
Pastry讨论 | 贡献 (创建页面,内容为“ ==Solo== ===Resets=== :Squigly mostly makes use of rather basic resets. Her strength lies in being able to turn almost every part of her combos into a reset point. I will list these resets from the simplest to the most complicated ones. <youtube>2bIBD3dZgUI</youtube> *s.LPx1 into f.HP/c.LK/throw is a common and effective reset. s.LPx1 is +9 on hit and prevents your opponent from hitting you with a jab inbetween. *s.HK into airthrow is the most simple air…”)
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2024年1月3日 (三) 20:12的最新版本



Squigly mostly makes use of rather basic resets. Her strength lies in being able to turn almost every part of her combos into a reset point. I will list these resets from the simplest to the most complicated ones.

  • s.LPx1 into f.HP/c.LK/throw is a common and effective reset. s.LPx1 is +9 on hit and prevents your opponent from hitting you with a jab inbetween.

  • s.HK into airthrow is the most simple airthrow reset she has. Be mindful that you have to stance cancel s.HK to be able to land the throw on Double. You can mix the reset up by doing s.HK into delayed j.LK or s.HK xx Stance Cancel > s.HK.

  • Midscreen Only! s.HK, M Divekick(whiffed), c.LK is a simple crossunder reset. It doesn't work on Beowulf, Bigband and Double. It's not amazing since your opponent can hit you with a falling button during it. Loses to double jumps too.
You can leave M Divekick out all together and use dash s.LK instead for example. This will also work on heavy characters but leave a bigger gap.

  • s.HK, j.MK, j.HP, c.MK is a simple low reset that will catch your opponent upbacking during your air chain. Mix it up with dash f.HP for a riskier overhead.

  • s.hk j.mk full hits c.lk or f.hp(only do f.ho if they respect the reset) different place for a high low reset from an airchain.

  • s.HK, j.LP, j.LK (delay) airthrow is a differnt airthrow reset point. Can be mixed up with using delayed j.MK instead of throwing.

  • Midscreen Only! j.MK crossups are easy to set up and effective. s.HK, (forward jump)j.LP/j.LK, (delayed)j.MK and H Divekick, (forward jump) j.LP (delayed) j.MK and s.HK, j.MK, j.HP (dashjump) j.LK, (delayed) j.MK are the most important examples. To mix your opponent up with going same side instead, simply delay the button less. Crosses up your opponent mid air, making it very helpful aganist characters with strong ground reversals.

  • s.HK xx charged Stancel, j.LK, j.MKx3, j.HK (whiff), M Divekick. Crossup that works both in the corner and midscreen. However it is specific to the following characters: Filia, Peacock, Painwheel, Cerebella, Parasoul (Parasoul requires you to do j.LP before j.LK)

  • s.HK, j.LP ,(delay) j.LK, j.MKx1, j.HP (whiff) sets up a fastfall for Squigly. Note that j.LK is delayed but still has to combo. After this setup you are grated huge frame adavantage while your opponent is in the air which opens up a bunch of possibilities: c.LK (low), f.HP (overhead), microdash s.LK (crossunder), airthrow. The crossunder is midscreen only.
Aganist light it's possible to get this setup after an airloop which makes it even tighter: s.HK, j.MK, j.HP, j.LP, (delayed) j.LK, j.MKx1, j.HP (whiff). Getting the crossup or the airthrow is very difficult with this version however.

  • Corner Only! s.HK, j.MK j.HP, s.LP, c.LK/f.HP simple high low reset in the corner. However it hits some characters during landing recovery and messes up their mashing.

  • Corner Only! s.HK, j.MK, j.HP, s.MPx1, stancel, c.LK will drag the opponent out of the corner and make them land on the other side for a crossup. You can make it land sameside by microdashing backwards. Doesn't work on heavies and Beowulf.

  • Corner Only! s.HK, j.LK, j.MKx1, j.HP, s.MPx1, s.HK (karacancel) xx Stancel, works the same as above but for Beowulf, Bigband and Double. To go sameside leave out the karacancel. Note that this one is a lot trickier than the other version, since it requires precise timing. In general try to delay j.LK and j.HP more than usually. Aganist Double and Bigband this reset leaves you uncharged at no or +1 frame advantage which is pretty poor. Aganist these characters I advice to use this reset when you have charge aviable. (video)

  • Corner Only! s.HK, j.LP, j.MKx3, j.HP (whiff) or H Divekick (uncombo) both variations of this reset will cross up in the corner. H divekick directly crosses up while j.HP causes the opponent to land behind you. You need to delay j.MK has much as possible, timing varies between different characters. This reset does not work on Big Band and Squigly.


There is a way to setup the s.MP vortex for solo Squigly midscreen: (video) Details and notation are in the description. This setup is extremly hard to do and even more so on mediums. Only bother with this if you are already pretty good with Squigly.

Squigly landing recovery setup on Bigband: (video) Requires precise timing but makes it hard for Bigband to abuse his reversals.

Simple burstbait throw setup for solo Squigly: (video) if you are looking for one, grab this. Easy enough to execute, the restand after H Divekick can be a bit tricky since s.LP has to be timed differently, depending on which character you face.

Burst Baits



With many assists, Squigly gets access to her sMPx1 vortex near universally and midscreen, with low undizzy setups. Assists include: M/H A train, M Shadow, H Spiral

