2LK 2MP 5HK 623HP
2LK 2MP 5HK 623HP 236PP
造成置立的一个标准连段。置立后可以选择进行重置,比如2LK, MGR, 最速j2MP, 最速jHP, Kanchou等。
2LK 2MP 2HP jMK jHK OTG 2LK 2MK jMP jHK 2MP 5HP 623HP 236PP
不知道怎么衔接时,2LK 2MK,jMP jHK大概可以。经常也可以替代为2LK 2MP 2HP, jLPxN jHP。
Level 3
Ground throw
Air throw
Diamond Deflector
Conversion Videos
Conversions Compendium (almost every possible assist)
Conversions with Cilia Slide assist
Conversions with M Beat Extend assist
- 和大多数角色一样,有气考虑DHC。Dynamo能DHC连上很多超杀。
- 留着OTG,推进版,用OTG捡起来能在一个连段中使用两个Dynamo。
- Level 3在连段中最好早点用,或者作为DHC。5HP Level 3能作为连段收尾造成更多伤害,但是不太划算。(只比Dynamo结尾多800点伤害)
- 对于大部分角色,在版边Level 3能用jLP jHP衔接,然后使用OTG捡起来。一些援护甚至可以不用OTG捡起来。
- solo贝拉5气连段:早用level 3,不用OTG捡起来。绿条快到240的时候Dynamo打进版,OTG捡起来再用Dynamo。
- 演示: (视频)
- 2MK Kanchou可以把对手打出版边,再接版中伤害更高的DHC(比如大乐队level 3),或者让换边的DHC打完后回到版边。
String | Location | Damage | Meter gain | Meter gain (opponent) | Notes |
5LPx2 5MP 5HP Copter Dynamo | 任意 | 2057 | 0.112 | 0.415 |
5LPx2 2MP 5HP Copter Dynamo | 任意 | 2047 | 0.112 | 0.415 |
2LP/LK 2MP 5HK Copter Dynamo | 任意 | 1962 | 0.127 | 0.467 |
5LPx2 2MK 6HP Excella Dynamo | 任意 | 2057 | 0.242 | 0.454 |
5LPx2 5MP 5HP Butt | 任意 | 1065 | 0.122 | 0.222 |
5LPx2 5MP 5HP Level 3 | Anywhere | 2855 | 0.045 | 0.419 |
5LPx2 2MK 6HP Excella Level 3 | 版边 | 3340 | 0.242 | 0.592 |
2LP 2MP 5HP M LnL Dynamo | Anywhere | 1808 | 0.101 | 0.376 |
5MP DDrop Dynamo | 任意 | 1809 | 0.170 | 0.195 |
5LPx2 2MK 6HP Copter Dynamo | 版边 | 2212 | 0.112 | 0.415 |
5LPx2 2MK 6HP Butt | 版边 | 1220 | 0.122 | 0.222 |
- jLP jHP怎么置立(part 1) (part 2)。视频介绍了一种可靠的3拳jLP timimg方法,不过有的人喜欢先狂按jLP当高度合适时再jLP+jHP。
- 2MK jMP jHK置立的关键是jHK尽可能晚出,对于轻型角色2MK要放帧,2MK后稍微晚跳一点也会更容易。(详细视频教学)
- 骷髅女孩蓄力指令输入原理
- 最速Tumbling Run招式释放方法
- 对于Run Stop目押,在5HP打击停顿中按住6LK+MK或者6LK+HK,等待Run Stop出现,然后目押。(详细视频教学)
- Pummel Horse后不管摇不摇踉跄总能目押2MP。这是5帧目押,但是长延迟和缺少明显结束动作使得它比通常5帧目押更容易失误。试着在帽子回到贝拉头上后短暂延迟一会timing。
- 5LPx2 5MP 5HP Copter Dynamo是标准连段收尾,但是贝拉有很多不同效果的收尾可以选择。详见 连段收尾。
想了解更多连段?Dragonos的播放列表:Cerebella BnB Combos
招式 | 伤害/爆发值 | 伤害 (满修正) | 爆发值 |
DDrop | 31.6 | 632 | 20 |
MGR | 31.6 | 632 | 20 |
Butt (Points) | 27.5 | 550 | 20 |
Copter | 24.25 | 485 | 20 |
H LnL | 19.25 | 385 | 20 |
Butt | 19.25 | 385 | 20 |
Horns | 16.5 | 330 | 20 |
Excella | 16.5 | 330 | 20 |
M LnL | 15.8 | 316 | 20 |
6HP | 14.66666667 | 440 | 30 |
Kanchou | 13.75 | 275 | 20 |
