undizzyless bomber impossible. | video=[https://youtu.be/S6xdZ6GbUa4 (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :CH 6HP :OTG 2HK Butt+Bomber :2MK :jMP jHK :5HP Pummel :2MP 5HP RS :2LK 2HP :jLPxN jHP :5LPx2 etc | damage=11400 | meter=1 | location=Corner | charspecific=Universal | description= * Corner air burst bait punish (eg. off 2MK RS 7jLP jMP, or 2HP double jump back jLP jMP) | video=[https://youtu.be/P40dRKxAVsE (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :CH 6HP+M Hornet Bomber :2MK jMP jHK :5HP Pummel :2MP 2HP :jLPxN jHP :5LPx2 2MK 6HP Copter Dynamo :OTG 5LK 2MK 6HP Copter | damage=10734 | meter=1 | location=Corner | charspecific=Universal | description= *Heavy counter hit combo. *Can be a ground/air burst bait punish. *See video description for more details. | video=[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6UwkWbt3DE (video)] |}} }} ===L/H Hornet Bomber=== Like M Bomber, but smaller and bigger respectively. L Bomber hits twice instead of three times. A lot of M Bomber tech can be adapted to work with L/H, with slight adjustments. L Bomber Corner HCH combo [https://youtu.be/ije11LZU-dQ (video)] ===H Bypass=== Probably Bella's best overall combo assist. Similar to Clide in utility, but hits harder (1275) and has more horizontal and vertical range. However, it has much more startup than Clide and doesn't launch the opponent as high, so it can be more difficult to use in some cases. {{连段谱表头| {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MP 5HP MLNL+bypass :2MK :jMP jHK :5HP Pummel :2MP 5HP RS :2LK 2MP 5HP RS :5LPx2 etc Dynamo :OTG 6HP or Butt (green sparks) | damage=9200-9300 | meter=1 | location=Anywhere | charspecific=Universal | description= * Universal and practical combo that does solid damage and doesn't require OTG (though it uses OTG to tack on a slight amount of damage at the end). * Does about 9.2k with OTG 6HP, and 9.3k with OTG points Butt. * Midscreen OTG Butt after Dynamo works on everyone but Parasoul, but requires a kara 5HK on most light characters. | video=[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRaBbhwsf2o (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MP 5HP Kanchou :backdash OTG 6HP+bypass :dash 5MK 5HP Pummel :2MP 5HP RS :2LK 2MP 5HP RS :5LPx2 etc | damage=9400 | meter=1 | location=Midscreen | charspecific=Universal | description= * High damage midscreen combo that is fairly practical. * The backdash is not necessary on Band, Beo or Double, since 6HP will never whiff over the top of their hurtbox. | video=[https://youtu.be/DJf2CZ43xPQ (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MP 5HP Kanchou :microwalk forward Horns :OTG 6HP+bypass :5MK 5HP Pummel :2MP 2HP :jLPxN jHP :5LPx2 etc | damage=9600 | meter=1 | location=Midscreen | charspecific=Lights | description= * Lights-only variation of the midscreen combo. Does more damage for similar difficulty. * Technically also works on some mediums, but is quite tight/unreliable. | video=[https://youtu.be/fO9wyF9Obdk (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MP 5HP Kanchou :6HP+bypass :dash 5MK 5HP Pummel :2MP 5HP RS :2LK 2MP 5HP RS :5LPx2 etc Dynamo :OTG 6HP or Butt (green sparks) | damage=9600-9700 | meter=1 | location=Midscreen | charspecific=Universal | description= * More optimal/difficult version of the above that doesn't use OTG on the Kanchou pickup, and uses it for an extra hit after Dynamo. This makes the pickup much more difficult. * The Kanchou pickup is more difficult on light/small characters. * Does about 9.6k with OTG 6HP, and 9.7k with OTG points Butt. * Midscreen OTG Butt after Dynamo works on everyone but Parasoul, but requires a kara 5HK on most light characters. | video=[https://youtu.be/DrncH605tvQ (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MP 5HP Kanchou :6HP+bypass :dash 5MK 5HP Pummel :2MP 5HP RS :5LK 2HP Excella Dynamo :OTG 2/5LP etc | damage=9800-10000 | meter=1 | location=Midscreen with back close-ish to corner | charspecific=Universal | description= * Version of the above that starts midscreen, but needs Dynamo to end in corner in order to do another chain afterwards. * This combo only applies to a fairly small part of the stage, but you can use Pummel's long animation to decide whether you should go for it. * Does up to 9900 damage with the optimal ender of 5LPx2 2MK 6HP Butt when the opponent is low on health. * If you want to go for absolute max damage while sacrificing meter gain, replacing 2HP Excella with 5HP Copter does 10022 damage with the above optimal ender. * OTG 5LPx2 works on everyone, but you need to wait for them to bounce first. | video=[https://youtu.be/1V9DZTfqdMc (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :2LK 2MP 6HP (call bypass) OTG Butt :2MK :jMP jHK :5HP Pummel :2MP 5HP RS :2LK 2MP 5HP RS :5LPx2 etc Dynamo | damage=10010 | meter=1 | location=Corner | charspecific=Universal | description= * Very high damage corner combo. * The hitconfirm to 6HP is harder because it's slow and if you input it sloppily you get H LNL instead. Also, you need to call Bypass before butt. Everything else is pretty easy though. * If you don't want to do this combo, do the universal anywhere combo with the optimal corner ender (5LPx2 2MK 6HP Copter Dynamo) for nearly 9.5k. | video=[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_RMJHbo06o (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :MGR :OTG 2LK 2MP 6HP+bypass Pummel :2MP 5HP Kanchou :5MK 2HP :jLPxN jHP :2LK 2MP 5HP RS :5LPx2 etc | damage=8100 | meter=1 | location=Midscreen | charspecific=Universal | description= * MGR midscreen combo. * Instant Pummel may work better on larger characters, while small characters will probably need a short run into Pummel. * Pummel needs to be done early enough such that it's a cancel from 6HP and thus doesn't use undizzy. | video=[https://youtu.be/KF_sOODU_9o (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :MGR :OTG 2LK 2MP 6HP+bypass Pummel :2MK :jMP jHK :2LK 2HP :jLPxN jHP :5LPx2 etc | damage=8050 | meter=1 | location=Midscreen | charspecific=Universal | description= * Version of the above that has a more familiar Kanchou pickup, but is less optimal. | video= |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :MGR/DDrop :OTG 5LK 5MP 6HP+bypass Pummel :2MP 2HP :jLPxN jHP :2MK :jMP jHK :2LK 2MP 5HP RS :5LPx2 etc | damage=8200 | meter=1 | location=Corner | charspecific=Universal | description= * MGR / into-corner DDrop combo. | video=[https://youtu.be/i-Mz0yTxwGM (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :DDrop :6HP+bypass Pummel :2MP 5HP Kanchou :5MK 2HP :jLPxN jHP :2LK 2MP 5HP RS :5LPx2 etc | damage=8300 | meter=1 | location=Midscreen | charspecific=Not Beo/Band | description= * Midscreen DDrop combo. * Instant Pummel may work better on larger characters, while small characters will probably need a short run into Pummel. * Pummel needs to be done early enough such that it's a cancel from 6HP and thus doesn't use undizzy. * If the 5MK pickup from Kanchou is weird to you, then you can use the "more familiar Kanchou pickup" MGR route listed above that does slightly less damage. | video=[https://youtu.be/LJbOtDKnlDs (video)] |}} {{连段谱 | notation= :DDrop :Butt+bypass :Pummel :2MP 5HP Kanchou :2MK :jMP jHK :2LK 2MP 5HP RS :5LPx2 etc | damage=8050 | meter=1 | location=Midscreen | charspecific=Beowulf | description= * Midscreen DDrop combo that works on Beo specifically. * It also happens to work on Eliza but there's no reason to do it on her when the above combo exists. * Very difficult, definitely the most difficult conversion listed in this section. | video=[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJCXO3jxuto (video)] |}} }} ==Assist Resets== ==Two Touch Sequences== ==External Links== * [https://sites.google.com/view/sgteamguide/character-overviews/cerebella?authuser=0 Skullgirls Team Building Guide - Cerebella] {{角色导航栏}} [[分类:Team]][[分类:Cerebella]]
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