Combo Mechanics:修订历史



2024年1月10日 (星期三)

2023年12月19日 (星期二)

  • 当前之前 01:042023年12月19日 (二) 01:04Junchnzy 讨论 贡献 34,007字节 +34,007 创建页面,内容为“{{DISPLAYTITLE:连段}}<!--12:14, 10 November 2023 Junchnzy -->==连段== A combo is any series of attacks that are unblockable for the opponent after the first hit. The attacking player can create any number of elaborate combos with the creative use of a few, fundamental mechanics. ===取消=== * Normals and command normals cancel into any special move or super during all start up, active, and recovery frames. Normals that whiff can still cancel to a special…”