Pummel | 10.5 | 210 | 20 |
2HK | 10.06666667 | 302 | 30 |
5HP | 9.166666667 | 275 | 30 |
L LnL | 9 | 180 | 20 |
5HK | 8.666666667 | 260 | 30 |
5LP | 8 | 120 | 15 |
jLPx3 | 8 | 120 | 15 |
j2MP | 8 | 160 | 20 |
jMK | 6.5 | 130 | 20 |
2HP | 6.333333333 | 190 | 30 |
jHP | 6.333333333 | 190 | 30 |
jHK | 6.333333333 | 190 | 30 |
5MP | 6 | 120 | 20 |
5MK | 6 | 120 | 20 |
jMP | 5.75 | 115 | 20 |
2MP | 5.5 | 110 | 20 |
5LK | 5.333333333 | 80 | 15 |
2MK | 5 | 100 | 20 |
2LK | 4.333333333 | 65 | 15 |
jLK | 4 | 60 | 15 |
2LP | 3.333333333 | 50 | 15 |
招式 | 爆发值 | 能量 | 修正后能量 | 能量/爆发值 | 修正后能量/爆发值 | 修正后对手能量 | 修正后 能量/对手能量 | 笔记 |
Excella | 20 | 20.50% | 18.70% | 1.03% | 0.94% | 18.50% | 1.01 | 双方获得成吨能量。 |
DDrop | 20 | 15.50% | 15.50% | 0.78% | 0.78% | 3.00% | 5.17 | 给对手攒气的比率小。 |
MGR | 20 | 12.50% | 12.50% | 0.63% | 0.63% | 3.00% | 4.17 | 给对手攒气的比率小。 |
Pummel | 20 | 10.83% | 10.83% | 0.54% | 0.54% | 1.00% | 10.83 | 给对手攒气的比率极小。 |
Excella (Assist) | 20 | 10.23% | 9.70% | 0.51% | 0.48% | 13.50% | 0.72 | 作援护攒气比正常少。 |
Excella (2nd) | 20 | 8.20% | 0.41% | 11.00% | 0.75 | 连段里的第二个excella攒气更少。 | ||
Kanchou | 20 | 13.53% | 7.37% | 0.68% | 0.37% | 9.62% | 0.77 | |
Butt | 20 | 11.10% | 6.89% | 0.55% | 0.34% | 6.58% | 1.05 | 在场的贝拉使用Butt给双方大约相同的气。 |
Copter | 20 | 10.91% | 4.84% | 0.55% | 0.24% | 14.65% | 0.33 | |
H LnL | 20 | 12.50% | 4.50% | 0.63% | 0.23% | 12.50% | 0.36 | |
M LnL | 20 | 12.50% | 4.50% | 0.63% | 0.23% | 12.50% | 0.36 | |
Horns | 20 | 10.19% | 4.04% | 0.51% | 0.20% | 9.62% | 0.42 | |
L LnL | 20 | 10.19% | 4.04% | 0.51% | 0.20% | 9.62% | 0.42 | |
jLPx6 | 15 | 8.19% | 1.94% | 0.55% | 0.13% | 10.42% | 0.19 | |
5HK | 30 | 16.67% | 3.33% | 0.56% | 0.11% | 13.89% | 0.24 | 攒一般重击两倍的气。 |
2MK | 20 | 8.33% | 1.67% | 0.42% | 0.08% | 5.21% | 0.32 | |
2MP | 20 | 8.33% | 1.67% | 0.42% | 0.08% | 5.21% | 0.32 | |
j2MP | 20 | 8.33% | 1.67% | 0.42% | 0.08% | 5.21% | 0.32 | |
jMK | 20 | 8.33% | 1.67% | 0.42% | 0.08% | 5.21% | 0.32 | |
jMP | 20 | 8.33% | 1.67% | 0.42% | 0.08% | 5.21% | 0.32 | |
5MK | 20 | 8.33% | 1.67% | 0.42% | 0.08% | 5.21% | 0.32 | |
5MP | 20 | 8.33% | 1.67% | 0.42% | 0.08% | 5.21% | 0.32 | |
5LPx2 | 15 | 5.56% | 1.11% | 0.37% | 0.07% | 3.02% | 0.37 | |
2HK | 30 | 11.11% | 2.22% | 0.37% | 0.07% | 6.94% | 0.32 | |
2HP | 30 | 11.11% | 2.22% | 0.37% | 0.07% | 6.94% | 0.32 | |
