
Junchnzy讨论 | 贡献2023年12月18日 (一) 16:49的版本




Valentine is an evasive character with good control over the air game. She has both a double jump and an airdash that moves upwards slightly. She also has air shurikens (j236P) which control the air to ground angle and stalls her air momentum. On the ground, she can backdash which puts her airborne, then cancel the backdash into an airdash by simply tapping forward. This is a strong tool both for evasion and offense, since you can shift your movement forward if they whiff. Doing the fastest possible backdash > airdash > jMP or jHP is a strong way to attack with an airdash up close since it's faster than her IAD. jMP is multi hit with many active frames, and jHP has a good crossup hitbox. It's also worth noting her air hurtbox is very small which passively aids in her evasion ability and makes her feel difficult to catch against a Valentine with good movement.

She has a special mechanic where she loads a vial of poison, then can apply one of three status effects to the opponent on hit: damage over time, increased hitstun, or extra input delay. With the aid of an assist she can load and apply poison in the same combo. Because of that and her limited assist options, she's often played on point.


瓦伦汀is a mobile all-rounder that specializes in whiff punishing bad approaches。
优势 弱点
  • Mobility: Valentine is arguably the most mobile character in the game. She has access to a wide array of useful movement options, especially when in the air.
  • Mixups: Valentine has some very strong resets, and also has access to Orange Vial which inflicts input delay and makes mixups even harder to see.
  • Air Normals: All of her air normals are great for a variety of purposes - rushdown, mobility, mix-ups, pokes in neutral, and defensive utility.
  • Vial Damage: Valentine's damage rockets when her Purple Vial is used, especially at Level 3.
  • Unique Backdash: Her grounded backdash is airborne and airdash cancellable allowing for quick overheads, as well as sometimes high profiling lows. Her airborne backdash can be used to quickly retreat and make herself safe after whiffing air normals.
  • Poor Assists: Outside of one decent horizontal assist in H Bypass, Valentine's assist selection is lacking in variety and options.
  • Lackluster DHCs: No safe DHC, and needs a vial (or 5 bars) to gain access to a combo DHC. Her damage DHCs are decent, but not exceptional.
  • Reversals: No meterless reversal. Metered reversals have notable weaknesses (Scalpels loses to meaties, EKG needs DHC to convert, Counter explodes to throws). Does have a postflash-unactable air super, though (air EKG).
  • Stablity: Some of her strongest combos and mixups can be gatekept by a high degree of jank that is often character-specific in nature. This is true for every character to some degree, but it feels particularly so with Valentine.