6HP | 30 | 11.11% | 2.22% | 0.37% | 0.07% | 6.94% | 0.32 | |
jHK | 30 | 11.11% | 2.22% | 0.37% | 0.07% | 6.94% | 0.32 | |
jHP | 30 | 9.72% | 2.22% | 0.32% | 0.07% | 6.94% | 0.32 | |
5HP | 30 | 11.11% | 2.22% | 0.37% | 0.07% | 6.94% | 0.32 | |
jLPx3 | 15 | 5.38% | 1.11% | 0.36% | 0.07% | 5.21% | 0.21 | |
2LK | 15 | 2.78% | 0.56% | 0.19% | 0.04% | 1.74% | 0.32 | |
2LP | 15 | 2.78% | 0.56% | 0.19% | 0.04% | 1.74% | 0.32 | |
jLK | 15 | 2.78% | 0.56% | 0.19% | 0.04% | 1.74% | 0.32 | |
jLPx1 | 15 | 2.78% | 0.56% | 0.19% | 0.04% | 1.74% | 0.32 | |
5LK | 15 | 2.78% | 0.56% | 0.19% | 0.04% | 1.74% | 0.32 |
招式 | 爆发值 | 能量 | 修正后能量 | 能量/爆发值 | 修正后能量/爆发值 | 修正后对手能量 | 修正后 能量/对手能量 | 笔记 |
Excella | 20 | 22.90% | 19.66% | 1.15% | 0.98% | 18.50% | 1.06 | 给双方攒成吨能量。 |
DDrop | 20 | 15.50% | 15.50% | 0.78% | 0.78% | 3.00% | 5.17 | 给对手攒气的比率小。 |
MGR | 20 | 12.50% | 12.50% | 0.63% | 0.63% | 3.00% | 4.17 | 给对手攒气的比率小。 |
Pummel | 20 | 10.83% | 10.83% | 0.54% | 0.54% | 1.00% | 10.83 | 给对手攒气的比率极小。 |
Excella (Assist) | 20 | 11.62% | 10.66% | 0.58% | 0.53% | 13.50% | 0.79 | 作援护的excella攒气更少。 |
Excella (2nd) | 20 | 9.16% | 0.46% | 11.00% | 0.83 | 连段中第二个excella攒气更少。 | ||
Kanchou | 20 | 19.68% | 8.60% | 0.98% | 0.43% | 9.62% | 0.89 | |
Butt | 20 | 15.30% | 7.73% | 0.77% | 0.39% | 6.58% | 1.17 | 在场的Butt给双方大致相同的气。 |
Copter | 20 | 17.64% | 6.72% | 0.88% | 0.34% | 14.65% | 0.46 | |
H LnL | 20 | 20.50% | 6.10% | 1.03% | 0.31% | 12.50% | 0.49 | |
M LnL | 20 | 20.50% | 6.10% | 1.03% | 0.31% | 12.50% | 0.49 | |
Horns | 20 | 16.35% | 5.27% | 0.82% | 0.26% | 9.62% | 0.55 | |
L LnL | 20 | 16.35% | 5.27% | 0.82% | 0.26% | 9.62% | 0.55 | |
jLPx6 | 15 | 15.00% | 3.00% | 1.00% | 0.20% | 10.42% | 0.29 | |
5HK | 30 | 20.00% | 4.00% | 0.67% | 0.13% | 13.89% | 0.29 | 攒一般重击两倍的气。 |
jLPx3 | 15 | 7.50% | 1.50% | 0.50% | 0.10% | 5.21% | 0.29 | |
2MK | 20 | 7.50% | 1.50% | 0.38% | 0.08% | 5.21% | 0.29 | |
2MP | 20 | 7.50% | 1.50% | 0.38% | 0.08% | 5.21% | 0.29 | |
j2MP | 20 | 7.50% | 1.50% | 0.38% | 0.08% | 5.21% | 0.29 | |
jMK | 20 | 7.50% | 1.50% | 0.38% | 0.08% | 5.21% | 0.29 | |
jMP | 20 | 7.50% | 1.50% | 0.38% | 0.08% | 5.21% | 0.29 | |
5MK | 20 | 7.50% | 1.50% | 0.38% | 0.08% | 5.21% | 0.29 | |
5MP | 20 | 7.50% | 1.50% | 0.38% | 0.08% | 5.21% | 0.29 | |
5LPx2 | 15 | 5.00% | 1.00% | 0.33% | 0.07% | 3.02% | 0.33 | |
2HK | 30 | 10.00% | 2.00% | 0.33% | 0.07% | 6.94% | 0.29 | |
2HP | 30 | 10.00% | 2.00% | 0.33% | 0.07% | 6.94% | 0.29 | |
6HP | 30 | 10.00% | 2.00% | 0.33% | 0.07% | 6.94% | 0.29 | |
jHK | 30 | 10.00% | 2.00% | 0.33% | 0.07% | 6.94% | 0.29 | |
5HP | 30 | 10.00% | 2.00% | 0.33% | 0.07% | 6.94% | 0.29 | |
jHP | 30 | 7.50% | 2.00% | 0.25% | 0.07% | 6.94% | 0.29 | |
2LK | 15 | 2.50% | 0.50% | 0.17% | 0.03% | 1.74% | 0.29 | |
2LP | 15 | 2.50% | 0.50% | 0.17% | 0.03% | 1.74% | 0.29 | |
jLK | 15 | 2.50% | 0.50% | 0.17% | 0.03% | 1.74% | 0.29 | |
jLPx1 | 15 | 2.50% | 0.50% | 0.17% | 0.03% | 1.74% | 0.29 | |
5LK | 15 | 2.50% | 0.50% | 0.17% | 0.03% | 1.74% | 0.29 |
Undizzy Breakpoints after Pummel Horse
- Pummel Horse是贝拉大部分连段的重要部分。
- Pummel Horse后贝拉的连段选择很灵活。
- Pummel Horse提供很多时间看爆发值并决定接什么连段。
- 本段内容给构建连段提供了快速参考,or some ideas of routes to have on deck to use on-the-fly
爆发值 | 连段 |
5 | 2MP 2HP, jLPxN jHP, 2MK, jMP jHK, 2LK 2MP 5HP RS, 5LPx2 etc |
25 | the above but starting from 2HP |
75 | 2MP 2HP, jLPxN jHP, 2LK 2MP 5HP RS, 5LPx2 etc |
90 | 2MP 5HP RS, 2LK 2MP 2HP, jLPxN jLK, 5LPx2 etc |
95 | 2MP 5HP RS, 2LK 2HP, jLPxN jHP, 5LPx2 etc |
100 | 2MP 5HP RS, 2LK 2MK, jMP jHK, dash 5LPx2 etc |
120 | 2MP 5HP RS, 2LK 2MP 5HP RS, 5LPx2 etc |
140 | 2MP 2HP, jLPxN jHP, 5LPx2 etc |
155 | the above but with jLK instead of jHP (annoying) |
170 | the above but without jLK (annoying) |
185 | 2MP 5HP RS, 5LPx2 etc |
215 | 2MP RS, 5LPx2 etc (tight link) |
235 | dash 5LPx2 etc |
240+ | Dynamo |
爆发值 | 连段 |
-15 | 2MP 5HP Kanchou, 2MK, jMP jHK, 2LK 2MP 2HP, jLPxN jHP, 5LPx2 etc |
5 | 2MP 5HP Kanchou, 2MK, jMP jHK, 2LK 2HP, jLPxN jHP, 5LPx2 etc
OR 2MP 5HP Kanchou, 5MK 2HP, jLPxN jHP, 2LK 2MP 5HP RS, 5LPx2 etc |
55 | 2MP 5HP Kanchou, dash 5LK 2MP 2HP, jLPxN jHP, 5LPx2 etc |
65 | 2MP 5HP Kanchou, OTG jHK, 2MK, jMP jHK, dash 5LPx2 etc |
70 | 2MP 5HP Kanchou, walk/dash 5MK 2HP, jLPxN jHP, 5LPx2 etc |
75 | 2MP 5HP Kanchou, dash 5LK 2HP, jLPxN jHP, 5LPx2 etc |
95 | 2MP 5HP Kanchou, 2MK, jMP jHK, dash 5LPx2 etc |
100 | 2MP 5HP RS, 2LK 2MP 5HP Kanchou, walk/dash 5LPx2 etc |
165 | 2MP 5HP Kanchou, 5LPx2 etc |
爆发值 | 连段 |
-45 | 2MP 2HP, jLPxN jHP, 2MK, jMP jHK, 2LK 2MK 6HP Excella Dynamo, OTG 5HK RS, 5LPx2 etc |
-15 | 2MP 2HP, jLPxN jHP, 2MK, jMP jHK, 2LK 2MK 6HP Excella Dynamo, OTG 5LPx2 etc |
25 | 2MP 2HP, jLPxN jHP, 2LK 2MK 6HP Excella Dynamo, OTG 5HK RS, 5LPx2 etc |
40 | 2MP 2HP, jLPxN jHP, 2MK 6HP Excella Dynamo, OTG 5HK RS, 5LPx2 etc |
55 | 2MP 2HP, jLPxN jHP, 2LK 2MK 6HP Excella Dynamo, OTG 5LPx2 etc |
70 | 2MP 2HP, jLPxN jHP, 2MK 6HP Excella Dynamo, OTG 5LPx2 etc
OR 2MP 5HP RS, 5LK 2MK 6HP Excella Dynamo, OTG 5HK RS, 5LPx2 etc |
100 | 2MP 5HP RS, 2LK 2MK 6HP Excella Dynamo, OTG 5LPx2 etc |
120 | 2MP 5HP RS, 5LK (2HP Excella OR 5HP/HK Copter) Dynamo, OTG 5LPx2 etc |
165 | 2MP (2HP Excella OR 5HP/HK Copter) Dynamo, OTG 5LPx2 etc |
185 | (2HP Excella OR 5HP/HK Copter) Dynamo, OTG 5LPx2 etc |
195 | 2MP Copter Dynamo, OTG 5LPx2 etc |
205 | 5HK Dynamo, OTG 5LPx2 etc |
235 | Dynamo, OTG 5LPx2 etc |
240+ | Dynamo, OTG Dynamo |
- jLK jHK (45) (non-shorties only, 通常为中/重型角色专用)
- 能作为jHP置立后再次跳或二段跳招式
- 高角色专用再次跳招式: jLK jMP jHK, jLP jMP jHK (65, 65)
- EL BB DB专用
Trial 1 is a jump-in jMP followed by an ender string. It's okay, but there's no reason not to do one of the beginner combos after a jump-in instead.
Trial 2 demonstrates that 5MP staggers the opponent when it starts a chain, and that you can combo into command grabs by staggering. Both of these things are useful to know, but there are more important things a beginner should be practicing. You can skip this one.
Trial 3 is more or less the same as the last combo listed in the Beginner Combos section, just with a slightly different ender string. Feel free to learn this one if you want, and then move on to a combo that adds a Pummel Horse or jLP jHP restand extension later down the line.
Trial 4 is interesting, but not a useful combo for a beginner. It shows that you can get an otgless conversion off of Kanchou, that 2MK combos into Horns, and that you can hit otg after Horns. However, it's midscreen only, very difficult on Double who requires a microdash, there are better combos off of Kanchou, and beginners shouldn't be bothering with Kanchou combos anyway. You can definitely skip this one.
TLDR: 1 and 3 are the most useful because they are similar to the beginner combos on this page, so you can do them if you want. 2 and 4 are pretty skippable. Skipping all 4 and going right to the beginner combos is fine too.